• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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Rediscovering old fics I read before I made my account · 5:06am Oct 6th, 2017

I almost entirely forgot that I had (and still have) a folder on my favorites bar that I used to use for keeping track of fics that I liked to read before I made my Fimfiction account. Some of the authors who've written the stories below have been offline for as long as I've had my account, while others are to this day, still updating the same stories that I read two years ago.

...and some of these stories have since been deleted.

EA Pony Through a Human's Eyes
what if human world twilight goes through the potal when pony Twilight forgot to close it?
Pinkie and The Stache · 1.1k words  ·  28  4 · 1.9k views
ENo, please God/Celestia, no!
Pony Flash Sentry visits his human counterpart. It doesn't go very well for either of them.
Clawder · 4.2k words  ·  29  9 · 875 views

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

There's quite a few more stories, but those are mostly by well-known authors such as MythrilMoth and AdmiralTigerclaw.

As for the authors whose stories I just promoted, you're welcome. :trollestia:

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