• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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Some reflections · 3:07am Nov 4th, 2016

After going back and doing a bit of work on this story, I started thinking, as I am wont to do.

This was, I think, my first Weedverse story.

The feel of it, the tone of it, it all feels very familiar, but also different. As I try to hammer out a re-write, it is with almost eerie ease that I slip into the mindset that I do when writing Weedverse stories. It is difficult to sort through, as my brain was in a very damaged place when I wrote this, and going back over it instantly takes me back to those hurt times. I was still coming to terms with a lifetime of agony, partial paralysis, and health problems. I was still fighting to accept these things, because there was nothing I could do to change them. Just looking at this story and reading through the first few chapters is like ripping off a scab and not realising just how deep the wound still is.

It is something I still struggle with and I don't know how to fix it.

Comments ( 19 )

Well, I personally don't have anything to say other than this was the first story I read from you, I started reading it in May and I was amazed by how many (Personally) high quality chapters you were pumping out in the first week I read it. That's most definitely one of the reasons I kept reading your stories.

I didn't realize you wrote this story too until you posted it, but I'm not surprised because it's a high quality story!

I would absolutely ADORE a rewrite, or even just you continuing this story, as it is one of my absolute favorites! But also, your mental health comes first, so don't force yourself to if it makes you upset...

Perhaps it might be best to scrap the whole thing and then just leave it be. As someone who struggles with chronic intense anxiety, I have found that when I look back at things I did in my past that I don't like (projects, short stories, the like) I find it very discomforting. For me at least, completely removing my unsatisfactory attempts and not thinking about them works best for me. I hope you find a solution that works best for you. If it makes you uncomfortable, maybe you should drop it.

If you don't enjoy it, don't write it. Seriously, writers need to keep themselves psychologically sane or else they go under really fast. That being said, sometimes writing it out anyway is a useful carthartic tool, so perhaps don't take the story down yet but only write it when you need to remember that pain for the sake of catharsis and to remind yourself you got through the pain and survived it :P


I'm very much in the same boat. This is the sort of story, down to how it is written, that I wish to see more of from this site. This story is my favourite from you. It would suck to see it end, but why should I blame you for it?

My support is there either way. :heart:

Like I think I said before, if this story is bothering you so much, to the point of affecting your mental health, cancel it and, if possible, gave a quick synopsis of what was supposed to happen.
BTW, what's the 'Weedverse'?

Huh... I remember this story. I followed it when it first came out. Didn't realize this was your work.

Huh, I actually haven't read it yet... I might get to that before you hammer out a re-write.

may i suggest just do a post script a ruff out line of how it was to end just to put it to bed so to speak

That one was actually the first story of yours I read. I've wondered from time-to-time what it would be like to have Noctilucent in the Weedverse as the story certainly held a lot of the same feel. The characterization of Luna in that one feels very different from Weedverse Luna though. She feels much more confident and sure of herself where Noctilucent and the foals are concerned. I wouldn't be too surprised if the story took place in the future of the Weedverse (well... farther ahead than the Royal Wedding I mean) but I bet that'd be a hard sell. I would love to see it rewritten or started up again but if it hurts you emotionally that much to write it, please don't.

4284419 Same thing, read the story, never connected it to the same author of the weed...that is pretty awesome

I can understand the pain you went through with that story, seriously. The first few chapters were hard to read feeling some of that myself, but towards when you halted work I was really starting to feel better about how Noccy & Quirky were sorting their lives out, it helped me feel better at the same time. Not saying you have to finish this arc if it's too discomforting, but maybe bringing their story into the fold as you're doing with some of the others to alleviate this and brighten it up might help alleviate this, plus adding their story in might bring a bit of extra complexity to the weedverse. Somehow combining Trixie, Copperquick & Buttercup's story into or with this one seems to me a logical choice?:twilightsmile:
Edit: Noccy does seem to be taking on an almost single father role in his job, I don't know how that could play out though not knowing the welfare system that well?
No funny quips or pics for this comment, too heartfelt for that,
Regards Lynx318therealone. (Boulder)

> lifetime of agony, partial paralysis, and health problems

What?! Kudzu, what happened to you?!


