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The creator of the Spiders and Magic universe and concept. Yay, I guess??

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Best of 2016! Top Ten Best (and Worst) Moments of the Spiders and Magic series Poll! · 5:17am Jan 5th, 2017

Howdy, folks! 2016 is in the books, and it's been an up and down year to say the least. We've lost many celebrities and icons. Our country is divided. Donald 'flipping' Trump is President... but the Spiders and Magic series is officially completed after a three-year run. Although, what many people may not realize is that the series made its debut on 09/19/2011 on fanfiction. However, I guarantee I only published one chapter that day and left the story on hiatus for two years before I eventually returned to it. Strangely, I gave up on writing for a while at that juncture in my life. My motivation was just... gone. It wasn't until I sat down with a full pair of seasons of MLP: FIM and some good Spider-Man reads that my motivation came back.

What started the Spiders and Magic series? It was a meme of all things, and it was THIS one.

That's why it's still my deviantart page's icon to this day.

Anyway, I'm rambling. The reason I'm here is because of you all and the endless support you've given. I'll drop a blog thanking those around me, but for now, with the series concluded, I'd like to know what worked in the series (as well as what didn't). Yes, I want to do a Top Ten Best Moments in the Spiders and Magic series and a Top Ten Worst list. However, this poll requires your aid, seeing as the readers judge the series as a whole.

So in the comments, I'd like for all of you to write down your 3 of your favorite moments as well as 3 moments you weren't particularly fond of. I'll accumulate the results and will type everything out in one big official blog. If you can, it's not mandantory, but it'd help if you explain why for your choices. Just so I'll know what to avoid in the Avengers,

Speak freely and honestly, my friends! Looking forward to the results and seeing your thoughts!

Here's a few examples you could use (if you need help).

1.) Twilight Vs. Jameson (why)
2.) The spin-offs.
3.) Trixie's character development.

1.) Peter's guilt complex in Part I (which is ridiculous). (why)
2.) Luna's treatment.
3.) (somepony's) lack of attention



You get the idea. :rainbowwild:

Comments ( 62 )

Here's hoping to the upcoming Spidey movie being spectacularly amazing.

Well the only thing that bothers me is the porno, besides that........nothing else honestly.:twilightsmile:

Well, i'm not exactly someone who likes playing favorites with stuff i love. But i think i can always make exceptions - with this being one of them. So, here i go:

1) Definitely Twilight vs Jameson: Now, of course, i really do like Jameson for a number of reasons: one being that he's hilarious, but also because even though he's a grouch, he's a good guy who supportive of others. But if there's one thing i hate that everyone shares: it's his never-ending harassment of Spiderman when all he's doing is saving the city. He has no real justification for any of this - maybe his wife being killed by a masked mugger could be the reason, but it's not good enough as he should get over it. So seeing Twilight put him in his place was satisfying as hell. Especially since she knows how to handle douche's like him. Just another reason why Twilight's one of best ponies. Though my best pony will always be Shining Armor.:)

2.) The ponies seeing Peter's Life: Seeing the past of a superhero is often times enjoyable. But when the characters of the story get to see his entire history for themselves? THAT'S extremely enjoyable. Having the whole group seeing everything peter went through, and their reactions to everything that happened was really fun to see - and also sympathize with when the sad moments came. But it was still cool having the ponies witness everything that made Peter the hero he is, and always will be.:)

3.) Spiderman's duel with King Sombra: I could probably give many reason for why i liked this moment. But i'll just say that it's because it was an interesting moment between the shadow king, and Spiderman. The fight was good, the apparent foil the two share is intriguing, and the fact Spiderman had to kill him to free him was pretty cool. It was sort of like a Dracula moment, or something like that. And it's a moment i'll always enjoy.

1.) Tirek's wasted potential: Now, i really don't want to criticize anyone here because i really did enjoy the stories. Really i did. But if there's one thing i didn't like in the slightest: it was how Tirek wasn't used to his fullest. The first thing you should know is that i'm a HUUUUGE fan of Tirek. When it comes to MLP, he's my favorite villain out of any of them. So from the moment he first appeared back in the 1st story, i was hyped. Mostly because i was interested in seeing what he would do, and what his dynamic with Discord was. After all, it was clear this was pre-season 3 Discord, so he was still bad. Which meant that Tirek would have to play carefully to play Discord right into his hands. And since we all know he's much more cunning, and manipulative than Discord could EVER hope to be, it shouldn't be that hard. Especially when he reached his main form - the form that allowed him to surpass Discord. And because of his devilish nature, i was expecting him to stab Discord in the back when he least expected it. Basically speaking, i enjoyed everything you did with Tirek: including the plunder-vines use, and his fight in the end. What i DIDN'T enjoy was how he was beaten. I was hoping that he would have a climactic battle with the heroes which would end with him getting something similar to what he did in S4.......but instead, another villain arrived, and basically beat him in a short amount of time. Even killed him with that potion thing instead of just reducing him to a weaker state. I know this is ridiculous of me to say, because it was what you had planned. But it just felt so.underwhelming to me. Especially when Tirek was just killed like that. If anything, perhaps you could've done something like: have the Tirek Nightmare killed be a fake, and when Peter was changed back, have the real him return (basically referencing Darkseid's abilities to make weaker copies of himself). Or at least have him turned back into that old goat, and while peter was fighting Nightmare, have him drain the weakened Discord and Eris of their magic (since i imagine if they were weak enough, Tirek could have drained them.). Or perhaps, have him trick nightmare by feigning loyalty to him - make him think that he'll work for him since he knows he can't win, then when he least expects it: take his power for his own. Then, when Spiderman becomes the spirit of order he can fight Tirek with his new power. ANYTHING. But.........*sigh* to be honest, i really don't want to seem like i absolutely hate how you ended the story. Like i said before, it was a good climax, and one i thoroughly enjoyed. It's just that i didn't like how Tirek was handled: i thought he was the main villain, but he was just one of the secondaries. It's just that how he was used, and his defeat rubbed me the wrong way. I'm just sorry for dragging on like this. I probably seem like i'm whining and complaining considering how long this is. And i sincerely apologize.:(

2.) Discord's overly arrogant nature: Now we all know Discord is an arrogant being. being the spirit of chaos, he's prone to that sort of thing. But to me, the way he carries it out is over-done, and mildly annoying. I mean, he's supposed to be someone we find amusing, right? Well, i'm afraid his arrogance kind of dulled that factor down. Not to mention, the way it made it seem like HE was the main villain of this series. I'm sorry, but.......Discord is NOT the kind of character who can be taken seriously as a legitimate threat. He is formidable, yes: but his personality doesn't make him seem as threatening or dangerous as Tirek is. Now some could argue that Joker is the same way, but here's the thing: Joker could be EXTREMELY threatening as well as hilarious. And as such, he could command a level of authority that usually put him on top as the Arkham Gang leader at times. Sadly, Discord ain't no Joker. Don't get me wrong: i liked him in the first story. He was in complete character, and his interactions with May did indeed explain his character and motives, along with his moment with Adagio after Aria died, and him seeing that he may be taking things too far. But then his Holier-than-thou attitude ruins any real sympathy, AND interest for him. Maybe if that was toned down, and his funny side showed more often, then it would be different. But again, this is just a nitpick I have. I still love the series very much, and nothing will ever change that.

3.) Pretty much Celestia's reluctance to explain the situation with those old schools to Mayday so she wouldn't eventually end up being tricked by Discord the way she was. Her death could have been avoided if she stopped being so fricking paranoid, and secretive! That's why alot of things in the show, AND in this universe happened. So Nightmare killing her was a sort of Karma. Not saying i'm glad she died: i'm just saying i don't like how she was towards Mayday, and her curiosity. That was a downward spiral waiting to hit.

I hope i don't offend you by any of these Worst posts. As a whole i still love the series. I just think these were things that could have been handled alot better in the end. But i'm still happy with what we got in the end. And i hope you keep doing well.:)

I bet it will be

I don't like the. Tuff better Peter and future s wee tie and more mature scenes

Twilight vs Jameson was the peak of the series.

But seriously, three best and worst moments? That'll be tough, but I can be in-depth if it helps.

My number 1) Peter and Twilight's character development and romance in the series: Seeing Twilight go from the anti-social bookworm with a small group of friends to loving wife and mother was surprising to see. And Peter, thanks to being a fanfiction, we're allowed to see him grow up and mature, moving past his guilt and actually settle down was great and something we won't see in the main comics for a long while (I love the current Spider-Man run for the record, but it's a welcome change. Have you read Dead No More or Renew Your Vows out of curiosity?)

