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Your Daily Dose of Tumblr, Scootareader Style · 9:06pm Feb 20th, 2015

Her name is Crystal Snowflake, apparently, but we all know she's a special snowflake. :moustache:

I was linked earlier to some silly thing about the original Star Trek (that came out in the 60s) being too misogynistic, as if modern feminists expected some profound understanding to permeate everything that was everything, including Star Trek. Deluded, sure. Assuming, sure. As far as modern feminist idiocy goes, though, it hit the nail right on the head.

Am I calling feminism as an idea idiotic? Of course not. That's what I said, but it's not what I meant. I'm calling the modern feminism movement idiotic, toxic, and counterproductive, as evidenced by the fact that outspoken advocates for equality of women don't want any association with the term or movement. Something stinks, and it's not the advocation of women being equal.

I think I know what's caused this downward trend in the movement: The exclusion of men. Men have never been welcome in such things because they're not women. Simply put, activists only want other people affected in the same way that they do to be activists, advocates, etc.

So, by virtue of my being born male, with no vagina, I am excluded from the modern feminist movement. Fair enough.

My skin color? White. That excludes me from the racial movement because I don't know what it's like to be discriminated against for being a brutha, or an immigrant, or a math genius (oh, stereotypes). Because my eyes are white person eyes, I am not able to see the discrimination all around me, thus I am unfit to be an activist for the racial movement.

My sexual attraction? Exclusively female. That makes me straight. It excludes me from the LGBT movement because I was born with a penis and am attracted to vaginas. I've never known what it's like to be hated because of how I view other males, so they don't want me, either.

As an atheist, I am, thankfully, eligible for the religious rights movement, but modern atheists seem to poison the well, much as modern feminism does, in my eyes. They seem to promote godlessness out of spite, not out of understanding. So, I'd rather be atheist in silence and not associate with whatever those guys stand for... probably fedoras and anime, from what I gather.

What makes me special? Oh, there's gotta be something that makes everyone special, right?

If it's something you consider special, I identify as agender, also known as neutrois, but I prefer the former because it's more informative and doesn't sound like I'm a twinkletoes gender awareness faggot. Agender is what it sounds like: You don't have a gender. Like asexual means you aren't attracted to anything, agender means you aren't a gender.

Communicating mental state is a lot more difficult than sexual attraction, of course, so I don't really trumpet it around. People ask, I tell. I don't see myself as a man or a woman; I simply am a thing, a human being, and I don't ascribe to any masculine or feminine mannerisms. I do enough to keep my head down in public, of course, but it's mostly just mimicry. I'm not looking to stick out.

If I pushed at being special hard enough, maybe the LGBT movement would let me be an advocate. Only being attracted to the female body decreases my credibility somewhat, though. It's like these movements are looking for a very specific set of conditions to be met, and that those who feel the need to be an activist are shunned in favor of those who are a part of the allegedly oppressed minority.

I often tell my roommates that I'm transnigger, as in, I have white skin but am a black person on the inside, because some users on Tumblr actually believe that being black is not an affectation of skin pigmentation, but a state of mind. Maybe I'm racist for thinking that being black is only something to do with skin color, and that the brain in that head of theirs is the same as the brain in my own head. I guess equality isn't good enough, though. We want to be different. Special.

I was born white. I was born male. I was born with a sexual attraction to women. I was born apathetic to gender norms. No amount of saying or doing will change these inalienable rules my mind has set for me short of brain surgery.

The problem here is that the world treats these things as choices. They are not.

One of my greatest struggles in my life, in fact, is coming to terms with the fact that I don't find males attractive. Why? It's not like I'm being held back by my perception of myself as male. I should love everyone regardless of what their body looks like. It only makes sense to me.

Yet, I don't.

I was never asked, "Hey Scootareader, what kind of people do you want to have sex with?" If I'd been asked, I'd have said, "Everyone." Who wants limitations to who they can fall in love with and bone? Yet, seeing a male gives me nothing. It's because I didn't get to choose who I want to be happy with. My brain chose for me.

I have as much of a choice in who I am as a member of the LGBT movement, or a person with skin a different shade than mine, or a woman. That doesn't mean I can't empathize.

But, they don't want me.

This, to me, is the most asinine part of rights movements. What the hell are these people fighting for? Are they fighting for a right to choose? Are they raising awareness for the lack of a choice? The former is, simply put, wrong; the latter should promote those who are stuck in their choices and know that they're stuck in their choices so that they can testify, "I never asked for this, but neither did they."

