• Member Since 6th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2022

Conner Cogwork

I swear every time I blink this site has fifteen new features. Six months isn't /that/ long a time to blink, is it?

More Blog Posts33

  • 179 weeks
    Here's your closure.

    I'm sorry folks. My mother passed away last year, so, forgive me for being curt.

    I am not coming back to Whisper of Wind. It will not be finished.

    Please, stop asking me about it.

    16 comments · 986 views
  • 439 weeks
    Okay so, Poll time again.

    I'm sitting on a number of things now, thanks to the S5 finale kicking me into gear. That said, I've got nothing in a finished state just yet. I feel like I should post something new though, if just so I don't wind up going into another drought.

    These are just placeholder names, but they are-

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    14 comments · 1,200 views
  • 442 weeks
    Phantom Responsibility

    "Phantom Responsibility. Tell me, have you ever heard of anything like that?"

    "I... n-no, I can't say that I have."

    Sunset Shimmer sighed and nodded. "I'd figured as such. But it's the closest description that we've got, to what's happening here... or rather, over there."

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    10 comments · 1,119 views
  • 444 weeks
    A Foe on Equestrian Soil

    "Come on out, darling..." Rarity crooned to the open air. "I know you're out here somewhere..."

    The forest air was deathly still, but the white pony knew not to let her guard down. Especially not now. Not while their 'visitor' was still at large.

    "Did the Order of the Horn send you?" a mare's voice echoed through the woods around her. "A white unicorn. You had to have been!"

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    12 comments · 1,026 views
  • 448 weeks
    A Funeral Dirge you can Dance to.

    This was an 'end' to a story that I had no idea how to actually begin or even middle for. So it stands alone. Also, many apologies to Jim Henson, God rest his soul.

    "Okay so, how do we get ourselves out of this one?"

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    11 comments · 776 views

A Foe on Equestrian Soil · 8:57am Jan 22nd, 2016

"Come on out, darling..." Rarity crooned to the open air. "I know you're out here somewhere..."

The forest air was deathly still, but the white pony knew not to let her guard down. Especially not now. Not while their 'visitor' was still at large.

"Did the Order of the Horn send you?" a mare's voice echoed through the woods around her. "A white unicorn. You had to have been!"

"Dearie, in case you haven't noticed, we're not in your home lands." Rarity called out again, taking slow and steady steps. "You're in Equestria now. Nopony sent me but my friends. And Dark Magic isn't exactly welcomed here either."

"You had many practitioners, through the ages." the voice spoke up again. "I came here, to learn what happened to them. To learn of the most powerful black mage of them all, the Unicorn King, Sombra."

"I'm afraid to burst your bubble." The unicorn turned to look over her shoulder, eyes darting about. "But King Sombra is dead. Has been dead, for a couple of years now."

A new voice echoed out, this one male, touched with a ghostly and hollow sound. "This may be true... but we will see. A Dark Mage such as Sombra, does not die easily."

"And he was still well-learned... one like him, would not let his teachings fall into obscurity." the mare's voice spoke again, becoming a little clearer. "My purpose here, is to find his teachings, and learn more about the use of Dark Magic."

Rarity shivered. "You would plunge the world into darkness doing so."

"Really now. Typical white magic's reasoning."

She only had the barest hint of warning, before jumping to the side. A crimson lance of energy blasted right through where she had been standing, impacting on the tree behind her. With that, she galloped forward, head low, horn at the ready, before launching herself at a black shape hidden in the bushes.

There was a scuffle, and then a gust of wind, tossing both forms out. Rarity was quick to leap to her hooves again, her opponent now exposed. A grey unicorn like herself with a black mane, with red highlights. Yet at the same time, she knew that this was no Equestrian unicorn. Her cloven feet and curved horn spoke to that.

Though her opponent's eyes were blue, shadow leaked from their corners. Hovering beside her in her telekinetic grip, was a gnarled and twisted-looking tome, that seemed for all in the world like it was grinning at her.

She narrowed her gaze in turn, her body tensing for whatever move came next. "Dark Magic is not going to save you, darling."

"On the contrary." Oleander replied, pawing the ground as her book opened, the fearsome image of a demon coalescing about it. "Dark Magic, is the only thing that can save us all."

Comments ( 12 )

Fantastic. Simply fantastic.


That was surprisingly epic!

so...Dark Mage teaching that Dark is not always evil, and light is not always good?

3704538 I generally have that in my stories as the main idea

And awesome story idea, can't wait for it to bear fruit

I've seen the image before, but ironically enough, the mini-story really makes it shine. Thank you for this.

Ok I am curious enough to wonder if it will become a thing

I'm with most of the comments, politely pleading you make this into more than just a snippet.:duck:

Aww, I wanted sooooooooo bad to put a like on this. Dang it! :trixieshiftleft:

Ok got bored waiting, and always nice to learn how to stuff pictures into document files.

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