• Member Since 16th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 3rd, 2017


Just a dude. Writes horsewords... with varying regularity.

More Blog Posts376

  • 357 weeks
    Memories of the fallen.

    Nathan again, I just wanted to make a quick blog update for anyone who might want to give their best wishes. It has come to my attention that there will be a memorial service for Loyal held on the 19th of August. I'm making this post so that anyone who maybe happened to enjoy Loyals work has a chance to pay proper respect.

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  • 357 weeks
    We will remember him.

    Hi everyone, my name's Nathan and I come today to bring some somber and tragic news. The reason Loyal isn't here giving you the news is because he sadly is the news. Loyal and I would have been best friends for 5 years this fall, but I am so very sorry to have to inform everyone that Jordan Williams appears to have taken his own life last night.

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  • 378 weeks
    Fallout: Saddle Arabia Compendium, Vol. 1

    Stable Alpha


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  • 381 weeks

    There was a Tumblr post some time ago that mused on tattoos, how everyone was born with their own, and they were unique to that particular person. It went on to detail how, when one tattoo bearer fell in love with another, their native tattoos would appear on the partner's body. And would remain, even after heartbreak. Some people would be littered with the marks, and others would go their entire

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    11 comments · 701 views
  • 383 weeks
    Fallout: Saddle Arabia is LIVE!

    That's right, folks, the first (two) chapter(s) of Fallout: Saddle Arabia are published! This marks the first time I've stepped into the Fallout: Equestria fandom, after many years of reading the stories and playing the games.

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Return to Form: Square One · 6:59am Dec 9th, 2015

For some of my more devout followers, it'a no big secret that I've been making somewhat of a return to writing for the fandom. I've updated three of my previously-cancelled (or already on extended hiatus) stories. Well, it's about damn time I got around to writing some of my bigger projects that have been on the shelf for far too long.

First step: Square One.

I want to know what you, the readers and long-time fans want to see out of the story. What shenanigans do you want to see Star and company to get into? Do you want more or less romance in the future chapters? Do you want me to explore this alternate Equestria more, including the things that may have changed over the three thousand years between this and the end of its predecessor, or focus more on action and plot development?

For the record, whatever plans I may or may not have had for the story will likely lay the framework for moving forwards, at least to an extent. Many things (like the original, morbid ending) will naturally change, and as I have done in the past, reader feedback will certainly influence how the story progresses.

Nevertheless, I'd like to see where the state of affairs is for fans and readers. Let me know what you guys like, dislike, and want to see (or see omitted) from future chapters.

Here's hoping this 'return to form' sticks more than the last one, eh?

Report Loyal · 313 views · Story: Archmage: Square One ·
Comments ( 18 )

Personally I'd like to see: more use of magic (you made an excellent magic system, show it off a bit!), a bit more Twi and Luna (really explore what you think a multi-millenia relationship looks like), and more set pieces (your locales are fantastic).

Glad to see you're enjoying getting back into the swing of things and even gladder to have one of my very favorite stories get some attention!

I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and I'll be happy to provide more, but to be perfectly honest, all you've seen from Twi and Luna is probably all you're GOING to see.

I'd like to think that after three thousand and some odd years of being together, two semi-immortal lovers don't feel the need to be all over one another. Star stumbled in on a very rare occurrence, seeing a display of affection toward one another.

And let's be perfectly honest, I have several other alternatives to explore their relationship where it won't detract from Star's story: Ascendancy and Beyond the Crystal Mirror being the first and most prominent.

So yes, while I plan on playing out some new locales and showing off what magic I've managed to put into this world, Twilight's relationship with Luna will only be hinted at, if explored at all.

Unless you object, obviously XD valid arguments always tend to sway my opinion.

Well, I myself would prefer to see more focus on the characters themselves - world building is never bad, but this is a character driven story after all, so it should primarily focus on the characters.
As for the other questions, I'll provide you with the most dreaded answer - surprise me :trollestia:

To be honest, I just wish for it to be what your imagination comes up with.

I'm sort of with Biker_Dash. I don't really know exactly what I want from the story, I've just always enjoyed what you've written. So I suppose go with what you think you want. That's always worked for me.

If you do plan on exploring Luna and Twi's relationship in many forms, through your other stories then I won't say that I would like to see more here. If not then that is always a fun part of your writing. (Relationships) I would say that more character pieces might be nice as we didn't get to know this new cast as well as we could have.

Real talk; I need to know more about the Fall of the Apple Family.

I mean I'll be happy with anything at all, but that's my number one thing.

Loyal, comrade, I wish you well and a speedy pen. Your works fuel my own creative processes.

I think I just found the focus of my next chapter... sounds like Goldy and Basil will be getting their reckoning next chapter.

3604664 The focus of the next chapter should be about how you are NOT going to write it because its a shit idea. Then after you do that you are going to work on an original piece, because you are past this fan-made bullshit.

You read my original piece and said it was terrible. I'm sure most folks here would agree with you, considering:
Weak main character development
Non-existent plot
Poor research
Sub-par advancement
Self-gratuitous sex
Piss-poor exposition.

So, you know, suck dick and all that buddy.

More romance would be nice.
Thanks for returning to continue your work here, I got a little worried.

To echo others, I'm confident that I'll like whatever you come up with.

Do you want me to explore this alternate Equestria more, including the things that may have changed over the three thousand years between this and the end of its predecessor, or focus more on action and plot development?

Does it have to be either/or? These two things would be my top votes.


I simply like adventure more than anything.

3604721 I didn't say go back and work on the SAME original project, I just said work on AN original project. Make up a new one or something fuck. Spit balling ideas is stupid easy.

Here have a free one.
Setting rural town in the midwestern united states.
A girl who is on the out with her parents who don't believe in her dreams of big city living, stands alone at the train station.
Out of ideas she slaps the last of her money on the counter and asks for one ticket.
The faceless man behind the counter asks her "Where to miss"

The girl responds.


On the flip side of the coin, a city boy with no parents who had it pretty rough growing up robs a liquor store. Rather than go and pay rent at his hovel or get some debtors off his back, he slinks into the defunct train station and buys a ticket through the grimy window with the bored attendant. Sadly, he's accosted by some gang members on the platform who see he has cash.

"Where you goin', white boi?" They ask, pulling knives and weapons from their coats.

The man sighs, slowly pulling a worn 9mm from within his jacket.


3606464 And just like that you've got a new hit single. Wait.....

3605222 same. It's good to see you back, loyal. For all the crap I've given you in the past, I'm sorry. You've time and time again proven yourself one of the best writers on this site, and I look forward to whatever comes out of this.

But like this guy says, i'd prefer we do more adventures than slice of life. I'm getting kinda sick of SoL, it feels like the "go-to" genere for fanfics, and in my experience often makes larger stories feel boring.

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