• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
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Austraeoh Fact Checker

"If you are looking for fanfics, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career"

More Blog Posts22

  • 294 weeks
    I'm old

    That night, Rainbow Dash couldn't sleep. So, as always when insomnia hit her, she took to her books.

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    2 comments · 926 views
  • 303 weeks
    Loyalty's Reward

    "How is she, Belle?" Pilate asked between steadying breaths. He slid over and sat at her side. "What does she look like?"

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    4 comments · 561 views
  • 308 weeks
    MRW I've run out of facts to check

    1 comments · 481 views
  • 324 weeks

    Instances of the word "Fart" per story:

    Just going by this you would assume that there has been some variance and that the overall usage has increased over time. However, in graph 2 we factor in the actual story length in a 2D scatter plot:

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    10 comments · 764 views
  • 334 weeks

    All incorrect "A-words" so far

    "Amazing" (Lime Tech)
    "Aaack!" (Ember Speak)

    "Awake" (Pilate)
    "Adorable" (Belle)
    "Austraeoh" (Belle)
    "Abomination" (Shell)

    "Amazing" (Belle)
    "Asinine" (Nightshade)

    "Amazing" (Pilate)
    "Adorable" (Rainbow to Pilate)

    "Amazing" (Rayvinne)


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    5 comments · 677 views

MRW I've run out of facts to check · 5:56pm Aug 25th, 2018

Report Austraeoh Fact Checker · 481 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I really do hope ):( starts back up again soon.

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