Classy Addresses Fimfic Drama · 9:14am Jan 10th, 2016
Content is going to relate to what the title says.
I am also posting this at fucking 4 AM. Fuck my life.
So, since I've pretty much made my little return back to writing in the past week or two, I've found out that a bunch of... drama, I guess has been going on.
As I look through this... well, this fucking mess I guess you could call it, I'm finding out some stuff.
Apparently the mods have been dicks, I guess, to someone who's big on this site that I've never heard of, RealityCheck.
Yeah, Classy hasn't heard of someone who's popular on a horsefiction site, fucking lynch me, I really don't care.
Mods being dicks? Nothing new, being a dick is like, the first line of the requirements of the job description. I've been there, albeit not at the magnitude of how many people they end up dealing with on this site as a whole.
Lo, here is where it is interesting, apparently, they've been dicks to this RealityCheck guy for a while. Showing less favor to him over other plebs on this site, an example that some people that give a shit brought up was the fucking magnanimous Chatoyance.
Anyone that follows Classy ought to know my feelings about Chatoyance, and if you don't... well, fucking go and ask the eggheads over at HaS or HaM or where ever the fuck the hip, young kids hang out at nowadays. Ask them how Uncle Classy almost created another TCB war and you ought to understand how I stand with her.
Fuck, who am I kidding, that was back when I gave a shit, I don't stand anywhere with anyone anymore, I'm just a grumpy old guy that'll make a decent read every once in a while.
Anyway, back to the bullshit I'm wasting my time on.
So yeah, RealityCheck got fucked over by the mods in some way or another, how, I don't know and I don't really give enough of a fuck to try and shift through the mountain of garbage that is clouting blogs and some threads.
Yadda, yadda, yadda, RealityCheck does an all-out "Fuck everything" and just takes all of their shit down from here and moves down the street to whatever other third-party fanfiction site is on the fucking rage these days.
By the way, this nigga has like, over 2,000 fucking followers.
Yeah. I had like, 80 at one point, but I guess two guys looked through who they were following and found the ones that haven't done shit in like, six months and proceeded to clean house.
Good for them, less cancer to follow.
So anyway, now a bunch of people are pissed. Pissed at the mods. Pissed at RealityCheck. Even pissed at the fucking wind, probably because they're all pissing in it.
I'm just going to say this: No one really gives a shit and no one really should.
If the mods overstep their... well, "boundaries" we've all gotta look at the big picture here.
Yeah, there's a big picture to this shit if you can believe it. I'm just going to list off the shit that really matters here, what you read here, might just fucking shock you.
First, you can use this site for free. Yeah, I know, you don't fucking waste money on shit, fucking disappointing to your raging materialism, I know, right? There are ads and shit, but not too invasive, until some of them played random audio and managed to slow down my fucking computer which pretty much forced me to use adblock on here.
Point is, you're not losing anything being on here, well, except your physical life and possible loss of your virginity, but that's beside the point. You're not giving anyone anything but you're wasted time.
Second, it's your choice to be on here. Fuck, I know, ground-breaking shit here, I found it out last year and RealityCheck found it out as well.
Like, if someone does something you don't like, you don't like... have to sit there and take it, you can just fucking leave, it's nice. I mean, you can go on and live a nice cancer free life without the stupid bullshit like what I'm wasting my time on right now.
Oh wait, nevermind, everything gives you cancer now. I forgot about that... well, you're still fine for not wasting time.
Third... I actually don't have a third. I mean, I could only think of like, two things here and since I called it a list you'd think it would need more than two things... huh.
Well, fuck.
So in conclusion, you don't pay for shit, and you don't have to even stay here if you don't like said shit. Fucking hell, you're just like a manipulative girlfriend at this rate.
To be honest, my point is this, the mods are going to do whatever the fuck the mods want to do. Knighty pays for the site with ad revenue and wastes a bunch of his life making sure it works kind-of-sorta stably. If Knighty wants some friends of his to fuck around and run it or however the fuck this stupid hierarchy works, then Knighty gets to fucking do it.