But, they don't want me.

And, if you weren't born special, like them, they don't want you, either.

This is why I consider most all modern rights movements bullshit. None of them care about actually advancing their rights anymore. They just want attention.

The last time I can remember integration of the scale which I speak of is in the days of Martin Luther King Jr. That was a civil rights movement. Of course the black folks in white restaurants made the news headlines... but did the black activists push away the white folks going into black restaurants? Hell no. That's because their movement meant equality, integration, understanding... both ways.

Modern feminism doesn't want men. Modern racial awareness doesn't want whites. Modern LGBT doesn't want straight. Why does it matter whether I support the movements or not? No one cares, apparently.

Well, no one cares except Tumblr. Maybe that's why I stay away from that site.

Report Scootareader · 373 views ·
Comments ( 46 )

oi, i stand for anime and i am fucking proud of it.

If someone else says that they personally hate anime, but that they feel that your appreciation of it is wonderful and should be celebrated and supported, even by those who don't appreciate the artform, would you be thankful for their support?

you're being misegenistec. You white cis male scum! Check yer privalege


Its gud that you kill urself. Nao u cant raep me with ur brain.

I didn't kill myself. I committed sudoku. :duck:


Eye crei.

b0ss pls. I hab de canzer. Gimme de pussi b0ss.


"Shut the fuck up Salamander Man!"

I found out the hard way that being on Tumblr was more stressful than being a brony.

Still, I'm confused about the LGBT community not wanting you. Really? Because I'm a member of the Gay/Straight Alliance club (pro-LGBT rights) at my college despite being straight.

Go back to Tumblr, then, you Tumblr-fag. :rainbowkiss:


Which is not to say that music championing equal rights for people of all genders and sexual identities isn't absolutely necessary--after all, the arts are supposed to lead culture--but the manner in which these messages are dispersed is just as important as the content of the message itself. So when it's a white and wealthy, non-rap rap-sensation proclaiming that we are all human and deserving of the same rights and respect because "there is no difference" on a languid, piano-driven hip-hop track, sorry, we got a fuckin' problem.

In an article about Macklemore and his "Same Love" song.

I guess the LGBT community generally hates Macklemore, despite his advocating LGBT rights, because he's a white and wealthy guy promoting a movement that he is not directly affected by. He's straight, thus they don't want him.

I'm not saying on the high school or college level; I'm saying on the national level.


2815741 you disgust me. :rainbowwild:

Well, I think it's two things, really.

1. There are just ridiculous amounts of toxic, dickfaced people. Like, you'd like to think the world is a pleasant place filled with honorable, respectable, and mature people, but apparently that's not the case. Like, at all. I honestly don't understand how so many people seem to find difficulty in having a shred of dignity.

And 2. Ease of communication. Back then, you had just one man on the TV, giving his speech about his dreams and having his voice personally heard by thousands. Now, you've got a massive clusterfuck that has no clear direction or form. Plus, i'm certain some disagreeable things did happen during the civil rights movement, even if the majority were good, well-meaning people. I know there are people within all communities who do mean well and do stand for what they believe with open minds, but the sad truth is that they're out-weighed and have their names ruined by a huge, writhing mass of shit-eating maggots.

Well, to be fair, this is trending on the national or internet level of awareness. Generally speaking, the little people--those I know personally--would much prefer I be open-minded and are happy speaking with me about my awareness or lack thereof.

On the national or internet level, the activist always assumes the supporter isn't knowledgeable or supportive enough, and thus talks down to them.

If LGBT activism were open to everyone, everyone would have a platform, thus there would be no popularity bid. It would simply be a mass of supporters. There's no money or fame in that. National or internet activism doesn't have the room to give everyone a platform because those people do it for money or fame, hence why they make it a popularity bid.

not associate with whatever those guys stand for... probably fedoras and anime, from what I gather.

But I like fedoras and anime! Dammit!

lol, nope, but I figure that's okay.

My sexual attraction? Exclusively female.

The fragile illusions holding my world-view aloft have been shattered :raritydespair:



No need to go full emo on me

Or, perhaps there is a need to go full emo on you. Did you ever think of that, Slippy? :applecry:


Nuu, I don't know what to believe anymore :ajsleepy:

Us. You can believe in us. :pinkiesmile:

I understand completely, and up until relatively recently (within the past five or so years), that's mostly what I've been thinking, too.

