• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


"You're so vanilla!" "You're like the Fairy Bread of Australia!" Anonpencil - 2019

More Blog Posts145

  • 246 weeks
    Update on life

    Hey all. It's been a while huh.

    Honestly, I've no idea where to start on this so I guess I'll jump right in. Let's start with story updates... Or lack there of.

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    20 comments · 1,913 views
  • 265 weeks
    Midnight Song got some art~

    So yeah. I finally got some art in the form of a character reference sheet~

    Isn't she pretty~?

    10 comments · 602 views
  • 286 weeks
    An update.

    Okay, so between work and some... excessive procrastination. (Blame Dragon Quest XI okay! That game is really bloody good)

    I am hard at work on the next Woona chapter. It's already at 3K words, so around halfway or so in my books.

    Here's a small exerpt to tease you~

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    3 comments · 723 views
  • 291 weeks
    Story Spotlight - The Flower Mare

    Shh, I didn't totally forget to do these. Nope, not at all...


    A-Anyway. It's time to show off what is possibaly my favourite set of stories on the whole site. Hell, these are probably my favourite fanfictions. Period!


    TThe Flower Mare
    One day, the Crusaders happen upon Ponyville’s newest, specialty flower vendor: a young mare from Alemaneia named Schneeblume. They think she’s hiding something. Turns out she is, though not in a way they expected at all.
    Flammenwerfer · 11k words  ·  791  17 · 11k views

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    0 comments · 487 views
  • 291 weeks
    Disablling Notifications

    Does anyone know if you can disable certain notifications?

    Seeing stories you worked so hard on get added to things like 'Crap stories' and 'Dead shelf' is... well its a little disheartening. Maybe my work isn't the best. But if you hate it, don't rub it in my face like that. I know pleasing everyone is impossible... but come on. The whole bookshelf system is... yeh.

    19 comments · 529 views

Hey! Listen!! · 11:00pm Sep 19th, 2015

So, an awesome friend of mine wrote a little something Flare Blitz related.

Ever wondered about Luna? And her aversion to Pokemon and Darkrai in particular?


You really need to go and check this out!!

Comments ( 3 )

3404909 What? No telling Navi to shut up?

Sorry, that's just the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this post.


Do I look like The Hero of Time?

No, I'm the Hero of Wind

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