2) The Fall of an Empire/The Other: Kinda tough to decide for me, mainly because both arcs involve Spidey on his own against tough odds. For a random god of chaos, Discord really thought out his plan. Day by day, wearing down each of Spidey's allies one by one, until it was just him against the Sinister Six and Tirek, which proved horrible due to the injuries sustained adding up which was clever. The Other because it shows how willing Spidey is willing to go for his family, taking on Morlun, nearly dying and releasing the Nightmare within him. Heck, Morlun was a great threat due to his short yet effective presence.

3) The Fall of Spider-Mane Arc: This was it. The final battle. It was supposed to be the heroes against Discord, Tirek and the new Sinister Six. Everything led up to this point. Seeing the heroes in their darkest hour and Spidey succumb to the Future Nightmare, redeeming it with the memories of the good times he had in Equestria was great, showing how everything came together through his beginning there, the life he made, the trip to the future changing him, and this final battle making him a new man.

Now the worst things imo.

1) Mayday's behavior in the final act of Part IV: Now, this was something that was built up to throughout the course of the story. It's been long established that Mayday was a rebellious child, and after hearing Discord's words about Equestria being stagnant, she believed his morals and not so much his actions at first. It took until the final battle where she decided to ally with him and stabbed her own father. It makes sense for her since she believed it to be for the greater good, but she should not have fully gone through with her role in the plan. I remember reading your reasons why and I understand, but it still kinda bugs me.

2) Peter's constant guilt and inferiority complex back in Part I: The one thing that is constant with Spider-Man in every incarnation is his guilt. It's what drove him to be Spider-Man and drives him to be better. But it shows in full force in Rise of Spider-Mane. Then again, he hasn't moved on from Gwen at that point, but he'll always put himself down at every given opportunity he could and remind himself and others how much of a so-called failure he was, despite the ponies knowing the opposite from his memories. He may be humble, but he insults even himself all the time and looks back on his mistakes every moment. Glad to see he moved on from that though. And even so, at least he still acted like his old self.

3) Carnage being underused: Now this may be personal bias on my end, mainly because Carnage is one of my favorite Spider-Man villains next to Goblin, Doc Ock, and Venom. We've seen plenty of the Sirens develop in Part IV, Venom had an arc, Goblin was the villain in Part I so we've seen him enough, Tirek and Discord were masterminds and acted, and Electro's not really interesting on his own imo. But Carnage could've done a little more as a threat. I'm not saying Maximum Carnage levels of main villain, but maybe just a small arc, or even sharing spotlight with the Venom arc. He showed up in the Crystal Empire in his only solo fight partway through, joined the team to fight Spidey twice and then died in the final battle. In my opinion, he could've done just a little more than what we saw, but that's just a small nitpick for me.

At the end, it's still a well-written series with an awesome community and lore that really makes it stand out. Looking forward to Shattered Dimensions!

My Top 3 Best
1. "Two Spiders, One Web" (Part IV)
This has to be my favourite arc in Part IV. Peter meeting Spider-Gwen and seeing these two 'reunited' as the Spiders and Magic saga comes full circle. From their cute banter and chemistry reminiscent of Spectacular Spider-Man and the Marc Webb films that I like. And Peter and Gwen making fun of Twivine, that was very funny!
2. "Fall of an Empire" and "The Fall of Spider-Mane" arcs (Part IV)
The Fall of an Empire arc for it's step by step build up of Peter taking on each member of the Sinister Six to his inevitable defeat by the full group and "The Fall of Spider-Mane" arc for the final battle against Tirek and his army, the Return of Nightmare Spider and the final battle within Peter's mind against the Present Nightmare (reminiscent of his mind battle with the Venom symbiote).
3. "World Famous" and "Celebrity Treatment"
It was interesting seeing the cast go watch a movie of their fictional selves and attending a convention and seeing how much popular they are in the real word. Not to mention that Stan Lee cameo!

My Top 3 Worst
1. Peter's guilt complex and constant reminders of Ben and Gwen's death (Part I)
I don't really need to explain why, God knows we already know. So I'll just sum this up with this (1:53 to 2:11)
2. Mayday's behaviour towards the end of Part IV.
I wouldn't necessarily call this a terrible choice to forward her character development, but the fact that Mayday starts getting all angsty towards everyone, mostly her own Father (coldly stating that Peter was just someone pretending to be her father) and Eris (who she turns on even after all the former has done for her and her family), and then makes this irrational choice to stab her own father (listening to Discord's advisement) despite all the warnings about Discord's deceit while in the middle of a warzone for God's sake just makes me angry and appalled, even if she was just a child then. She could've at least held some sense of regret after the harsh thing she said to her father and maybe start to have some hesitation going forward with Discord's plan.
3. The underused focus towards the villains such as Goblin, Electro, Carnage and Tirek in Part IV
Despite being among the role of main antagonists, not really any of the above do much in the story other than during "Fall of an Empire" and near towards the climax, wished we could've seen more development put into them. Most of the focus has really been on the Sirens and Discord and the build up to the Nightmare's return. Well I guess that's the problem when you have so many villains in one story, there's so much that its hard to put so much focus into all of them, and as soon as they do appear, they just come and go (:ajbemused: I'm looking at you "Spider-Man 3" and "ASM2").



While I understand You are disappointed with the use of Tirek, I'd like to point out that you should take a step back and look at exactly what you are saying.

Now I'm all for criticism, and much of it is well deserved, too. (Looking back, we could have done a lot of things better.) However what you are suggesting with Tirek falls under "Fan Bias." Where someone or something that you are a big fan of isn't used or doesn't live up to what you personally wanted it to be.

However Tirek was never intended to be the big bad from the beginning. He was just ment to look like it. (especially with the fact of how he tricks and backstabs Discord in the show. That people would expect that.) But what fun is there in complete predictability? :raritywink:

There was a much bigger threat lurking in the shadows within Peter. An older, wiser Nightmare from the future that had learnt form others mistakes. We all know how dangerous the nightmare can be in the right host. Now make that Nightmare more experienced and smarter, and you have a truly dangerous antagonist. One that watches all the hands being played while staying out of sight until the moment is right to seize everything.

The Future Nightmare was two steps ahead of everyone on the playing field. Because you cannot plan for what you don't know exists, but they can plan for you. This is why the Future Nightmare was so powerful, and why it mopped the floor with Tirek. Neither Tirek or Discord were counting on the presence of a second Nightmare, but it was for them.

I've made a lot of pictures inspired by you. Heck even a video.

My favorite moments would have to be...

-twilight confessing her feelings to Peter.
It was one of best touching moments I've ever read.

- the spin offs.
So much inspiration that gave so much people the idea to give their take. You have created the Spiders and Magic universe.
-Twilight vs Jameson.
Twilight was so pissed off of JJJ. I'm glad she took over the bugle for a while.
-The memories shown
One of best and favorite moments from part 1. Showing all of Peter's memories as Spider-Man.
-Pinkie Pie vs Chrysails
I'm surprised that Pinkie Pie wants revenge on Chrysails for killing not just her family. But also her sister Maud.

That's all my favorite. I have so much more. But I don't want to rant on.

Anyways can't wait for the Avengers. pre01.deviantart.net/6e97/th/pre/f/2016/294/0/a/avengers__equestria_s_real_mightest_heroes_by_alvaxerox-dals2b0.png

Ok, time for me to go on a little rant. :rainbowdetermined2:


1) The Parker-Sparkle Family. The main reason why I liked Spiders and Magic is the family. Peter x Twilight It's arguably my favorite crossover couple, beating out even Sonic x Rainbow Dash for me (and led to me ditching MLP x Sonic characters in favor of MLP x Marvel), and I like their romance. I know you said you didn't like the build-up to it, maybe it could have gone better, but given Peter's character at the time, maybe he was just grateful that someone showed him some affection. I'd like to see a small 'remake' of how it could have been better but I still liked it. But it's also their family that I grew to really like, with the idea of Trixie being there, seeing Spike and Aunt May, and their children, Mayday, Ben and eventually Gwen Reilly. Now Sonata is part of that family, making it seem much bigger, and a cuter family to see. Peter and Twilight are such a good match for each other because of their similarities yet differences. Kinda wish it wasn't the only couple in the story (I don't count Lunar Spider since that's an alternate universe), but it's still a favorite.