What really got me wondering about this was my apparent lack of understanding of "manliness" as a concept from a young age. After I hit puberty, my brothers legitimately believed that I was gay and had discussed their thoughts on it. They continued wholeheartedly believing that I was gay until they learned I'd nearly gotten a girl pregnant in high school, at which point they both freaked out (because, despite being the youngest of four, I was almost the first to have a kid), and after that whole thing had blown over (a miscarriage probably, but not sure--it's complicated), one of them in discussing it mentioned that he and my other brother had both thought I was gay for the longest time because I didn't act like a guy.

I didn't even realize I didn't act like a guy. I just acted however I thought I should act, whatever seemed right to me... and that apparently made me act different, to the point where my brothers questioned my sexuality, despite my having always been straight.

After that, I still thought of myself as male, as I'd always thought, but not like other males. I had a deep voice, I had a penis, I was attracted to women... those were my criteria for being male. Yet, I didn't look at others and say, "I'm like that guy." I also didn't ascribe to anything womanly, and I still don't.

Like, what is the criteria for being a "man," or "masculine?" Whatever it is, I haven't the foggiest. The best I can do is mimic what I see others doing, and I've always been shitty at that. Whatever it is that men typically do, I'm pretty sure I don't do it. Not trying to say I'm a special snowflake or anything, but my life has been devoid of my gender as a compass.

As opposed to agender, what would I be? I don't look at a man and see what I want to be there. I don't look at a woman and see anything like me there, either. I don't look at both and see parts of both in myself. I don't find confusion over what people say I am, but I do find things that "just the guys" or "just the girls" do to be things I'm not interested in doing.

Not once have I looked at myself and seen "manly." What's your definition of a man? I'm pretty sure I don't fit it and have never been interested in fitting it. I just don't have that label.

Explaining being agender is probably a lot more difficult than explaining the confusion about being agender. It's like trying to explain the sensation of ghost limbs to someone who's never lost a limb. There's confusion over how such a thing can happen, but those who have had it happen to them, it makes perfect sense to. You'll never fully understand it unless you are mentally in the same place.

I mean, you can call me whatever you like. I don't care if you call me he, she, or it. I am me, and whatever you see when you see me is fine with me. :twilightsmile: Just where I am, mentally, isn't really conducive to any gender apart from how agender feels.

That, at that point, begs the question: What is a feminine male? They don't act according to genetics, as that would likely be something influenced by the presence of an X or a Y chromosome as your second one. It's all mostly above my understanding.

What, to you, defines being male? Is it physical features exclusively? Transgender means that they feel like they're someone who shouldn't be in that body. What is that sensation? If you feel like a woman in a man's body, what about feeling like nothing in a man's body? Is that possible? Well, I think that's me.

What I'm saying is, I don't feel any kind of draw to traits that I find masculine or feminine, regardless of whatever they may be. Once again, I don't see myself as a "man" or a "woman" in any iteration, whether it's self-perception or perception colored by societal standards.

If this is instinctive male stuff we're talking about, as far as I can tell, I don't ascribe to it. :unsuresweetie: There are things that FtM and MtF transgenders still must do as according to their physical characteristics: FtMs still bleed every month (unless the hormones stop it) and MtFs still urinate through a penis. Do these requirements make them feel any less than what they are?

Physical body is what you are, whereas your gender is more how you feel. I don't feel like anything. What the fuck does that make me? I had to rack my brain for long hours every single night, asking myself, "Why am I not like them?" I didn't want to live like that. If I could just be that thing, I'd be it. But that's not how I think. I want it to be easy. I'd rather just be a guy because it's easier that way. But that's not who I am. I never volunteered to feel this way. No one wants to feel like they're nothing. I've felt like nothing my entire life. I just didn't understand it until I grew up.

I don't expect understanding. It just bothers me that you're saying, "Well, you look like a guy, right? Then that makes you a guy." Considering I thought that for well over half my life so far, I get why you'd feel that way. That ain't it, though.

I'm not trying to be special. I'm trying to understand what the fuck is wrong with me. It gives me peace of mind to know. It makes sense to me. Being a man doesn't. Being a woman doesn't. The only sense I can make of any of this is that I'm neither.

This... is bothering me. I don't wanna keep talking about it. :fluttershysad:


If you don't feel like a male socially, I'd think you default to male sexually.

Well... state of mind doesn't necessarily translate in a 1:1 ratio to what happens socially. I may act like a male to a stranger, but that is more their perception based on my physical characteristics, not out of any intimate knowledge of my self-perception.

