• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.

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something something upcoming april fools shitpost · 11:33pm March 17th

"Shiiiii-nyyyyyy," Cadance's voice drifted through the air as she searched the apartment that served as her summer home away from the Crystal Empire. "I got some new furniture and clothing that fits your current predicamentttttt!"


Cadance's eyes slowly drifted upward to Tiny Shining Armor, who was currently caught in a spiderweb. Queen Chrysalis buzzed frantically against the window, failing to notice that it was closed with every time that she bonked her head on the glass.

Comments ( 8 )

tiny shining armour sounds like a fun story

I am intrigued.

Did you intend to link the original story to this post?

probably. or alternately i'll just make a new post tagged with what if since it's got the same energy as that fic

Comment posted by Juxtaponition deleted March 18th

As I understand it, you interpreted my question as:

"Do you intend to provide a link in the new story, the one that this blog post provides a sneak peak of, to the story titled 'What If...'?"

The question that I intended to ask was:

"There is a link to a 1001-chapter-long story titled 'What If...' at the top of this blog post. Did you select that story on purpose, or did you intend to select the 35-chapter-long story titled 'What If...'?"

I apologize for an miscommunications that I may have initiated and look forward to seeing more of your work.

Edit: I originally neglected to post the above response as a reply to your message. This has been rectified, so I deleted the redundant comment.

Ohhhhh. Yeah, it was intended since what if 2 hasnt yet built up much momentum.

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.

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