2) Mayday. I like character that have potential, from Gohan in Dragon Ball Z (before it seemed kinda thrown away until now with the upcoming Arc in Super), Tails from the Sonic games, even seeing Robin become Nightwing. Mayday is such an interesting character, she's adorable yet sassy, she's confident but very nice and respectful. She has her moments, but what character doesn't? Despite her not wanting to be a hero, she's now part of The Avengers, and I mostly look forward to seeing what she can do. I know she was said not to be interested, but part of me hopes to see her in a romance arc soon, I can imagine someone like maybe Pound Cake or somehow Franklin Richards, being attracted to her and like her father, can be too oblivious and like her mother, only care too much about something else at first (instead of books, technology). Still, I hope she has moments that continue to amaze and Equestrian Avengers continues her character arc.

3) Awesome Battles. Every story had a satisfying Final Battle, whether it was The Harmony Avengers against The Green Goblin in The Rise of Spider-Mane, Peter and The Future Warriors against Queen Chrysalis in Days of Friendship Past and the big fight against Tirek and his allies in the end of Fall of Spider-Mane. Not just the final battles, all the other battles were great, such as Peter vs. Sombra, Peter vs The Sinister Six (that little arc), Twilight vs Venom Luna, Peter and Gwen vs Twivine, Peter vs Morlun and also the stuff with Deadpool. The stories are a good combination of Slice of Life and Action, just like many good anime. That I like.


Note: I say this with the utmost respect and out of love.

1) Peter being disconnected from his world. Even if this is a Spider-Man crossover, part of Spider-Man's charm is his interaction with his fellow superheroes. Seeing them not too involved seems like a waste. In the first story the other heroes only met Twilight and a couple of others, and even then it was mostly Logan that interacted with them. Human Torch may have been Peter's rival at the time but considering that they do turn out to be the best of friends in the main comics, I wish there could have been a moment between Peter and Johnny. Thankfully X-23 is part of Equestria Avengers, but I still feel like keeping Peter away from his world forever seems like a waste. Especially with that whole confusing One Day in Equestria is Two Weeks on Earth. If time needed to pass, maybe just have Peter in Equestria for a year, that gives him more time to have a relationship with Twilight and allows for everyone on Earth to miss him more.

2) Chapters 31-32 in Fall of Spider-Mane. They really hurt the tension of the story honestly. I don't like when some shows do that, saying 'Oh we're fictional in this world'. It seems a little odd and out of place to put in the middle of the story like that. As a spin-off or side chapter then it's fine, but those chapters could have been used to develop other characters. I get it's Slice of Life and supposed to remove tension, but that's overdoing in. Instead of a nice Mayday and Ben bonding moment, we see Peter seeing a movie about himself (Not even one of the best movies), the (IMO) forced Peter again feeling guilt about Gwen Stacy (I thought that had already been resolved in Part I and early in that same story), Felicia being a total skank to Trixie and humiliating her, and Peter not feeling like he's a good role model for his daughter (even if that had little build up in the first place). I feel like that was used just so that Ben could end up with a toy of The Green Goblin (I still can't get over how stupid Twilight was for buying him that.) Those chapters just seem like a waste to me, a shame because I know that could have been better.

3) Peter's Charisma. I get that Peter is supposed to be well liked among girls but it got a bit too repetitive at times. Eris seemed kind of forced almost (Doesn't help that her character isn't really unique, just a combination of Discord, Black Cat and Trixie). Chrysalis also seems kinda weird (especially considering the main show itself reveals that Chrysalis was the only Changeling who refused love through friendship, despite the rest of her Changelings able to do so.) Considering what Chrysalis did to Peter in that future, why would he be so willing to befriend her? I know it's alternate timelines but it seems kind of weird. It'd be like if Trunks in Dragon Ball would go out of his way to befriend the 17 and 18 of the main timeline, they may not be evil but he did seem a little uncomfortable around 18, I don't think he'd be too eager to befriend her. The fact that all three Sirens fell for Peter's charm in the end also seemed a little non-interesting. Sonata, sure, Aria, maybe, Adagio, a bit too much but oh well. Now even Ember had those moments (even if she's a little resistant). Derpy could have been cute, but considering she's a mother (which never made sense, I know it's a fan thing but the show indicates she's about Rarity's age, how could she be a mother to a filly Dinky's age if Dinky and Sweetie Belle are close to each other's ages?) It also got weird during that part on Earth where Peter's around all these girls and their adjusting to human bodies, and the constant teasing. I mean his son and daughter are there, and I'm sure Mayday wouldn't like how much these other girls seem to be flirting with her dad, it's like they don't even care about how Peter's daughter feels.

That's all I have to say. I could have other dislikes, such as Twilight's character in the What If? story (and the plot itself since Luna had been a tad annoying in the main stories), but I might grow to like both that and the Lunar Spider pairing. It took me awhile to understand and appreciate (and somewhat like) the moment in DoFP where Peter got intimate with Future Sweetie Belle (I just wish Peter had a reaction to the Sweetie Belle of his time).

Also, another worth mentioning moment. Peter forming a herd with Luna, I didn't like it at first, then I started to like it. Then it was removed, I didn't like that at first, then I started to understand why. But still, I really wish I knew where that could have gone. It would have given me hope that Twilight in What If? could have her happy ending.

For what it's worth, the NSFW stuff is not always so bad, but it can get a little repetitive. It could use some more aside from just Peter with Twilight, Luna and Zecora. I mean where's Future Sweetie Belle? What about Mayday? GIve her a guy all her own.

I have more I could say, but I only got a limit of three for both (I covered most of the dislikes, but nowhere near all the likes). Even if I kinda put some 'Honorary' Mentions, I'll need more words to really state how I feel.

4370088 Ah, damn it: you're right. Guess i didn't consider that. Okay, i'll concede to all that. I guess i just felt disappointed because i know Tirek is a far more interesting character than that. But i DO understand your methods, and reasonings. After all: i know fully well how dangerous an enemy we didn't even know was there can be when they finally make their return. A few come to mind, but i can't really name them. But either way, thanks for clarifying with me on the matter. Though i still feel Tirek was a little bit overshadowed by the likes of Discord, and such. I hope you understand.:)


1) The Gwen and Peter vs Twilight fight. I just thought this fight was really funny. Call me immature, but it was enough to make me crack a smile and laugh. Definite bonus points for this one.

2) Slice of life interactions. The writing is really, really good at portraying the characters in non-action situations, just interacting as frineds and family. This is only number 2 because the whole waifu thing bothers me a little bit, but I'll still put it as one of the better parts of the story. This is part of the reason why I really liked the second story.

3)Starlight Glimmer's manipulations up to now have been really cool, reminding me a lot of Yami Bakura in that she plays the role of a minor villain while having larger designs. This is more a like for the hype of her return, but even so, it gets one of the best stuff for me.


1) Peter's greatness. Maybe this is just me, but I'm a huge stickler for keeping a character's power relatively intact. Peter in this story, though I know isn't the same as his 616 self, is utterly broken in terms of power and this makes all of the threats seems relatively...irrelevant. He stomps a mud hole in Venom, handles Carnage decently enough, and tore Morlun apart, all of this before even getting Dream. The power scaling is kind of absurd, and just feels like I'm reading a story about some other character rather than Spider-Man with how OP he is. I'm more familiar with a street tier Spider-Man, not one who punches mountains apart. But the power scaling isn't all, it's also how every single female in the story fawned over him initially. I get it, he's likable, but to have quite literally every single named female character(except Celestia) want to be with him at some point or another is...yeah. Also, the friendship no jutsu thing he has going is kind of irritating, as is the fact that he's basically now a cosmic protector(please leave that to Silver Surfer)

2) Mayday stabbing Peter. This really made her into an unlikable character for me. Extremely so. The fact that she shows no remorse for it at all just made the whole thing feel like she was some cruel lunatic. She's old enough to know better than to stab her own father, and how quickly she was forgiven...ugh, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was half wishing she'd have gone truly evil so she'd have gotten a beating for doing something so cruel.