Yes, my sex is male. There is no debate over that. I have a penis. I do not have a vagina or breasts. I have testicles, not ovaries. This denotes certain things about my body. Who I am is not one of those things determined by my physical characteristics.

Then you default.

As wonderful as that sounds, and as hard as I tried to adhere to that idea when I was younger, it never seemed right to me. It's like feeling like a stranger in your own skin. Knowing you're not who you think you are.

You don't feel like 'nothing', you feel like 'neither'.

Okay, by the definition I have for myself now, yes, certainly. Before I determined I was neither, my definition was "nothing." Maybe edgy teenage drama desires. I wasn't like I thought I should be, though.

That was how the feelings manifested to me. I thought to myself, "I am male, I want to be a man, I want to feel like that," and it felt completely hollow. Like there was something... an understanding, missing. Not a void, but I guess... an understanding.

You probably just feel like a person, calculating and thoughtful, who doesn't naturally fall into gender norms.

I think that's exactly correct. I feel like a person. Not a man, or a woman. I am a person. That's the best way I can describe my self. "Person."

I'm going to treat you like a guy, not like a 'nothing', because neither I nor anyone else know how to even do that.

As far as talking to me in normal conversation, that's fine with me; it doesn't bother me how people decide to address me. I guess, not a nothing, but a neither, causes you to instinctively default to male due to body type; you do, however, know how to treat someone who's "genderless" in that sense based on how you greet random people on the internet whom you have no knowledge of. I've been called a he, a she, and an it on this site. The "he" pronoun is most common, as most would default me based on the same reasoning you have; the "she" pronoun, I think, was a joke due to me telling someone I'm agender, and she asked if she could refer to me with feminine pronouns, which I said was fine, and the "it" was once again explaining that I'm agender, and they asked if that was the proper way to refer to me, which I said was fine too.

I don't get wrapped up in the pronouns BS, because that's not who I am--that's something Tumblr and overly sensitive/dramatic trans people care about, in my eyes. I've had to think a lot about what it actually means to me to feel this way. I can't reconcile being either of the things, though. I'm... something. Just not a man, and not a woman.

Of course it's bothering you. I'm challenging the way you think using the way I think. It's a conflict of worldview.

You know, I'm pretty sure that, if it was anyone else, I'd have already given up. I was legitimately freaking out for the first time in months when I sent my last message. Then you sent this and I remembered who I'm talking to. :twilightsmile:

I just wanted to share three pictures I like with you. :scootangel:

I'm a (mostly) heterosexual feminist pro-choice anti-Palestinian-apartheid anti-fascist LGBTQ-ally hippie Christian idealist environmentalist pacifistic capitalistic socialist. What does that make me?

Also I like the pictures.

2824415 Dammit I cantered right into that one. :facehoof:

I'm going to bookmark this blog post. Please please please don't delete it at any point (and please don't delete it just to spite me). In combination with some of your replies to the confusion on the subject, it's incredibly informative and insightful. Because of you, I suggested to my LGBT Club that we have a meeting one day to discuss agenders. God-fuckity-dammit, this site doesn't recognize agender as a word.

I will not delete it, not to worry. :twilightsmile:

But, they don't want me.

And, if you weren't born special, like them, they don't want you, either.

This is why I consider most all modern rights movements bullshit. None of them care about actually advancing their rights anymore. They just want attention.


Modern feminism doesn't want men. Modern racial awareness doesn't want whites. Modern LGBT doesn't want straight. Why does it matter whether I support the movements or not? No one cares, apparently.

This makes me start to reconsider my involvement with everything. I don't really remember why I joined the LGBT group on this site, but I've always sort of felt like I didn't belong. Just two days ago I seriously thought about quitting it because I'm not like them, and just going back to my old position on LGBT stuff: stay out of it. Sometimes I like to delude myself into thinking that people would actually notice if I left, but in the back of my mind I always know that I'm just some loser behind a keyboard who doesn't make a difference in the world.
And yet I keep coming back to the forums. Why? I can't say. Perhaps I'm meant to be there, but more likely this is just a phase in my exploration of the internet, and in a few months I'll grow bored of it and look elsewhere.

I'll never truly understand what they're going through, and what little 'support' I can give has no value. I know that I shouldn't let a few bad apples ruin my view of an entire group, especially if these bad apples reside on Tumblr, but perhaps as a straight cis white male, it would be in my best interest to just forget about other people and move on. :ajsleepy:

P.S.: Yes, keep this page up here. Who cares if a few social justice warriors get offended as long as we can bring out the truth?

