• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
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Austraeoh Fact Checker

"If you are looking for fanfics, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career"

More Blog Posts22

  • 294 weeks
    I'm old

    That night, Rainbow Dash couldn't sleep. So, as always when insomnia hit her, she took to her books.

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    2 comments · 926 views
  • 303 weeks
    Loyalty's Reward

    "How is she, Belle?" Pilate asked between steadying breaths. He slid over and sat at her side. "What does she look like?"

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    4 comments · 561 views
  • 308 weeks
    MRW I've run out of facts to check

    1 comments · 480 views
  • 324 weeks

    Instances of the word "Fart" per story:

    Just going by this you would assume that there has been some variance and that the overall usage has increased over time. However, in graph 2 we factor in the actual story length in a 2D scatter plot:

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    10 comments · 764 views
  • 334 weeks

    All incorrect "A-words" so far

    "Amazing" (Lime Tech)
    "Aaack!" (Ember Speak)

    "Awake" (Pilate)
    "Adorable" (Belle)
    "Austraeoh" (Belle)
    "Abomination" (Shell)

    "Amazing" (Belle)
    "Asinine" (Nightshade)

    "Amazing" (Pilate)
    "Adorable" (Rainbow to Pilate)

    "Amazing" (Rayvinne)


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    5 comments · 677 views

Loyalty's Reward · 9:11pm Oct 1st, 2018

"How is she, Belle?" Pilate asked between steadying breaths. He slid over and sat at her side. "What does she look like?"

Belle gulped and stammered, "She's b-beautiful, Pilate." She smiled sweetly, her eyes moistening. "Smaller than I imagined, and yet like a piece of the sky that was carved out on a clear morning." She sniffled as she ran a hoof through her prismatic tresses, then gently coiled one of Rainbow's wings to her side in a motherly gesture. "I never thought I would be..." She winced slightly. "She... She never thought she'd be with friends again." Belle choked on a happy laugh as a tear rolled down her cheek. "But I think she is." She nodded. "I think she is."

Report Austraeoh Fact Checker · 561 views ·
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