Some Intense Philosophical Artwork For 'Crystal Affair' · 4:56am Jan 11th, 2015
Okay, so the next chapter of Crystal Affair is so epic, I was inspired to engage in some hand-drawn art to depict the basic sense of what has gone on in this story so far.
I'm going to share this masterpiece of modern artisan design with you all. Try to contain yourselves, for the shock and awe will surely leave you speechless.
As you can see in my broad layout and deep resonance of intuitive creativity, I have accurately portrayed in great detail the budding relationship between Princess Cadence and Spike. This particular piece I've drawn is a third-person view into the political and neo-social boundaries that precede any and all relations between the characters.
I hope this has helped open your eyes...
Lol, the chapter is all but completed, and it perfectly coincides with tomorrow being my day off! I just have to ship this thing off to my fellow writer Tidal and it'll be published by tomorrow afternoon! Hoorah!
anyone could see by the way that the lines interest and weave throughout the whole canvas that there is more than meets the eye. the budding relationship portrayed between both of the figures could be one of many many different possible choices, and they would all be right. don't even get me started on the way that the gleam from the diamond in the middle seems to never get dim, no matter how far away one might be to the portrait. truly, the world, no humanity as a whole isn't ready for the grand spectacle that is this masterpiece.
This art is epic!!! Please hurry I can't wait for this to get back good luck
Representatives from art museums will hunt you down for that work... watch yourself.
I think this should be a thing that happens every chapter. A spoiler is given through a form of beautiful art such as this!
It's like... the whole universe has been unraveled.
Is there anyway we can help you get better?
The art is truly selfspoken beyond any human words.