3) The entire Nightmare plotline was just...mishandled. It retconned Peter sleeping with Sweetie(something that I felt kind of helped out with cutting down on his perfection, though at the same time continued the "every mare wants to sleep with him" thing) in a really awkward and unforeshadowed fashion. To be honest, the Nightmares are already way too much like the symbiotes as it is, and feel like a rehash for every single time that it happens(I think it's like five evil corruptions that have happened? Symbiote or nightmare, it's basically the same). The Nightmare just shows up as a Diabolus Ex Machina at the most random of points in order to steal the villain spotlight or bail Peter out. The absolute quickness with which Dream was redeemed was a bit annoying as well.

Comment posted by Marvelsoldier deleted Jan 5th, 2017

4370334 Only thing with Mayday is that it's stated that (in canon), she's asexual. She's not attracted to guys or girls. Some people are like that, where they just aren't sexually or intimately attracted to people. That's Mayday in this case. A girl's that single and is quite happy being single. That's why there was a joke at the end of Part IV, where Trixie made fun of Mayday, since the only guy she tends to like and tolerate on a personal level is her father. So, yeah. Sorry. Mayday is meant to be single. Simple as that. (Excluding the xxx stuff. Have at it in that case. It's not canon. :rainbowwild:)

I know you didn't like it that we disconnected Peter from Earth completely, but that was the entire idea of Part I (to have him move on from his old life on Earth completely). Yeah, Peter and Johnny are best friends in canon, but at the time of Gwen Stacy's death and before, Peter and Johnny did NOT like each other at all. The setting and focus of the story is on Peter's relationship with the Equestrians. And with the time span thing, it's clear that everyone he knew has passed on. So there's that.

I understand your feelings on ch. 31-32, but hear me out. This entire series has tackled the Multi-verse theory several times. We know Peter is from Earth 672, a neighbor to the 616-verse. Then we have the neighbor-rule63 verse. We have the future verse. So somewhere, there's always a verse where a character meets their literal maker. It was more of a way to lighten the tension and to pay homage to the 90s animated Spider-Man series, where the final episode was of Peter meeting Stan-Lee in a universe where Spider-Man was a storied franchise. I think you're overthinking it since Spider-Man is known for interacting with MANY universes, including those where he's a fictional character. It's simply multi-verse theory. He's still very real. It's just in a different universe, he's fictional. Like in another universe, he's dead. The list of possibilities is endless when it comes to multi-verse theory.

All right, as far as your comments about Chrysalis is concern, that bugs me a little. Yeah, we know future Chrysalis did unforgivable things, but the present day Chrysalis didn't commit those sins yet. It's a different person. And Peter's character is about a guy that gives everyone a second chance. From your logic, it sounds like you wanted Peter to go back and kill Chrysalis for things she didn't do. Also, these chapters were written LONG before the recent season finale came out, revealing Chrysalis's origins. We'll just say multi-verse theory again.

Plus, all three sirens didn't fall for him. It was ONLY Sonata. Aria just thought he was a decent guy upon talking with him. Sonata hung out with him AFTER he saved her from Glacius. Adagio only TOLERATED Peter after Sonata managed to reason with her.

In terms of Peter's charm, it's taken from the comics and headcanon. Heck, Johnny Storm mentions it in the comics a few times. "Why is it that Peter Parker is surrounded by some of the most beautiful women in the world?"

That's Peter's trademark luck. It's bad but good. We know how bad the luck can get, but it's good on the fact that Peter unknowingly has a monster harem. :ajsmug::raritywink::heart::twilightblush::trollestia:

4370087 4370055 I can understand your gripes on the lack of villain development with Electro, Goblin, Carnage, and Tirek. However, we believe it's because the attention was needed elsewhere, and there were MANY characters to tackle. We had to to focus on Peter's quiet descent into madness (seeing as he was the protagonist AND the unknowing antagonist), Eris and Discord's ethics, Mayday's conflict, and everything centering around the sirens. We were stretched thin. However, some of the character motivations were already there. Tirek was straightforward. Goblin was already somewhat developed from Part I. Electro, on his own, is relatively... bland as a character. And we have Carnage, who is very interesting, but his motivations usually fall into 'ME WANT BLOODSHED'. :pinkiecrazy:

Sadly, I think I got that from the MCU movies. Let's face it. The MCU movies are awesome, but their weakest points are usually the villains (with the exception of Loki and even then, he gets his ass kicked so much.) :facehoof:

4370048 Derpibooru and MANY other areas. PM if you're interested. :coolphoto:

4370382 Are you sure? Let's look back. In the Venom fight, Peter was beaten to complete hell and was forced to go all out. Plus, that was the fight that started the gauntlet, where Peter fought each member of the Sinister Six. He was still injured from his fight with Venom during all of that.

He didn't handle Carnage well at all. He had Shining and Cadance with him the first time. Even then, he broke a his own hoof and his gauntlets were destroyed in the fight.

Morlun. Were you reading that fight? :applejackconfused: I mean, Morlun kicked Peter's ass up and down the street, ripped his eye out, and beat him to near death. It was only because of a distraction that Peter escaped to find Mayday. Even then, Morlun was on the verge of killing Peter. If not for Mayday's intervention, he WOULD have. Really, seeing Mayday get hurt was the only reason Peter won. He accessed dark magic (unknowingly), healed his wounds, and it was the dark magic that tore away at Morlun's body.

I think, you're too used to Peter holding back in canon. Spider-Man is QUIETLY one of Marvel's strongest superheroes when he doesn't hold back. He's WAY above street-level when he puts his head to it. Watch Death Battle. They even say Spider-Man can be pretty ridiculous in terms of strength and output. "That damn Spider Sense changes everything."

As far as Dream goes, it's already been hinted that with Dream, he can use magic, but he can't use his spider-sense at the same time. THAT's a HUGE weakness. It just hasn't been exploited yet.

Mayday, huh? Well, it's easy to forget, but she was ONLY ten years old in this story. Kids can be easily manipulated with the right person whispering in their ear. Plus, she took in to account her father's healing factor. She wasn't trying to kill him. Just trying to get him to stop (which it did, even if it HORRIBLY backfired). She has shown remorse since then, and it just shows that even the most likable can make HORRIBLE decisions. We're only human.

But hey. At least, she didn't exchange her father by making a deal with the devil, right? :twilightoops:

It's ALMOST like you WANT to call Peter a Gary-Stu. I mean, I get it. He's held in VERY high regard, but this has been HORRIBLY flawed throughout the whole story. He literally spent the whole time in Part I SULKING over his dead uncle and dead ex girlfriend. Plus, he was constantly brow-beaten by the media.

So in Part II, we have him grow from that. He's back to being a FUN character. However, he still makes stupid decisions. Everyone calling him an idiot is rightfully justified in the series. Peter's super intelligent, but he's a moron at the same time. I think the girls like him because he's just a nice, genuine guy. I've seen women in the Spidey fandom LOVE Spider-Man for that reason. He's a honking dork, but he's a super nice guy. Even in canon, Peter has a harem.

It's on record that Peter Parker in the 616 has had more official girlfriends that ANYONE else in comics: Gwen Stacy, Liz Allen, Betty Brant, Carlie Cooper, Carol Danvers, Jessica Drew, Mary Jane, and MANY others. Peter's harem in the Spiders and Magic series is an homage to THAT. Heck, like stated above, Peter's harem is so noteworthy that Johnny Storm mentions it.

I know you don't like how often the symbiote and Nightmare were used, but think about it. Those things were pivotal to the series as a whole. The symbiote and Nightmare were why Peter and Luna got along so well. It was the Venom symbiote, when it possessed Luna, that KILLED Peter back in Part I. And it was because of Luna giving Peter her essence was why Nightmare got into Peter as well back in Part I. The Nightmare was the driving force of Part III and why Peter went down such a dark path. And all of Part IV, once again, the Venom symbiote had a hand in a few incidents (Blueblood, taking over Twilight AND Luna, and giving Luna a final chance to redeem herself when she banished it to the moon).

Plus, throughout the end of Part III and ALL of Part IV, the Nightmare was constantly pulling at Peter's thoughts. So it didn't come out of nowhere. If anything, the series LED up to that moment. You think Peter's character was bailed out, but it wasn't. This is a character that STILL beats himself up over everything. Just because he didn't CHOOSE to sleep with Sweetie didn't stop him from doing it (physically). Granted, Nightmare took over his body to do the deed, but as far as PETER knows, he still committed the taboo.

Now, does Peter have a harem? Yes, but he doesn't instigate it. A big part of Spiders and Magic in general is Peter's LOYALTY to Twilight. Do you see THIS Peter doing what 616 Peter did and trading Twilight to the devil? No.

