• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen July 11th

I Caboose

More Blog Posts33

  • 338 weeks
    Luna's Gay Adventures Will Continue

    It seems many people have enjoyed laughing at Luna's boner, and given the suggestions from the comments, I've decided to write one more chapter of Luna having a gay olde time. Only one though, I can't see this concept being funny forever.

    What shenanigans will a gay feeling Luna get up to? Will her actions give rise to more boners? We shall see.

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    4 comments · 510 views
  • 379 weeks
    The Magician's Anthology (2/6)

    ⬅️ Blog part 1

    Cover speaks for itself right?

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    2 comments · 734 views
  • 379 weeks

    0 comments · 459 views
  • 381 weeks
    The future of The Undesirables

    'Ello all, Caboose here.

    Ominous title isn't it? Well don't worry, I have only good things to say.

    Pretty soon I will have finished university. No more 10,000 essays or 3 hour exams for me. When that is done you can expect The Undesirables to be back with a vengeance, if sporadically scheduled.

    That's not the future part though.

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    6 comments · 696 views

The future of The Undesirables · 2:36am Apr 8th, 2017

'Ello all, Caboose here.

Ominous title isn't it? Well don't worry, I have only good things to say.

Pretty soon I will have finished university. No more 10,000 essays or 3 hour exams for me. When that is done you can expect The Undesirables to be back with a vengeance, if sporadically scheduled.

That's not the future part though.

See with the time Im soon to have off and all the ideas pilling up in my head, I've decided to see how far I came make being a writer as an actual profession. Which is why I am writing a novel.

Yep, a real book, with words.

And should I achieve a semblance of success writing said book, I will eventually repurpose The Undesirables as an official story, with my own characters taking the place of the ponies.

That will not be for a while though, may never even happen.

But still, if the opportunity arises, why not? A bit of editing, a financial incentive. Anything could happen.

Report I Caboose · 696 views · Story: The Undesirables · #Maniacal laugh
Comments ( 6 )

Huh. That actually might be a good idea (better than the Suicide Squad movie, at any rate). I'd buy it.

4488239 By the time I get around to it Suicide squad would have faded into obscurity anyway, that and so many details will be changed it won't even matter.

Good for you dude! Writing a book is quite a thing.

So, does that mean that Undesirables is discontinued? Or will it be like Masters of The Universe where it was finished then later taken down after becoming Fifty Shades of Gray?

4489953 Undesirables will continue as it is, and maybe a year or so down the line, depending on circumstances, I'll take it down to rework it. MLP will be long over by then anyway.

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