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Proper Noun

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knighty blocked me, lol. · 2:30am Feb 7th, 2015

I burst out laughing. Seriously!

Report Proper Noun · 1,967 views ·
Comments ( 166 )

Getting blocked by the creator of My Little Portal was my greatest achievement in this fandom.

How did you manage that?

Why'd he block you

This just reinforces your awesomeness. :ajsmug: Achievement unlocked!

Print that screenshot and frame it. Pure gold :D

What the hell? 0_0


I pointed out this tweet and WTF'd.

Then he got into it with someone else, represented himself poorly, and I told him to put the shovel down (as a "stop digging" thing) and call it a night. I guess he thought I meant "bury the bodies" or something. I don't care, I had a laugh.

How the bloody hell did you manage that? Are you sure he blocked you?


Wow, that's pretty cowardly. Bringing up a contentious issue and blocking people just for disagreeing with you?

I suppose, yeah, if he took what you said to be a personal attack somehow, then that wouldn't be so bad.


Yes. I can't post on his page and that's one of the things that happens when someone blocks you.

You also can't PM them or post on their stories or blogs.


What an ass.


That's an achievement right there.

Remeber, kids, for the mantra will guide your life:

War is peace, freedom is slavery, and knighty is almighty.

It would also appear he's a comment deleter too.


Well, you didn't get banned. That's something, at least.


If I got banned for what little I said, I would be laughing harder. Probably not on fimfiction, though. Also I would eventually talk to a mod about it because seriously what I said was pretty innocuous, especially for me. :derpytongue2:


As admin of the site, I think he can bother to show a little more professionalism.

Site Owner

2775315 I don't want my user page full of stupid crap like this. It's nothing to do with being cowardly.


You know, I completely agree with your position in that tweet, but if you didn't want to defend it, why did you say it?

I can see getting rid of things when they turn personal or vitriolic or everything takes a one-way ticket to capslocktown, but if all they did was disagree with you then you're just silencing your own discussion, surrendering an opportunity to change minds or have your mind changed in turn, and giving your opponents the moral high ground.

I can understand not bringing it up in the first place. But going delete happy when the pressure is on? Perhaps cowardly wasn't the kindest word, but I hope you can understand my sentiment.

Site Owner

2776162 It's nothing to do with not wanting to defend it. It's not wanting to defend it on my profile which is one of the first places people end up looking for help. I posted it on twitter because that's where I'll talk about it. Another user decided to bring that to my fimfiction page for no reason because they wanted to stir up trouble. I'm not at fault at all here and I'm pretty tired of this junk.


I suppose it is in bad taste to follow someone around from one social media site to another picking arguments, so I can empathize with your frustration.

You may want to say that on your user page, though, like, "Go ahead and put a response up to my Twitter post. I want to keep this place clear for users who are looking for site help." And then, of course, if they disregard your wishes at that point then by all means do exactly what you did, and nobody will call you a coward.

2776174 There's not wanting to have a conversation about it, then there's saying worse things and then getting your ego bruised and trying to delete all the evidence like it never happened. He has a habit of that. Someone else brought it up on his profile, I responded to it, knighty tried to make it all go away per usual, like he's somehow untouchable and above his own actions.

And there's nothing really to agree with what he said, especially if you knew what it was about. There was a video game competition that was not letting lesbian or trans women play (except for allowing one per team) as if it gave them some sort of advantage at clicking a mouse over all the other women. :derpytongue2: He throws out his "this whole trans issue is dumb" and that everyone should be divided by chromosomes (which if you know the slightest thing about biology isn't exactly the clearest cut of definitions) over e-sports.

The only major news coverage over the issue with an actual physical sport was mixed martial arts fighting but that was in 2013 so it's incredibly unlikely that he waited until now to say something, and the trans woman who supposedly was at some sort of advantage had significantly less muscle mass than the woman who was complaining it would be "unfair". Of course it was never really about it being fair in that case.

So, knighty pulls another round of insulting people but instead of calling everyone the worse kind of... how did he put it... "autistic sperglord"? Anyway, he goes on this tear about how he'll defend trans people, but trans women don't count as women. You'd be able to read it yourself if he hadn't gone and deleted where he said that to save face.

Well, other than the screenshots I got of it anyway.


I am amused by your assumptions about my motive.


Since y'all are here and continuing to say ignorant things, let me offer actual information.

First, you're forgetting that the other side of the coin is that by the same argument, trans men (FtM) will be barred from competing with men. I'll give you one guess how women's sports will go if trans men are allowed to both hop themselves up on testosterone and compete with cisgender (i.e. not trans) women.

Second, there's no bloody advantage to any gender with bloody video games.

Third, just as testosterone (much more visibly, since, ya know, bulking up and facial hair and stuff) very strongly masculinizes a trans man, estrogen nullifies many of the same "advantages" for trans women (MtF). Upper body strength and muscle bulk (estrogen plus androgen blocker or removal of the testes equals less salt in the muscles, which means they hold less water, which means less bulk) drop dramatically. Body fat gradually shifts to what you'd expect of a cisgender woman, and osteoporosis and breast cancer become much more serious concerns.

The only thing which could ever be considered an advantage for trans women competing with cis women is a greater average height (and the accompanying weight), which is a slight advantage in running but also a slight disadvantage in swimming due to center of gravity physics (and if that were really a problem, we'd have to segregate black athletes again, because they also have a slightly higher center of gravity than white people, giving them the same advantages and disadvantages in various physical sports despite actually being shorter on average). Additionally, weight advantage doesn't exist, since sports such as wrestling and boxing and martial arts are divided into weight classes, so meh on that.

Whatever miniscule advantage might exist, it certainly has nothing to do with bloody League of Legends, or any other video game.