Peter has grown from an angsty teen who constantly hates on himself to a mature, loving father and husband with a strong moral compass.

4370433 Wait I'm confused. How does being Asexual stop you from wanting a relationship? Isn't their such a thing as a relationship without the sex? You don't NEED to be attracted to someone on a phsyical level to like them and want to be with them.

4370441 I suppose. The point I'm TRYING to make is that Mayday is a girl that just doesn't seek out relationships of ANY type. There ARE people like that.

4370461 Then I guess we are both right. There ARE people like that. On both accounts.

Masterob brought up some good points... in fact, everyone has been. So if I rehash some ideas, forgive me. Also, when I hit on the dislikes, I might be hurting some feelings.

1. Twilight and Peter's relationship.
Throughout the series, I've seen the two grow and overcome obstacles. Their dynamic is beautifully portrayed (humor, pain, love, etc.), to see them raise a family, support each other, all of it is heartwarming. And to see them develop from their established personalities was enjoyable. Not just remain as they are, but change into something greater while staying true to their nature. All through the power of their love.

2. Redemption.
I like that Peter gets a chance to not only get a second lease on life, but make up for past transgressions. The latter proves (contrary to popular and WILDLY flawed belief) that Peter is not a Mary Sue: he makes mistakes, lapses in judgment and other things that make him human. This is why I prefer reading your fanfics over the actual comics. You stay true to the spirit of the original comics and stray just enough to grow but not completely change characters... uh, outside Pete dropping the Spider-Man mantel and Twilight becoming the new co-ruler of Equestria (P.S. not happy with Celestia dying, but I'll save that for later). The trouble with the comics is they not only break character to try and pass it of as development, they alienate readers who could identify with characters' issues. Anyway, i digress. It's rewarding to see Peter finally get some joy in his life.

3. Days Of Friendship Past.
My favorite movie is Empire Strikes Back... why does this matter? Because I live stories that go from light and happy to a darker tone, only to climb back up to the top. Yes, Peter having an affair (in a moment of broken spirit weakness) with an adult Sweetie Belle kind of came across as breaking character, but at least it wasn't as bad as selling his marriage to the devil. But, it was acceptable because, again, it showed a human quality to him. Some people have a distant breaking point. Peter came dangerously close to reaching his. Controversial as it was it got me thinking, "what would I do in a situation like that?" It's more interesting to see a hero go through intense struggles to see what kind of decisions he'll make. So, I enjoyed that story arc.

Now that I've got that out of the way, time for pain...

1. Underutilized/poorly established characters.
Is anyone else besides me not happy with how undermined the rest of the cast was? I know you wanted to focus on webhead and sparklebutt, but none of the other cast members had any relevant impact or ... airtime (I guess you would call it) in the story. Mainly they were there to fawn over Peter (I'll get to that later) or constantly establish how wonderful he is. Their roles seemed useless for anything other than stroking his ego. No one was explored deeper than to have a problem he could fix in a matter of seconds. Side stories that could have been done were just dropped completely. Villains were not used to their full potential (all of them died WAY too quickly). Discord was not used correctly. Also, and this goes against what I said earlier, there were certain parts where Peter fixed a problem, like forming peace with the changelings, just by saying a few words. Spider-Man may be a great hero, but not THAT great, where he can fix untold years on unrest by talking for a quick moment. No one other than the power couple really seemed to matter. They were just tools to hold Peter up with, and that was disappointing.

2. Disconnected with the Marvel universe.
Like I said earlier, I like ol' webhead, but I can't just stick with him and be sated off of that. True, he needed to break away from the others to grow, but there's no reason they still can't be included in the story. You didn't even bring back Wolverine... the real Wolverine, I mean. Also, I think you're a little biased when it comes to heroes.

I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you with this one, but it has to be said...
During the Fall of Spider-Mane arc when you were about to have Peter establish a herd with Luna, I almost walked out on the Spiders and Magic fanbase. I was ready to delete my art and accounts and sever all ties with everyone here just off of that. THAT would have topped the One More Day arc. It would have been a vastly out of character moment for him. Fortunately, you made the right call, and in doing so reestablished my faith, respect and trust in you...
However, I'm not a fan of the idea of a harem for Peter. In art, yes. It's kind of fun that way. But storywise, that's not the kind of person he is, regardless of the how things run in Equestria. I also think it's a bit ridiculous that everyone with an XY chromosome wants to ride the Peter pecker. I blame marvel for this, because they've been using this trope for decades. I just think the "hot for spidy" thing (in the story, ) needs to ease up some.

Most likely, the dislikes will ostracized me, or have a slew of people telling me I'm an idiot and try to correct me. There are still things I'd like to say, both like and dislike, but I've said enough. If I'm hated for this, in spite of the fact that Spiders and Magic is my favorite fanfic ever, so be it. I'll just go quietly.
Alao, all of the porn is best!

4370048 ...where the hell have you been?

4370494 No, trust me. I'm making a best AND worst list because the story deserves it. For all the good it's given, it's given just as much bad. I believe that's why the story is as polarizing as it is. People either love it or hate it. No in betweens. :ajsmug: So I WANT everyone to be honest. I'll address what I can (if it's needed). I just want everyone's honest opinion.

4370494 Okay. HOW am I biased? Be frank.

I wanted to include Wolverine. He's literally my second favorite hero of all time. But unlike Peter, who had time to adjust to Equestria and accept it, Wolverine had hundreds of years of life experience on Earth, compared to Peter who was merely 19 and... kind of hated by his community (in his early years). Do you think Logan would leave voluntarily when we know how stubborn his character is? At least, Peter didn't really have a choice. The moment Twilight summoned him, he was TIED to Equestria with the magical link. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

I get that everyone was upset that Peter was disconnected from the Marvel Universe. No Cap. No X-Men. No Thor. None of that. However, that was the idea of Part I, for Peter to move on and make amends with his past (everyone on Earth) and resume his life anew in Equestria with no strings attached. Madame Web is always going to be around because of the Web of Life, but outside, he's moved on. That upsets fans, but it's why the story is centered around Peter and his connections to the EQUESTRIANS.

The porn is there just for the sake of it. It's not canon. We know this. It'd be like if Applecest and ShiningSparkle was canon. But yeah. I can understand your frustration with the harem. Really, it's been toned down significantly since Part I. The Mane 5 have moved on the second Twi made her claim to Peter. Trixie is the best friend who is platonically close to Peter, but the two can look at each other naked and not bat an eye (they're THAT close). Luna moped for over a decade, so there's that.

Eris is just being a troll to pick at Twi. Plus, she's chaos to order. It's a one-sided opposites attract kind of thing. Sonata's a little sister who shows no interest. Gwen and Peter have a history, so the attraction is still. Black Cat- NUFF SAID. Patricia, like Eris, is just being a troll. Besides, it'd just be creative masturbation, right? No? Okay then... :twilightsheepish:

Umbra isn't social. Ember is just loyal. Mayday's his daughter. He's just a guy that's surrounded by beautiful women. It's canon in the comics, but I can understand why you'd want it toned down. I mean, hell. Even Deadpool loves the guy. Have you seen this guy's MANCRUSH on Spidey in canon?

Anyway, underutilized characters. I can understand. There were a lot of characters to juggle. The ones who WERE developed were developed well (Trixie, Future Pinkamena, Mayday, Twilight, Sonata, Peter, and others). And others had potential, but they weren't in the limelight. If I focused on EVERYONE, the story would be ALL over the place and stretched beyond measure (so I feel).

But yeah. I'll take your dislikes with a grain of salt.

4370494 Plus, Peter may not be Spider-MANE anymore, but he has a Spider Title still. Order Spider or something else.

Huh? I was under the impression that Mayday in canon had a crush on Franklin Richards, and that Peter said he didn't want his daughter dating someone with Super Powers (or do you mean Spiders and Magic canon?) Still that quote from Trixie also makes it seem like Mayday doesn't like guys in general aside from Peter. Would she have disliked Johnny Storm too? No cute 'Uncle Johnny' moments would have been possible?