So, I found this blog post after wandering around the LGBT forum in celebration of today's supreme court ruling, and it struck me as being one of the most level-headed and reasonable criticisms of modern civil-rights movements I've ever read. I wanted to provide my own input on what's actually going on here, though.

What appears to be going on with modern civil rights movements is that the loudest members are those who care deeply about what they are fighting for... which often turns into extremism. Most feminists want gender equality. They welcome men who also care about gender equality, and they care about making everything between genders fair.

You will also never hear from most feminists. Most of them are not commenting on the internet. Most of them are not writing articles about it. Most do not have a blog dedicated to feminism. It is the internet magnification effect at its worst, and it has resulted in a bunch of psychopathic feminazi's shitting all over the word "feminism" and turning it into a joke.

As a result, the word "feminism" no longer means "gender equality". It was a sad day when I realized that I could no longer refer to myself as a feminist because the word no longer meant what I thought it meant. Nowadays, I try to refer to myself as a "Gender Evangelist", or simply state that I support equal rights for both genders in the most explicit way I can, so people can't say "oh you're a feminist you must believe in all this crazy bullshit the tumblrfags want!"

I really hope I don't have to do the same thing for gay rights, or income disparity, but the increasing idiocy of humanity is becoming more and more difficult to deal with, as the internet steadily gives every maniac with an opinion a gigantic megaphone. However, even if the words change, the ideals do not, and I hope that even with the disillusionment of extremism in modern civil rights movements, we all recognize the importance of continuing to fight for true equality, wherever we can.


I hope that even with the disillusionment of extremism in modern civil rights movements, we all recognize the importance of continuing to fight for true equality, wherever we can.

Well, if I see a woman being attacked or verbally abused, I will naturally say something about it; I don't get out enough, so I don't see much, but when I do, my voice is worth nothing if it is not freely shared. Same with a person being insulted for being gay or trans, or a person being discriminated against for being non-white. I don't stand hate and intolerance in public places, but I can hardly police thoughts or actions behind closed doors, nor do I want to.

This blog's point isn't that I desperately want to be an activist in these groups as that I am not allowed to be an activist in these groups because of some silly disqualifying criteria (like the thread you found this blog from); it's to belittle these movements for missing the point of their movement to begin with. Women want equality? Let them walk side-by-side with men; show that sex doesn't matter to begin with (where rights are concerned). Minority races want equality? Let them walk side-by-side with whites; show that race doesn't matter to begin with. LGBT want equality? Let them walk side-by-side with straight cis folks; show that who you want drilling you at night, or if you even want anyone drilling you to begin with, doesn't matter. Open the doors to all who advocate equality, not only those who share in your struggle or your political viewpoints.

Perhaps the feminists I see on the internet have poisoned the well of the movement in general; I still happily declare myself a women's rights advocate because I believe women are still looked down upon by men in some ways, and that is wrong. And perhaps the minority races have likewise poisoned the well; they piously tell me that I cannot understand what it's like to be in their Jordans (a type of shoe I don't think I could even afford, to be honest--and yes, that was a stereotypical racist joke). LGBT, however... their exclusion of non-gays at Pride, that's crossing the line. That's for everyone in the community, not just the internet being the internet. Maybe same-sex marriage is finally a constitutional right; it doesn't seem like the Pride organizers give a shit about that, only that they have a parade that's limited to only their sanctioned people. It's discrimination against me and everything the rights movement stands for.


I was actually trying to point out that most gays and feminists will agree with you. I'm saying that your critique is correct for the extremists, because the extremists are wrong, but the extremists are also the minority.

It is really, really hard to remember that the internet magnifies issues far beyond what they actually are. I have at least ten gay friends (possibly more), and all of them would react with intense digust at the mere suggestion of excluding straight people who supported gay rights from a gay pride parade. Most people who want equal rights are reasonable people, but on the internet, you will only ever hear about the loud-mouthed minority. This does not change the fact that they are a minority.

That's why it's important to remember that the extremists are just a bunch of crybabies who are ruining the fun for everyone else. Chances are, if you meet a gay person, they would enthusiastically want you to join them in any kind of gay pride event if you want to show support for gay rights. It is important to not let our cynicism run away from us.

The real problem here isn't with modern feminism or other civil rights movements, it's that these movements have allowed themselves to be hijacked by a bunch of radical SJWs who have destroyed their credibility.

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