Have you ever imagined how you would've been if you were born in a different place? With other parents or circumstances? Flash Sentry had. And he had expected anything but this.
Couldn't find a fitting cover art...
Have you ever imagined how you would've been if you were born in a different place? With other parents or circumstances? Flash Sentry had. And he had expected anything but this.
Couldn't find a fitting cover art...
4 likes, 0 views, in the popular stories box.
Lol, I don't know what's going on either.
It had 0 views, 4 in the reader live count and... I dunno :P
6110310 FimFiction, a weird site in many ways.
that is an interesting idea, i like to see the next chaper
*Steeples fingers* Go oooooooooooooooooooooon.
Oh Flash Sentry.
Haven't you heard the old rock and roll saying "If it's too loud... you're too old?
And you probably wonder why no one likes you.
Flash: "...A 'Waifu Stealer' is one of them!"
Seriously though, I like Flash
Why do I get the feeling it's going to be other way around..?
Good beginning so far. You've stirred by interest
Well, you've caught my interest already. Putting this on my watch list.
I like that this is exploring the differences between the two Flashes. Not enough people are doing that and just assume that pony!Flash is just like EQG!Flash. There's potential for a completely different character to be written.
I'll try to make it worth reading!
I dunno, maybe. The modern world might be a tad too much for pony flash.
It's like "Pony and human Flash might be different, but we hate them both!"
I fell of my chair laughing at Pony-Flash kissing Human-Flash

I feel my mixed emotions. My hatred for Flash, reognited, and my newfound like for guarf Flash.
Can't really blame him :P
You'll have even more mixture the following chapters