Still, shame that she has to stay single. Maybe a character doesn't need to be in a relationship but it does help add more for the character, especially seeing what it did for Peter and Twilight. Then again from the other comments, just because she's not looking for someone or isn't attracted to someone doesn't mean she can't be with someone eventually. Sorry to nag on this but I like pairing characters, it's been that way since my time as an Inuyasha and Sonic fan. Though I guess there aren't many for Mayday to be with, Franklin Richards is stuck on Marvel Earth (though with his powers, I'm sure he can find a way to Equestria) and I don't think many fans care to see her with Pound or Pumpkin Cake. Though since she really likes technology, then the best match for her is Mega Man. Unfortunately I don't see Capcom in the main stories aside from Peter once again making a sly remark about Ryu and Chun Li feeling the need to shout the names of their attacks.

Though Mayday could at least use a friend her age, does she really wanna be as nerdy as Gohan was when he went to school? At least Tails and Genis Sage had friends that weren't that much older than them. (I can't promise I won't mention this again, even if it never happens.)

Sorry for saying this, not telling you to put Mayday in a relationship, if it can't work then I can accept it. I won't dislike the story over that, as long as Mayday still has good character moments then I'm good. Also if you're telling me to rant on some of her pics that I've seen, ones where she can be a little too intimate...at least let me see her with someone other than Peter, that gets really weird after a while! But that's your choice, and if I could draw better, I would have her with a few others (Pound Cake, Mega Man, maybe Rumble).

I also still dislike that Peter is still disconnected from his world, (and that hint about what happened to Johnny, that's officially another dislike for me! :flutterrage: ) Though I guess anything can happen. If Laura can come then maybe more can come? Plus Time Travel is a possibility, so going back to that time where Johnny still exists can happen at least. After all, if there's one thing that's popular in Marvel, Star Wars, and now Dragon Ball, it's one simple word: Retcon! Why am I saying this? IDK. I don't expect you to put Johnny in the story, I don't expect to see him, I just like having that hope that he can appear, and that hope that it's at least possible for him to appear.

Again, not telling you to put him in, I won't dislike the stories and I can understand if he doesn't fit in. It's just the biggest shame for me that they never got that friendship from the comics. Johnny never even got to say good-bye to him in Part I. :unsuresweetie:

As for Chapters 31-32, if that's technically possible in the Marvel world and it's happened in the shows then I guess I can accept it. Still don't like it too much, it did hurt the story for me a little, but not that much. I won't say much more about it. Besides you made a lot of fans happy, that's all that matters.

Also for the Chrysalis thing, I can understand that too. I just always found her reformation weird, but I guess Peter wouldn't hate her for something another version of her did. That I won't say much more about either.

Noted on the Sirens too, probably didn't think too much about what I was saying there. But still, Peter has quite the Herd. Though that is in character for Peter, and I admit it's kinda funny. It's just weird at times because he has a daughter, and it can be overused. But that's still a charm to the character and the stories that it probably shouldn't be without. Some choices though (Eris, Ember, Umbra) minimal as some might be, still leave something to be desired.

Still, pros outweigh the cons in a majority, I can count more good than bad from the first story alone.

Well I agree with your points too. I'm also glad I wasn't the only one who was somewhat annoyed at Peter being the main focus of the story. I didn't wanna say it before since it's Spiders and Magic, so of course he would be, but looking at other things I can see that as a problem. One issue Dragon Ball has had was it's main focus on Goku and Vegeta, at least until the Future Trunks arc where Trunks got some development as well. Hopefully this upcoming Arc focuses on the other characters, especially Androids 17 and 18. I mean Naruto, despite the show being named after the main character, at least has moments that focus on side characters such as Sakura, Hinata, Shikamaru and Konohamaru, even doing flashbacks to Kakashi's childhood.

But funny you mentioned Star Wars (especially Peter's favorite movie, Empire Strikes Back :derpytongue2: ) Because it would be cool if like Star Wars, Spiders and Magic could have side stories for the other characters. You have the main movies, and also the TV shows like Clone Wars and Rebels, focusing on characters such as Ahsoka Tano, and the video games like Force Unleashed. Hopefully the new story focuses more on Mayday since she's younger and in her prime. Peter may have Eternal Youth, but even he shouldn't be the hero forever. Same with stuff like Resident Evil, where Chris isn't always the main character, or even Street Fighter trying to shift focus away from Ryu, and DMC with characters other than Dante.

I don't wanna say there's bias when it comes to the heroes chosen, but it could lean that way at times from seeing Peter being one of the only Marvel Heroes in Equestria and some side characters chosen. I can't talk, I can be like that, I remember I was like that with Rumble (then I saw that he wasn't too liked, so I fixed that).

Still, I think you were right on with what you said, and I'm glad you didn't walk away from Spiders and Magic, your art for the stories is one of the reasons I liked it.

I really talk a lot, gotta figure out a better way to release my thoughts. :twilightsheepish:

4370626 4370494

Oh, well. THAT Mayday probably does like Franklin, but this is a completely different Mayday, with a different upbringing. I was simply referring to Spiders and Magic Mayday as asexual. Hence for Trixie's quote. It's pretty true that Mayday just isn't into guys, or girls for the matter. I know you want to ship her, but I am just simply saying Mayday is outright unshippable. It doesn't hurt her character at all. Really, it makes her character more unique. She doesn't like guys OR girls. It's just WHO she is. She's the ONLY character like this in the main series. Shipping Mayday defeats her purpose and cause.

She has friends a plenty. Just don't ask her to romance any of them. Laura's the only one around her age right now. They'll be good friends on a platonic scale. :ajsmug:

Besides, those pics are a sly way of saying that the only guy May even considers is her dad. :twilightsheepish:

Don't say the word retcon. I'll pull a Quesada and One More Day this bitch. :coolphoto:

...you sort of lost me here, though. You hate Peter being the center focus in a story called Spiders and Magic? It's only natural that Peter and Twilight are the center points in the series. It's like if Naruto wasn't the center focus in NARUTO. I dunno. Or a Spider-Man comic series where Peter isn't the focus. THIS comes off as a weird complaint to me.

The movies and comics have always had Peter at the center and how he bounces off of those around him. That's the point. And you're telling me Trixie wasn't a primary character? You're not going to mention Luna's key role? What about Mayday? She came into Part IV and practically took over as a main character. The countless flashbacks in Part III for Dash, Sweetie, Pinkamena and AJ weren't there? The whole sirens being big players in Part IV?

Plenty of characters were developed through the series, but it feels like you all wanted EVERYONE to get the same amount of attention as the main characters (Peter, Twi, Trixie, Luna, and Mayday). You do that and the story gets stretched beyond measure. We have our cast of characters that are at the focused and we develop those around them, but we can't keep EVERYONE at the center.

I can't please EVERYONE. I did this story to do SPIDER-MAN justice. If I wanted to do a story focusing the Justice League, I'd do a story focusing on ALL of their members. If I wanted to do Wolverine story, I'd do a story focusing solely on him. I'm not bias. I'm simply doing a story focusing on a primary character. This was a SPIDER-MAN crossover. Not an MCU crossover. So I'm sorry if the other Avengers, X-Men, or Fantastic Four weren't in this story. They were never meant to be the focus.

4370626 4370494 I hope my response wasn't dickish. :facehoof:

4370433 Alright. Given that there were so many villains, I can forgive some of the getting sidelined in favor of others getting developed like the Sirens and Nightmare, especially since looking back they're really not all the big as a solo threat in terms of Equestria. The reason why I brought up Carnage of all villains was because I never thought of him as a team-player, and I was expecting him of all people to turn traitor due to his insane personality and fight Spidey on his own terms at some point. Kinda silly to think looking back considering he got what he wanted on the team after all and only joined the team to cause some bloodshed. Like I said, it might be a small bias talking, considering where I rank him as a villain.

In terms of heroes getting spotlight, it looks like Equestrian Avengers story is gonna at least begin rectifying that problem and showcasing the team as a whole while focus is still on Peter, so that's why I didn't brung that up. Chronicles was a good decision to flesh the newcomers out.

Also, we don't talk about that story. It was a decade ago... And even then I think Marvel redeemed themselves with Renew Your Vows (I think they said it was an AU where OMD/OMIT never happened and the marriage continued) and Slott's Amazing run. I feel like I'm the only one who likes the current comics sometimes...


Wait, do you mean 'was' or 'wasn't'? Assuming it's 'wasn't then no, it was an honest response, and if this is getting a little frustrating then I understand that too. I'll admit I'm likely being a little ignorant and just saying things without really thinking largely enough. Also, I can be a little selfish at times I admit.