Kudzu...I can't hold my silence any longer. The world deserves to know...

He doesn't like to talk about it but I can't let this story go untold.

It was back in the early 90s when the portal opened. There are still places in the South remote enough where a Keter class event can occur without too much notice.

I was just a boy when it happened. Getting my first Dungeons and Dragons books had set a fire burning in my mind to learn real magic. I sought out many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore. When I was ready I meant to cast my first spell. I meant to summon a familiar, a little cat to be my friend. Little did I know the powers I was making myself noticed by.

I remember little. The hole opening in space time. My glimpse in to the untempered schism between realities.

Then it came.

There are no words in any tounge of man to describe the horror that stood before me. Were it not for the malleability of my young mind I might still be well and truly mad to this day. I know it meant to claim my body and soul...

Then through the same portal issued forth a mighty wail and a bearded savior wielding a massive hammer sprang forth.

I remember him. Stocky of build but strong, wielding a mighty battlehammer with the symbol of a candle emblazoned upon the side. With a wink and a war cry the two titans did battle.

In the end the bearded warrior drove back the darkness but it left him gravely injured.

In the end it was covered up and this bearded warrior took up the mantle of a Storyteller, chronicling his adventures under the guise of fictional colorful equines.

That is his story.

The world deserves to know.


Like others, I really love this story. It was one of my first, if not my first, story that I followed on this site (way back when PLSS was still being updated). I would love to know how it ends if you feel emotionally well enough to give us a rough outline. I do understand that you want to rewrite the story rather than do the rough ending, but like others have said, your well being is more important than the story. If you don't feel up to it, don't force yourself and end up worse for wear. We'll accept whatever decision on this story you make.

I got really excited to see something in my feed about PLSS. Every time I look through my favorites, I see that one sitting there, and it makes me really sad to think that it probably won't ever update.

I love this story, partially because it's so much different than most anything else I've read on here. The deep emotional side to it, and working through actual physiological stuff is very interesting to me. Just a quick look into the comments on almost any of the chapters shows just how much you've managed to connect with people. Whether they love or hate, you've managed to bring out passion that most never even dream of. You caused me to think about things in ways I never would on my own.

I'm a mostly rationally minded person. Not to say that I don't do stupid or emotionally driven things, but when presented with a problem, logic (flawed or not) is what my mind tries to solve it with. That said, I love trying to learn others' perspectives. I find it fascinating the way people think, and trying to reverse engineer their thought process from their actions is... I don't know that fun is the right word, but I do get enjoyment out of getting to glimpse another perspective. I think I really started to pick that up when I started teaching Taekwondo. If you are ever under the notion that everyone thinks like you, teaching is a great way to shatter that belief. It always brought me great joy when I was able to help someone understand something that no one else had managed, simply by taking a moment to try to figure out how they were seeing it.

Anyway, as it relates to the story, I really enjoyed seeing some perspectives that I've maybe never given thought to. It's also pretty clear by reading it that this is more than just theory to you, it's something that you are personally familiar with. I wish I could offer you advice on how to get through it, but I'm not sure. I haven't had a lot of highly traumatic experiences. Combine that with my minimal emotional response (which frustrates me often times. Not crying at movies is fine, but when a close family friend dies, and I mostly just felt cold, it bothers me), and I just don't have the experience to even know where to begin.

I hope that you are able to find a way to work through it, partially so I can read it, but mostly for you. I had kind of accepted that the story was probably dead, so if you don't ever finish it, I'll be fine. But I'd hate to know that you weren't able to overcome the obstacle, or that you went through it only causing yourself more pain. I hope you are able to come to a solution. I'll pray for you.

P.s. I know you don't know me, but if you want some stranger to vent to, feel free to send me a PM.

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