• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015
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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.

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  • 32 weeks
    New Story out now!

    Hey everyone! Remember that thing I said I'd be doing a while back? Well... Here it is!

    TEvergreen Falls
    A group of mares in a remote Equestrian town uncover some of history's most ancient secrets.
    Meep the Changeling · 218k words  ·  31  2 · 499 views
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  • 40 weeks
    Hey guys! What's new?

    So, I haven't been here in a good long while. I got the writing itch a while back, specifically for ponies and my old Betaverse fics. I might have something in the pipeline. I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the general pony-reading audience if you don't mind. Just so I can see if my writing style should be tweaked a bit for the modern audience.

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    Stardrop's Lackluster Ending

    Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a while, but that's due to me deciding to finish stories before I post them to revise, edit, and alter them to give you all better stories to read. I don't feel free to do so when I post stories live. This results in me getting frustrated with how a story is shaping up and then dropping it. That wasn't a problem when I was younger, but it's become one as

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    Anyone know artists who do illistrations for stories?

    I'm low key working on a story which I intend to complete before posting. I'm enjoying being able to go back and improve, tweak, and change things to make the best possible version of the story, and it's nice to not feel like I am bound to a strict schedule of uploads.

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    A metatextual analisis of "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified" to show how it fits in the series timelines

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Yes, I know Trixie is in the new episode. You can stop PMing me. · 11:15pm Apr 30th, 2016

Hello. This is a friendly notice to inform you that Meep refuses to watch anything with Starlight Glimmer in it. This is because Starlight's character has literally ruined the entirety of FiM's tv series for her by being an irredeemably evil phycopath deserving of no kindness or mercy. The only way she would watch an episode with her in it would be if Homoko from Apocalypse Zero stops out of the Everfree Forest, grabs the destroyer of only active show Meep loved by her middle, and killed her via the same means she did the random school girl.

Meep advises you not look up that scene of Apocalypse Zero, Not as a "Trigger Warning" but as an 'It's a 90's Daemon Apocalypse Anime' warning. Quintin Tarantino WISHES he could use that much gore.

As Meep is aware Starlight is in this episode, she will not under any circumstances be watching it, as Starlight's appearance even in fan art sends her into a burning, boiling, all consuming rage at the fact the Triple Moral Event Horizon crosser has not been slain for her multiple unforgivable crimes (For which an apology is meaningless due to their severity). She is also aware that it contains her wifu, and is 100% certain that if she saw Trixie paling around with Starlight that she might become suicidaly depressed, which is not an empty threat as Meep has in fact attempted suicide before. Yes, this is not sane behavior. Meep would like to remind you that she is not only High Functioning Autistic, but also schizophrenic. She can't help taking some things deadly seriously, weather she wishes to or not.

Meep also requests that no one insist that Starlight and Trixie are 'the same'. A slightly narcissistic pony who got possessed by an evil artifact is not remotely the same as someone who would use physical force and magic to force their ideology onto others.

You can stop PMing her to let her know that Trixie is in the episode. She knows.

Thank you for understanding. A rant on why Starlight is the most evil pony in the entirety of the show and her crimes not only can not be forgiven, but should not be forgiven, can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/128SUL-_7k14Cn3QY1RQ9IMjp5LTCjTrSg5-i3Uq0L_M/edit?usp=sharing

This message has been pre-written in preparation for everyone telling her to watch the Trixie Episode today and has been copy-pasted in. Have a nice day.

Report Meep the Changeling · 922 views ·
Comments ( 90 )

Got a lot of PMs about that episode?

3908572 18 so far. Older fans know that I have an actual crush on Trixie.

Me, I wasn't really interested in the episode, so you don't have to worry about me asking you:rainbowlaugh:

Knowing your personal issues, Meep, definitely do not watch today's episode.

3908622 I saw a review. I am calm at the moment. I will very likely explode if someone tries to defend the bitch to me today.

Upside, they kept Trixie's stallion style eyes. So at least my headcannon of her being MtF trans has got some more evidence.