I get what you're saying about Mayday, and while her not being shipped with anypony won't hurt her, it still kinda bugs me. Though seeing her with friends is enough, whether it's the Cakes or apparently Laura, I had no idea she was considered Mayday's age, I thought she was Peter's. Hey if they become best friends (or as best of a friend as Laura can be) then I'll be fine with that.

I can't promise I won't still wanna ship her. I do hate that it apparently would hurt her character, but I also like the challenge of shipping her regardless. Even if she is asexual, my goal is to find a way to ship her with some characters without it being out of character. I mean there's no way a character finding romance should be a bad thing for them, would it?

I can get what you mean also by the Spider-Man focus and the rest of Marvel. I'll admit, saying that he's too much the focus was probably silly to say, though maybe it's because the appeal of Spider-Man and any Marvel character for me comes from their interaction with each other and the lore, so limiting the interaction is a lot to take in. Yes Trixie, Mayday, Future Pinkie and The Dazzlings did get a fair amount of character development, so I can't overlook that. Also yes, the 'herd' is understandable, it's just easier to see since Peter x Twilight is the only canon pairing aside from the already canon pairings prior to the Season 3 of MLP and the last Spider-Man arc prior to the first story. Still, it's not something that's easy to forget about, I can't promise I won't stop hoping for the slightest cameo of at least Johnny Storm, but I'll try not to vocalize that hope.

I guess at this point everything's been addressed for me. I won't worry too much about Johnny, I can see the fanart and the spin-off stories for him. Plus the idea that it's still possible, even if a lot needs to be done for it to make sense. Wolverine I also wish could have gone but I understand his position. Everyone else, I won't ask for that, it'd be too much.

Mayday, again I can't say I won't ship her, she's too interesting of a character to pass that up. Even if she doesn't feel romantic attraction for another pony (also about that comment on her dad and those pics, be careful because I may have fun with that comment myself XD) I'll still think of something for her, not that I expect it to be canon, I just like the challenge.

Also, I promise I won't mention 'Retcon' again! Please keep everything in tact! This story's just too good! The cons aren't even that bad! :twilightoops: (lol)

Still, I'll continue to like Spiders and Magic, and I really look forward to Equestrian Avengers and the Dimension hopping. Even if I may still have something to point out, it's all good overall.


I mean there's no way a character finding romance should be a bad thing for them, would it?

Here, it is a bad thing, only because it seems like you're forcing her into a romance just for the sake of creating one. And that's the WORST kind of romance. A forced romance is, well, one of the big reasons why Flash Sentry is so hated. I mean, there ARE some people in the world who live just fine without romance. Mayday is just one of the people.

Mayday, again I can't say I won't ship her, she's too interesting of a character to pass that up.

I mean,do what you will, but you're taking away one of the biggest things that makes her character unique.

4370433 Well, I wasn't expecting this. But I'll respond, I suppose?

In the Venom fight, Peter was beaten to complete hell and was forced to go all out

This one wasn't too bad, since we've seen scrubby Venoms before(*cough* Angelo *cough*), but that in and of itself kind of bothers me. Eddie Venom is overused and I'm glad he wasn't here and Venom not hogging the spotlight was great...but having it be scrub Venom is just kind of eh. Gargan Venom 4evah!

Morlun. Were you reading that fight? :applejackconfused: I mean, Morlun kicked Peter's ass up and down the street, ripped his eye out, and beat him to near death. It was only because of a distraction that Peter escaped to find Mayday. Even then, Morlun was on the verge of killing Peter. If not for Mayday's intervention, he WOULD have. Really, seeing Mayday get hurt was the only reason Peter won. He accessed dark magic (unknowingly), healed his wounds, and it was the dark magic that tore away at Morlun's body.

Yep, and I liked that Morlun was presented as competent for a while. I just think that he wimped out a bit too quickly. This is the same guy who ripped off the Other's arm and then impaled it with it. He tanked a nuclear missile strike to the face while grinning.

I think, you're too used to Peter holding back in canon. Spider-Man is QUIETLY one of Marvel's strongest superheroes when he doesn't hold back. He's WAY above street-level when he puts his head to it. Watch Death Battle. They even say Spider-Man can be pretty ridiculous in terms of strength and output. "That damn Spider Sense changes everything."

It depends on the writer, but I can assure you that the only Venom he actually outmuscled was Angelo. All the others have taken all-out hits to the face and been like "lol", to say nothing of Carnage. The spider sense is good, but it's been outdone by the likes of Rhino and the Lizard, it's not infallible. Vulture's outmuscled him and nearly snapped his neck, and so on and so forth. For obvious reasons, a lot of his rogues gallery is stronger than him even when he does go all out. It adds tension, I suppose, and I like that. The idea that he could just go "Oh, I was holding back to ten percent, let me put it up to fifty" seems like it cheapens things to me. It works when it's a human villain he has to avoid killing like Doc Ock, but when it's someone superhuman, it just doesn't work, imo.

Mayday, huh? Well, it's easy to forget, but she was ONLY ten years old in this story. Kids can be easily manipulated with the right person whispering in their ear. Plus, she took in to account her father's healing factor. She wasn't trying to kill him. Just trying to get him to stop (which it did, even if it HORRIBLY backfired). She has shown remorse since then, and it just shows that even the most likable can make HORRIBLE decisions. We're only human.

Sure, she wasn't trying to kill him, but a child of ten has the decision making skills to know that shanking her own father is a bad thing. There's a reason that there was a criminal trial for the kid who killed his parents over a Halo game. Nice burn though, ouch. I'd agree that Mayday is less bad than Mephisto.

It's ALMOST like you WANT to call Peter a Gary-Stu. I mean, I get it. He's held in VERY high regard, but this has been HORRIBLY flawed throughout the whole story. He literally spent the whole time in Part I SULKING over his dead uncle and dead ex girlfriend. Plus, he was constantly brow-beaten by the media.

I don't, the term is overused and he's not one. I didn't mind the moping all that much, in all honesty(though lasting only one story helped that a lot).

t's on record that Peter Parker in the 616 has had more official girlfriends that ANYONE else in comics: Gwen Stacy, Liz Allen, Betty Brant, Carlie Cooper, Carol Danvers, Jessica Drew, Mary Jane, and MANY others. Peter's harem in the Spiders and Magic series is an homage to THAT. Heck, like stated above, Peter's harem is so noteworthy that Johnny Storm mentions it.

Yes, but that list was accumulated over 50 years of writing, most of them taking years to show up. Chronologically, it's been only a decade, of course, but it helps lessen the impact. Also, the comics have a more skewed gender ratio so it seems like not everybody loves him, there's that too.

Plus, throughout the end of Part III and ALL of Part IV, the Nightmare was constantly pulling at Peter's thoughts. So it didn't come out of nowhere. If anything, the series LED up to that moment. You think Peter's character was bailed out, but it wasn't. This is a character that STILL beats himself up over everything. Just because he didn't CHOOSE to sleep with Sweetie didn't stop him from doing it (physically). Granted, Nightmare took over his body to do the deed, but as far as PETER knows, he still committed the taboo.

The Nightmare didn't come out of nowhere as a whole, what did come out of nowhere were the times when its individual appearances if that makes any sense. I think part of the thing with the Nightmare is that it's just kind of evil because...that's it. It exists solely to corrupt. That's honestly an issue I have with the modern symbiote interpretation; the evil parasite interpretation. It wasn't like that in its first appearance, the cartoon just came up with that for extra dramaz and in the process made the symbiote's story a lot less complex. But that's got nothing to do with you, that was just a ramble.

A big part of Spiders and Magic in general is Peter's LOYALTY to Twilight. Do you see THIS Peter doing what 616 Peter did and trading Twilight to the devil? No.
Peter has grown from an angsty teen who constantly hates on himself to a mature, loving father and husband with a strong moral compass.

I'm not saying he instigates it, he's not problematic in that regard. I think the problem is from the other end, rather, making the other mares seem a bit too eager and similar. I liked the stuff in the first story where there was friction, because it felt more organic.

Well not to say I would put her in a relationship for the sake of her having one. It's not like the moment I saw her I decided 'Time to find her a coltfriend/marefriend', the idea just came to me eventually. I'm not gonna go into detail on how it happened, I don't wanna bug you more about this. It won't matter too much if she has a romance arc, none of the other characters did and it didn't really affect the story anyway. Her character still interests me and I look forward to her relationship with others, especially Laura. (I imagine it would be similar to Peter and Logan's friendship).

