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Person Mare - The Skeleton of a Train Wreck - And Some More · 1:33pm Jan 30th, 2016

Drawn by sharpieboss, the one and only

It's that time again. The time of failure and shame.

This has been sitting around in the attic for a while. I might as well stop pretending and just share what I have of it so far.

That's not to say that there won't be a complete version of it someday. The reason it's gone up in Short Scraps is because I'm convinced that I can give this story a second shot, and when I do so it will be dramatically different from the incarnation you see before you. This is mostly due to a severe change in the protagonist's personality and dialogue. The one that currently exists is... just too wangsty, and it makes the story fall flat, imo.

For those of you curious as to what "Person Mare" was going to be about, it started back in early-early 2014, when EqG material was still relatively fresh and new. The idea was that--for some inexplicable reason--an orphaned infant foal entered the human world through one of the mirror portals, but she was never fully "transformed" into a sentient biped. Instead, she retained all of her equine!Friendship is Magic traits... but only she knew it. Everyone around her assumed she was just as human as the rest of them. Basically, other humans would look at her, and their brains would register "human," much like ponies around Lyra in Background Pony would inevitably forget about her after minutes of non-exposure. This meant that the main character--the "Person Mare"--had to live the entirety of her young life overcoming obstacles that only she was aware of because she's actually a miniature pastel horse.

So, in a lot of ways, it's retreading a lot of old grounds. The tags were likely going to be "Slice of Life," "Human," "Sad," and maybe even "Dark." Today, I'd also include the "Drama" tag, but probably not the "Equestria Girls" tag. She's more or less living in an alternate universe New York or Chicago.

Anyways, this is an example of something I should have just worked super-hard on back in early 2014 when I first conceived of it. Instead, I let the thing sit too long, and I gave up too soon when confronting plot holes. Still, it's all for the best, because I'm certain I could make the protagonist more likable if I attempt this in the future. That would inevitably mean a complete reassessment of the plot and story delivery, so don't feel too heavy-hearted about spoilers if you're to check out what's uploaded.

And, y'know, while you're at it, go and check out all of the amazing artwork by the wonderfully talented and imaginative sharpieboss. I know I've plugged him before, and a lot of his stuff might come across as super surrealist and macabre, but he's one of the best artists within the MLP community, and super underrated imo. He's drawn one or two things based on my own horse words, and--as if it wasn't already obvious--his stuff is what inspired me to consider "Person Mare" to begin with.

The guy not only draws amazingly vivid stuff with colorful scope, but he does so consistently... almost daily, even. It's mind-boggling. I dunno how people like him do it. So give him some attention. You won't regret it.

I know I've been super behind in tackling the questions of that One AMA Blargh that I Stupidly Posted on a Disney Day. But I'm slowly catching up to them. The Person Mare upload should be evidence of that, if nothing else. Thanks again for everyone's attention. I'm sorry for not putting up more content. I aim to be fixing that soon. Also, with Things Tavi Says dead and done, there could still be room for a third daily to replace it. I dunno. We'll see.

February is coming. And with it, you may be seeing some changes to SS&E. Nothing drastic, mind you. And you certainly won't see a decrease in material or other forms of bullshiet. The times are changing, and I feel like I need to make a change to fit with them... for my sake. If that sounds nebulously selfish, that's only because it is.

Anyways, I'll be posting a relevant blargh sooner than later. It'll be a relatively serious blargh. Again, nothing to be scared of, but I'll greatly (and humbly) appreciate an air of seriousness from any marsupial gracious enough to peruse the blargh and provide comments when it goes up. It'll likely involve a straw poll thingy too. All of this is a work in progress. I can't stress that enough.

If you're curious as to the subject matter, I'll give you one hint:


Comments ( 11 )

If there's anything that you of all people deserve to do, it's be selfish. Please do what you need to do.

Hooray for the greatest horseworder of horseland.

there could still be room for a third daily to replace it :trollestia: ?

I'm still amused by the fact that the lemurian humblyness is completely oblivious to the amazing ideas all around the stories/blogs/storyblogs. Maybe writing talent is inversely proportional to self-confidence? Or leads to a selective blind spot for good stories? I've noticed that with a few others as well. Maybe there is a scientific paper just itching to be written on that subject.

And that lemur gif from the AMA is still way too adorable. I know they are not monkeys... but... do they like bananas?

So, the next blargh will be about Patreon?

My god that picture of Fluttershy is creepy as fuck. Creepy In a good way though!

It's okay to be selfish. Especially to be better.

...I didn't need that last picture. :applecry:

Regardless, change is good. It might hurt or sting a little (or a lot), but everything and everyone changes. And writers of candy-colored horse words are no different.

Just the way things are, y'know?

That gif at the end doesn't faze me anymore. @_@

Dang, looks like I'm finally going to cave and give someone stuff via Patreon. Is it hard to sign up/register for as a patron?

Someone hasn't seen the Hey Arnold movie.

Anywho, that last pic does indeed sound Patreon-y. But we'll cross that bridge when and if Skirts builds it.

I remember first hearing about Person Mare some time after this video releasing:

I always thought the two were going to be related somehow. Coincidences are weird.

Edit: Just read the author's note in part 1. Haah.

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