Trixie was saved by Twilight twice; Glimmer was a criminal stopped by Twilight twice.
They have nothing else in common besides that Twilight was involved.
Looking at all Glimmer did tells me three things. She's unstable, treasonous, and needs to be removed from society one way or another.
Trixie, on the other hand, is a performer who took a hit to the ego the wrong way and got herself possessed for a few days.
If anyone, Trixie is the one who needed a hug from a friend. Glimmer needed to be put away, end of story.

Wow. I thought people were just memeing when they said they truly hated Starlight. It appears that I was wrong.

Very, very wrong. Also, didn't know that you had mental issues. It seems like a lot of good content creators do. Think the amount of mental problems directly correlates with the content's quality? If so, I would be a fantastic writer.
Still, I can definitely see your reasoning for hating Glimmer.


*casts Greater Resistance and Mage Armor on Glimmer.*


3908685 THANK YOU! I literally thought I was the only person to see this! Like, seriously, actually, genuinely thought I was the one person who actually watched Starlight's Season 5 Episodes instead of just read the cliff notes... The only way I will ever be able to watch the show again is if the Season 6 finale has Starlight revealed to be pulling a long con to Take Twilight off guard as she realized she couldn't beat her in a strait fight...

Also I seriously do not know how you equate "narcissistic street performer hamming it up to draw in an audience" with "literally the sort of person who runs ISIS IRL".

A side note: I can see why people like Starlight. I however feel very strongly that her negative traits counter all of her positive ones. I also personally see her positive traits as being a mask, an act. She's already shown herself to be a master manipulator...

3908705 Hoping she'll try to back-stab them and essentially fall on her own sword? I could see that happening, kinda want it to. And none of that sacrifice herself to save the good guys BS, her past behavior already tells us she would more likely pull a Gala Blueblood.

3908697 Wouldn't save her from a confirmed crit from a vorpal weapon.

3908693 Yes, some of us very very very much hate her. Also my issues 100% DO help me write. I wouldn't be anywhere as good at character creation as I am if I couldn't use a few tricks to basically make my brain make them 'real'. This is realy personal... but my 'voices' (in the schizoid seance) I actually changed to be Trixie via meditation. Which is awesome, she's WAY nicer than the old guys and since I can't afford medication, I'm basically stuck with an imaginary friend forever.

I similarly sort of choose to hallucinate after meditating on character traits and... well as far as my brain cares that's a real person. My autism factors into this by letting me literally do the same thing for days on end if I enjoy it.

3908697 /me is cool with that. She plays fighter.

3908703 Yeah, when you point out more than the surface scan of her character and actions, she is VERY MUCH evil.

3908927 Is Starlight killed via this? (Gore Warning) https://youtu.be/0BaekSl4jDg?t=7m16s

If not, I dont care what Trixie does to Twilight. I'm not watching it. Starlight needs to die, not be reprimanded. I refuse to see Trixie's charter vaporized by associating with a delusional cult leader who needs to be executed for the safety of the world.

I can't quite place my leg on it, but something tells me that Meep is not a fan of Starlight...

3908946 Understatement of the millennium. She literally rendered my favorite show unwatchable due to inducing pure rage.

*hugs Meep* Sorry to hear Trixie's return is ruined for you by Starlight being there. It was an eh okay episode, so not missing out on much except for a new trick of Trixie's for her show.

3908854 Hmm well I can see that your hatred for her burns with the intensity of a 1000 burning suns. So I have a question for you
what is your opinion on Discord then?

3909119 I have seen reviews... Cuz apparently same day revues are a thing. I'm mostly happy to see that they kept Trixie's stallion style eyes. So... Headcannon confirmed I guess. But that's the only thing I'm happy about.

Small addition to the last guys comment, can we add opinions to sunset shimmer as well?