Who gives a shit if they're being "tyrannical" or some shit? No seriously, some fucks have said this shit is tyrannical, it's pretty fucking funny.
Like, all of these people bitching about the mods and how they're over-stepping their powers and such need to realize this like... well, isn't like the American Government. There's no fucking checks and balances and there's no fucking Bill of Rights and if there is an equivalent then I simply don't give a fuck about finding it. And even if there was, there's no reason for the mods to give a fuck about it, because there's no way to lead like, an armed rebellion or some shit.
And even then, these people whoa are bitching about this, are still technically giving money to Knighty by simply being on the site.
The closest comparison I can give is people that leave fucking hate comments all over Youtube. Yeah, you fucking know what I'm talking about, those assholes that just like either troll the fuck out of the comment section or just try to do some textual harassment to people. Yeah, the guys that say stuff like: "This shit sucks, I could fucking make better content with a brass canister of burning vodka up my ass!".
Man I fucking love that shit, but all of their hate is in vain because they're fucking giving the person they hate views and technically ad revenue and shit, plus they're wasting time that they could be using to... fuck, I don't know, fight fucking Ebola or some shit.
So yeah, the mods will do what they want, regardless if its nice, mean, warranted, unwarranted, fucking whatever.
And you know what? They have every fucking right to. Like I said, they owe us fucking nothing. Zip, nadda, zilch, bupkis, cancer, anti-matter, fucking NOTHING. We don't give them shit and they give us their wasted lives, our wants/needs don't matter nearly as fucking much as some bitches like to think.
And now, if you don't like it? Fucking leave, it's pretty easy. Better yet, you could just shut the fuck up and read or write, masturbate, whatever the fuck you want to do and stop giving a damn about this type of shit. Then if a rule comes out of nowhere that fucks your time up then go somewhere else for your shit, there are always alternatives, fanfiction in general is a surprisingly large marketplace if you can believe it. Hell, that's what RealityCheck did, albeit with a significantly large amount of bitching and et cetera, but fuck it, they did what they wanted to do and that was not to deal with the mods. Guess what? They had every fucking right to do it as well.
Now, realize this. I'm not saying the mods are "In the right" per say, but I'm not saying they're "In the wrong" either.
I'm saying that everyone just needs to fucking realize that when it comes down to it, no one should be complaining about much of anything here.
I mean, it's a free-to-use fanfiction site. The fuck are you really expecting? Shits to be given? Are you expecting everything to just be exactly as you want when you pretty much didn't do shit for it?
Jesus, now can people stop bitching or giving a fuck about this rather simple shit?
Wait, what am I saying? This shit is fucking comedy gold! Keep going everyone, yeah, you're fighting for justice and freedom and... all that nice stuff that horsefiction has a direct effect upon.
Oh yeah, and to make this post somewhat worth it, I'm working on the next chapter. Expect it to be a good bit shorter than the last one... because y'know, it's just going to be one big fight.
Oh, did I spoil some of it there? Whoops.
Is that really a spoiler though?
Ah, fuck it, anyone that read it probably connected all of the dots at this rate.
EDIT: Topfuckingkek not all of my tags fit in the box. Fucking retarded.
It doesn't even have the last one.
I mean, RealityCheck was famously bullheaded, arrogant, bigoted, and prone to soapboxing in his stories to the point where he started almost exclusively writing fix fics to counter endings to episodes or stories he disagreed with. The reason the issues happened was because he copied a decent excerpt of someone else's story VERBATIM, and by the time he finally relented and changed that segment, he'd failed submission enough times that the mods wouldn't look at it again.
Soooooooooooooooo a whole lot of people really haven't found reason to sympathize with him.
Even then though, those that do support him in this little shitfest are pretty damn blind about it.
It's kind of a reason that I hope I never gain a really large amount of followers. It seems that people with a bunch of followers tend to get fuckloads of drama and with that comes a bunch of... well, stupidly vehement people "defending" them.
Yeah, no, I don't want that, I can live with being obscure as fuck down in the fucking bowels of fimfic. At least here any cancer is relatively contained.
Not enough tags.