Also, I'm amused by the failure to respond at all to that competition setting restrictions on the number of lesbians too.

Wait, I thought this was only about physical sports. Are we seriously arguing trans women have an advantage over non-trans women in esports? :facehoof:

Given the timing, it's either e-sports or he's digging up old stuff to suddenly go on an anti-trans rant.

Take your pick on which is worse.


Oh. Wait. This is about video games? I only saw the tweet. I assumed it was about physical sports.

Yeah, fuck that then. What possible excuse could they have to segregate e-sports?


I only saw the tweet.

Now you understand why he wanted to delete the conversation on his profile.

edit: actually, 2 minutes after I pointed out this was because of the league of legends tournament, that's when he went on his delete spree.


I don't even think it's a trans issue, then. That's just straight-up garbage. A woman with the same amount of practice and dedication is not going to be worse at a video game than a man. At least, I would be astonished if it turned out that way.

Yet he decided to specifically make it a trans issue. Why would he do that? :unsuresweetie:



Well, it's a women-only tournament, so it's not like men were relevant. Besides that? Iunno, not doing the research I guess.

Site Owner
knighty #36 · Feb 7th, 2015 · · 10 ·

Then argue for not having a female or LGBT tournament at all. I don't see you arguing that. Regarding the racial issue, I thought someone might bring that up. However, this difference is not even close to the difference between men and women in physical sports. There are only a small selection of sports with large amounts of sway (sprinting and long distance running being the two biggest example) so there's no justification for a split there for competition, whereas if you look at sports as a whole, I'm not aware of a single sport where the best person is not male (there might be some, I don't honestly know)

You're right that all the oestrogen is going to dampen the benefits of testosterone, but how do you be fair about it? Where do you draw the line? How do you make sure that MtF person is not equivalent to a woman who's has had testosterone injections? As soon as you start mucking about with hormone therapy you're basically on the same level as drug takers, and I think we all agree they don't deserve a place in competition.

As for men and women in "mental" (there is a slight physical side to things like LoL too) sports, this could be said to not require a distinction, however, 2 rebuttals.

1. Men and women's brains and different, just as their bodies are different. You're going to flip out at me for that because I know the type of person you are, but it's basic fact unless you willingly ignore the world around you. The difference is obviously more nuanced than physical but it's there.

2. eSports is utterly dominated by men at every turn, so even if point 1 isn't true, having a women only competition makes sense for women who want to compete but are massively outclassed if they try to enter any-gendered competitions. It's the same for any under-represented group.

Basically you can't argue for the inclusion of MtF in female eSports without damning the idea of female eSports at all. The two views are irreconcilable.

This is all compounded by where you draw a line for trans people. If there was a female LoL competition happening and the best male team suddenly says they're all female (check ur privilege shitlord, we say we're female so we are), is that fair? You may think that's a contrived example, but how DO you draw your line? Certain number of years of therapy? Well that's not very fair because some people might be doing it at a different pace. That's why that competition put a limit on "LGBT" (the competition obviously didn't even know what LGBT was and thought it was just trans) people in a single team.

Oh yeah, bring on your delicious downvote butthurt at my basic factual assertions. Screen cap them and send them to EQD again and post on 4chan!


1. You're going to continue making bad assumptions about me in public because you're a PR disaster.
2. Do you even science?

I'm perfectly well aware of brain differences, incidentally. And you're perfectly unaware of the science of trans people's brains.


As soon as you start mucking about with hormone therapy you're basically on the same level as drug takers, and I think we all agree they don't deserve a place in competition.

Did you seriously just imply banning all trans people from all sports? What the hell, kn80?

Put. The shovel. Down.

Edit: Response to edits:

This is all compounded by where you draw a line for trans people. If there was a female LoL competition happening and the best male team suddenly says they're all female (check ur privilege shitlord, we say we're female so we are), is that fair? You may think that's a contrived example, but how DO you draw your line?

When you reach a point where the hormones are done with their masculinizing or feminizing work, naturally. This is a medically definable line to draw. Pretty sure that's how many sports organizations are already doing it.


Saved for his eventual editing or deletion once he actually reads what he wrote

Site Owner

2776710 Ok so bare with me. We're gonna go real slow here.

Let's say we have FtM transexual. They just started on their hormone treatment. Which competition do they take part in? If they take part in women's sports then they're basically women on drugs. Do you disagree? How can you possibly disagree? Ok so now they're taking part in male competitions. Now, do the opposite way around. Think about it for a minute....


I think you're just mad because you got beat up by a tranny once

Site Owner

2776713 I'm literally sobbing.


First, see the edit to my previous post, since you seem to have done some edits while I was working on it.


bare with me


My user page currently has a comment saying that I'm scum and should die. And I'm keeping it there. #biggerman

edit: I also feel that this is an appropriate time to point out that fimfiction is horribly optimized for my windows phone.

2776739 you use a windows phone? Ewwww...

Sorry you don't like being reminded of your phone's inferiority.


>ignoring science

Go away, then. I'm not going to explain my points all over again.

Site Owner

2776764 I think separate competitions for MtF and FtM are the only sane way of doing it. They'll be a waste of time because they're competitions where everyone has been on varying levels of drugs but at least they won't impact men/women sports and transexuals still get to have a competition they can compete in.


Black people are physically different from white people in a few significant ways. Let's ban them from white leagues.

... wait, we already tried that one.

Just keep in mind that GLORIOUS LEADER is talking about E-SPORTS.

Not football. League of Fucking Legends.

I think they should also have separate (but equal) drinking fountains.

>implying contests filled with drug-users wouldn't be awesome
Do you even pro wrestle?

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