Well that is something at least I guess? Heh yeah fans sure love knowing others opinions pretty much asap?
I am curious as well, how do you feel about the other reformed villains like Sunset Shimmer and Discord? *not sure if I have ever asked about them...*

3909185 Discord is a 100% different story. He's not a pony, he's not a mortal. One could argue that doing what he did is simply what he's supposed to do. Do you watch DBZ? Getting mad at Discord to me is like getting mat at Beerus. Yeah, the dude destroys worlds, but that's his actual job as the God of Destruction, the dude IS entropy itself, and he's actually a likeable guy who'll give your world a few more thousand years if you are polite.

Discord is the same thing, he's an incarnation of a concept, chaos. And realy, chaos isn't bad. Without chaos, nothing could ever change, there would be no universe, only the completely orderly pure energy of the pre-bigbang singularity. Discoed does a vitle thing that keeps the universe... the universe.

But throwing that aside... Imagine having Discord's near omnipotence. Would you realy even think of other things as people? The way I see it he saw ponies like how we see ants and being a god who knows how old immortal, put those ants into a farm for his own amusement. Twilight and co teach him over a long time that ponies are thinking beings too, and he actually changes his behavior, with relapses now and again. He's still causing chaos, because that's simply what he is, but his chaos is now aimed towards helping creatures he learned were also people. Discord is a redeemable entity, with a well done redemption.

Starlight is a mortal with zero empathy for others and the darkest soul in all MLP, possible exception to Sombra.

3909227 Sunset shimmer is also different from Starlight. She was forgiven, yes... But only AFTER being blasted with a magical artifact of 'make good now'. Which, yes, I'm pissed off at Starlight for doing something similar but the circumstances change everything. The M6 did not blast an innocent civilian with a mind altering spell, they blasted an actual daemon (Hasbro called her a daemon in that form FYI) with a mind altering spell as a means to defeat it without taking a life. Using mind control to stop a very dangerous opponent who is a threat to civilization itself as well as the immeadent safety of the public is... gray, but acceptable. It's 120% different from blasting a civilian who is acting in a way you dislike.

As we see Sunset being hit with the Plot Resolver 9000 Deluxe, we know that she CAN'T be evil anymore. That version of her might as well be dead. So it's different from Starlight who was NOT hit with the Plot Resolver 9000 Deluxe and as best I can tell is 99% for sure acting good for the moment to get Twilight to lower her guard completely before murdering her in her sleep. Or at least, she would be in a realistic universe...

3909241 The other reformed villeins are logical. Discord took a long time but came to see ponies as people and has actually changed his actions (see other comments for details). Sunset was blasted with the Plot Resolver 9000 Deluxe and as far as the show has shown, that means she literally CAN'T be evil anymore (Ignoring it's effect on Discord because... well he's literally chaos, he doesn't have to obey any rules.) Starlight is different. Nothing indicates she's being sincere, her face turn feels like it's a con job to get close to Twilight to kill her once Twi drops her guard, nothing is magically ensuring she is good now...

3909265 ok now for a quick unrelated to mlp question. You spell it daemon instead of the more common demon, and defend chaos, is this warhammer influenced in any way, or just a coincidence?

3909275 I'm bad at spelling >< sorry about the archaic version of the word there. As for me defending Chaos, no, that's not a warhammer thing. It's a real world science thing. The only reason that anything can happen at all is energy flows from areas of high energy to areas of low energy, spreading itself out as evenly as possible. The random occurrences as this happens is the root cause of all natural phenomenons. Entropy is why things can exist at all.

But since people generally do not know what Entropy means, I use the word chaos, since it's the same basic idea. Chaos, the increase of disorder within a system. As such, chaos literally forms the backbone of the universe and without it nothing would exist in the first place. Same with order. You need both an orderly ball of energy, and chaos to mess up that ordered energy to get life, the universe, and everything.

3909243 Well when I asked about Discord I really did not mean a comparing him with Starlight. I was just asking for your opinion on him in a completely unrelated why to her. But I have to say that Discord has to be in my top 5 characters from this show.

