• Member Since 10th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Purple Patch


More Blog Posts222

  • 28 weeks
    I Need To Make Something Clear

    I know I've been very absent lately but I still give advice to writers now and again as PMs. Lately there's been a problem which I need to remedy.

    My OCs are my own.
    Characters such as Cascadius, Colonel Peregrine, Nancy, Blue Murder, Tybalt, Shadowplay, Tungsten and others.

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    0 comments · 144 views
  • 61 weeks
    Putting My Webcomic Out There

    Hi guys. Just to show you what I've been working on all this time.
    Deviantart and Tumblr are a bit...let's say shaky right now in terms of putting your art out there and I've been looking for more specialised sites for my webcomic.
    So I've finally got a Tapas page.
    The Tale Of Cao Aman

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  • 92 weeks
    27 Today And Some News

    Hi everybody. Sorry I've been so distant lately.
    Twenty-Seven years old today...and I'm told I still look seventeen. Don't ask me what my secret is, I'm just as puzzled, but not complaining.

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    6 comments · 180 views
  • 122 weeks
    So I've Heard About The Rings Of Power

    So I'm actually quite looking forward to The Rings Of Power, the soon-to-be cinematic series based on Tolkien's Middle-Earth lore. The Lord of the Rings is probably my favourite film trilogy and, while it's debated to this day, I really enjoyed The Hobbit series.
    And there's something I feel I need to say...

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    2 comments · 340 views

Threadbare · 10:43pm Mar 10th, 2017

Welcoming this friendly-looking fellow to the team.


Report Purple Patch · 360 views · Story: Lost Reflections · #villains #scary
Comments ( 13 )

Scary. Reminds of that one main character of the TV show One piece

4450919 Because of the hat?

4450933 Yeah, I was trying to get a sort of 'Scarecrow' theme to him.

4450936 Indeed.

This is the... "handsome"... fellow who was chasing Rarity in the latest chapter, isn't it?

4450975 Yes, that's what I thought at first

Yeah that's him. He's the Cult of Piggsicorn's assassin.
One of the reasons why he's so messed up in just about every way.

4451069 Well, it's a wonder they can still control him.

4451070 He's surprisingly cooperative when promised a chance to kill.

4451096 good for his contrators. If not then...

4450976 *nods*

4451069 Thought so.
Although I hadn't thought about THAT part of it.

But then again, that whole Sun Phoenix-cursed CULT is majorly messed up!

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