For the record, I don't like Flash Sentry for that very reason of him just being there to be Twilight's coltfriend, it's a similar reason why I never liked Amy Rose too much in the Sonic games, or rather her paired with Sonic (Though she at least has some character development).

But I'm afraid that I disagree with the idea of her not being into romance being something that makes her unique, because aside from her parents and her Aunt and Uncle, no other character has a love interest, so that really doesn't make her unique. Also that's not something I wanna think about when I think of Mayday, she seems like more than just that, not that I need to tell you that. If she chooses to stay single then that's fine, a lot of my favorite characters in other shows and stuff I like are single and I really don't care, nor do I care to ship them.

You made such a likable character in Mayday, this version at least. It's hard to not wanna explore a lot about her character, including her love interests. Like I said, she's a fun character to ship, especially because she's asexual and there lies a challenge. I know it makes no sense, but sometimes you just gotta be random.

I hate that I feel like I'm arguing with you, but if I don't say this stuff, it could lead to future misunderstandings. Not to sound repetitive but in the end, I respect your decision.

I can tell you my worst first:
1. Peter's constant emo stages (Christ my dude, it's okay. You're not Batman)
2. Everybody liking Peter (like holy $h!t, how the hell does he do it?!!)
3. Peter's constant joking (I know this is who he is, but he didn't joke like THIS that much)

Now the best:
1. Peter going apeshit crazy and almost killing Goblin (that was awesome)
2. Peter's memories being revealed to the mane 6
3. I'm gonna cheat here a but but ALL OF THE MOMENTS IN THE HUMAN WORLD+ PETER FORMING THE NEW AVENGERS (Loved these moments, especially when he interacted with the old avengers)

4370960 Well, that's your opinion. I'll leave it alone. Everyone has their pitch perfect idea of how something should go. I satisfy you, I piss someone else off. And vice versa. All I can do is try my best to befit the character. Overall, I'd say I did okay.

In regards to Morlun, we've seen him tank hits, but he's also been killed before by blunt force. And he comes back constantly.

Well, guess what? You're okay with the Peter moping, but it wore out its welcome in other viewers eyes. We have Peter sulk forever, he'll never grow. This has been a problem for the headcanon for ages now. Marvel constantly tries to keep the guy as a kid. Over time, that hurts his character.

And I'm not saying, Peter outmuscles everything around him. BUT compare him to the MLP verse and how his strength and speed may have been augmented by the pony thing. There are many probabilities. But then again, that's your opinion. We have seen this punch Scorpion's jaw off his face, so yeah.

In any case, don't mind me. I'll drop it. I can't satisfy everyone, and there will ALWAYS be nitpicking. Everyone has their idea of a perfect Spider-Man. Guess what? There isn't one. There are literally hundreds of versions of the character (prior to Spider-Verse), but each Peter Parker and Spider-Man is different from the other. It's partly why we love the character. He has been able to adjust with the times and each version brings something different.

616 is the classic, but the most flawed. Ultimate was great depiction, but he was a kid and killed off too soon (and his revival destroyed the whole death series). Miles Morales is a refreshing take, but he can come off as a Peter Parker 2.0 at times. Miguel has a cool design and his blunt nature is awesome, but he's hardly used.

It's no different that this Spider-Man... Spider-Mane... Order Spider. Whichever. This Peter has sulked a LOT, but we have traveled with him for this three-year read. We've seen him grow AND make mistakes. 672-Peter Parker is all of the best and worst tropes of what makes the character: an oversized harem, bad luck, wins a lot (and loses big at the vital times). The mantel of Spider-Man can be worn by anyone.

There is no perfect version of Peter Parker or Spider-Man. Every one of them is different and flawed in their own way. But that's why we love the characters to this day. I'll end on that.


But I'm afraid that I disagree with the idea of her not being into romance being something that makes her unique, because aside from her parents and her Aunt and Uncle, no other character has a love interest, so that really doesn't make her unique. Also that's not something I wanna think about when I think of Mayday, she seems like more than just that, not that I need to tell you that.

You don't know that. You're only making assumptions right now about everyone's love interest. Twenty five years have passed over the course of the series. All of these characters may be in relationships, but they haven't been mentioned or elaborated on. If I'm mentioning it, I have to make sure it's properly developed. Otherwise, it just comes out of nowhere when it IS brought up all of a sudden. It's really up to the reader's imagination to see who the others got with (until it's confirmed or debunked in the sequel).

It still comes off like you're forcing a pairing onto Mayday. There's no charm to that. Some people are just meant to be single. It happens. Azu and I made the character to portray this aspect. Relationships just don't interest Mayday, and she's content with it. Honestly, she's HARDLY a people person. She has friends and whatnot, but she keep everyone at arms-length. It's just who she is. So don't force it on her.

4371026 ...he told TOO many jokes? Since when?

4371047 lol, you're right, I take that back. Damn, it was even getting to me! That shows how good of a author you are man :yay:

4370963 You can do what you will, regardless. I've said my piece.

Like I said, I can't stay I agree with the idea of a character intentionally made to be single, but I won't argue your decision any longer. I'll try not to mention it again then. Sorry for dragging this on too long.

Thanks. I'll at least keep what you said in mind though.

4371125 I'm serious though. This character isn't meant to be shipped. She's single and it defeats her cause to force a pairing on her.

I don't know what to really say anymore.

4371165 You're free to ship her. I mean, that's what fanfiction is for. I'm just giving my piece on this character since I sort of created her (she IS an OC). But still, you're entitled to your opinion and free to do as you please. I'm only saying don't force a pairing on a character that really isn't into people or relationships.

4371171 Am I really? I suppose I am sinking ships today. Now I feel bad... sort of. It's only with Mayday. Azu and I feel it's a defining trait of her character. She's asexual and focused her studies. People are okay, but she has NO plans to get into a relationship. She's single bound in MY headcanon.

4371165 But you can do what you will with YOUR story. I said my piece. You want to ship Mayday, that's fine. I just won't be associated with that decision. I'll just say multi-verse theory and whatnot.

4371165 You're a great fan, so I'll stop brow-beating you about it. Do as you please. I am by no means trying to sink your ship. If shipping Mayday makes you happy, carry on.

I'm not gonna think about this any longer for a while. I can't do this if I know it might upset you or go against what you envisioned with this version of the character. Too late since I already shipped her twice but now I can't do it again in good conscious. I really don't want to frustrate myself over this so I'll just give in for now.

4371223 You shipped her twice, so keep going. I simply thought about it too much. You have your story. I have mine. So you do what you enjoy. I'm trying to step on it at all. I gave my opinion and kind of forgot you wrote on a spin-off to mine without taking that into consideration.

Mayday is simply a character made from a crack crossover ship. I mean, heaven forbid for me of all people to sink someone's ship, given how much I support a fake crossover ship made from nothingness. :rainbowwild:

So I want you to have fun and keep doing what you're doing. I may not agree with it, but I'll respect your decision. This is 'flippin' America, after all. So carry on, my friend. :pinkiesmile: Ship as much as you please.

4371171 Dammit. Now I DO feel bad. :facehoof: Well, I apologized and can hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings.

4371227 Nah man, it's cool. I just found this whole argument to be a bit humorous and I was trying to break the tension.

4371231>>4371223 img.pandawhale.com/77839-internet-fight-gif-herp-derp-jXLg.gif

Good point. I got carried away. Apologies, masterob.

I'm sorry too, didn't want to drag this on and take away from the point of this blog. I hope this doesn't cause you any grief. I admit I likely made too big of a deal out of this.

Thank you so much for that support though. :pinkiesmile: You didn't hurt my feelings or anything so please don't feel bad, you said what you needed to say and I know how much you care about this considering how long you've been at it. I know you have your vision and it should be respected, especially since you're kind enough to allow me and others to make spin-offs.

As for shipping Mayday, I swear it's not done just for the sake of it, I just saw some opportunities, but I will respect her character and who she is.

4371252 I'm better now. You do understand where I'm coming from.

For your spin-offs, you can do as you please, but I had to make it clear for the sake of the character I created. Mayday is just not shippable in canon. She's not meant to be shipped. She's happily single because she chooses to be, as an asexual bookworm who simply wants to further her studies and love her family.

Her character is partly defined by this trait. It doesn't take anything away from her that she can't be shipped in a relationship. It can further her potential as a stong INDEPENDENT character. She doesn't need a relationship to grow. Mayday's that unique. Advice from her friends, family, and studies are all she needs.

That's my two cents.

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