3909290 Oh yeah I know, was just hoping an author I follow liked Warhammer as well, even if if was just the fluff.

Okay I can see that *nods*. After all for Starlight all they ever did was show her how the future would be if she continued to try to alter time, destroyed, no rainbow powers or anything used on her, so the idea of her just faking it so they would all lower their guard, I can find that plausible. (Especially since now, after her reunion with her old friend, she can't seem to stop talking about it. Just her... tone? Makes me suspicious of her.) And though I would rather have the season finale connect with that changeling we 'might' have seen at the end of the crystaling season premier, maybe Starlight teaming up with the changelings for the finale? (Then they could 'kill two birds with one stone,' so to say, and hopefully help you like the show again?) *is my random rumblings...*

3909294 Oh! Well, yes. He's in my top 5 as well. Excellently done character, with a good character arc, and who can make me laugh.

3909299 I play Dark Angles and Necrons.

3909365 I play Dark Eldar, course that may be a tad obvious from my profile picture.

3909371 Quite... I'd play you but you're probably REEEEEEALY far away.

3909303 It would be hilarious if Starlight was Chrysalis TBH. After all... I did think that since the end of the season 5 opener. Before she vanishes her eyes go slit puples like Nightmear moon's or Chrysalis's did when livid. It's only for a few frames though. Could be an animation error.

3909377 Australia, thats only what, a few thousand kilometres.

3909384 Pfff, a short walk. I'll be right over! It's cool if I say 'mate', right?

3909385 I dunno, my family is British, so I don't even say it.

Hmmm that would be an interesting idea, frame error or not, could work well for it. Though then I would have expected her to reveal herself in the S5 finale? But maybe the writers have something BIG planned, that takes more than one season to do? Guess it could happen? Either way, you've been giving me some ideas for other possible stories hehe.

3908849 That is the most awesome thing i have ever heard of.

3909858 There are major downsides too. I'm one of the unlucky bastards who gets full sensory hallucinations. I've gone without eating for a few days because I swore I had a pack of energy bars on my desk. One time I had a xenomorph hunt down and eat me... But at least I can use my glitchy POS brain to help me do things I enjoy too.

3910274 Even fucking worse... last episode, Twilight's bitch mode makes Trixie attempt suicide... On screen... The flying fuck Hasbro?

twilight is slowly turning out not to be my wiafu anymore:ajbemused:

3911135 Yeah... it's like the wrong Twilight came back from the altered timelines... Seriously Twi, you drove a mare to an ON SCREEN SUICIDE ATTEMPT! (WHAT THE FLYING FUCK HASBRO!?!?)

3911222 is this even kid friendly anymore? the rating needs to be bumped to pg13.
I want somebody to do a remake of s6 with trixie in starlights place :D

3911257 That's another tickmark against Starlight. Abandoned a "friend" knowing she would attempt a 'need help or will die' stunt with or without her... That's Involuntary Manslaughter Through Negligence! At minimum, it will net you 1-6 years in prison, and when combined with her reckless disregard for the safety of Trixie by voluntarily abandoning helping... That's bumped up to a maximum of 15 years.

Twilight could also be convicted of Manslaughter as an accessory to the crime via her convincing Starlight to abandon her.

Thanks Hasbro!


Twilight's bitch mode makes Trixie attempt suicide... On screen... The flying fuck Hasbro?

If this is Hasbro's idea of dealing with serious problems, they're going about it the wrong way. If this is Hasbro's indirect way of covering suicide by Sanity Slippage (Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome) then they need to fire some writers.

Have you seen the synopsis of episode 11 "Flutter Brutter"? "When Fluttershy tries to convince her freeloading brother to move out of their parents' house, he moves in with her instead, forcing Fluttershy to stand up to him and help him get over his fear of failure."

Yeah, we're going to cover NEET's/Hikikomori.

Either I need a even more Facehoof-y avatar or time to build a Fandom Ejection Systemâ„¢

3911298 At this point... I'm only here to tell good stories in a cool setting with interesting sapient species.

3911261 one of the writers somewhere got their nipples all twisted up by trixie and almost forgot they were writing about cartoon pones rather than mystery movie killers

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