• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen Saturday


I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.

More Blog Posts310

  • 42 weeks
    Remember Obscure Spike Shippings?

    Remember when obscure Spike shippings that were met with middling reviews and a lot of confused interest popped out of this account like every few months?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    Remember Spike stories that felt like they could have an entire pop-punk album written based on them?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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    10 comments · 376 views
  • 212 weeks
    Writing Questionnaire Trend

    Hey everyone!

    So, a few other authors have been doing a little question/answer thing in regards to writing via their blogs, so I figured I'd hop on board. Read elow if you want to learn more about me and my writing.

    Let's do it!

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  • 214 weeks
    My Friend is Taking Commissions

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    This is just a quick blog that serves two purposes:

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  • 217 weeks
    Would You Consider a Santa Hat? (2020)

    Hey everyone!

    Look, 2020 has SUCKED for most people. That being said, I think it's high time we start spreading holiday cheer a little early this year!

    If you would like, why don't we all have some good old jinglemas fun by popping a cute little Santa hat on our avatars? It's quite simple to do and it adds a bit of color and festive-ness to our accounts!

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  • 219 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest Panel

    Hey guys!

    Just a quick blog to say that I'll be hosting a panel at Ponyville Ciderfest online this year!

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New Year, New Famous (Also Update Announcement for Crystal Affair) · 7:06pm Jan 7th, 2015

Hey, yo, and what do you know!

So, if you didn't notice, I kinda took a three month absence from this site, only to return a couple weeks ago. I've hopefully made it up to you with my flow of updates, but if not:

I'll grovel if I have to.

Anyway, allow me to let you in on a bit of what went down the past few months, starting in late September up until a week or two ago.

Alright, here's the deal. Around August or something like that, I lost my job. Well, I quit before the company went down is more accurate. Anyway, I was living off my mediocre savings account for like... a month and a half, but eventually that ran out. When that ran out, no internet. It happened kinda suddenly, too, so I didn't really give you guys any kind of advance warning. I feel kinda bad for that.

On another note, I was also dealing with a ludicrous romance situation. It's been a few months now, so I don't really care anymore, but it was pretty rough at the time. Completely ruined my birthday. :facehoof:

Anyway, that's why I was absent. Let us discuss what I had been doing:

Alright, fine...

Here we go. In my time away I had a lot of time to think about stuff. Primarily finding a job and getting over that nasty, residual breakup feeling.

For the first couple weeks I was kinda moping around all the time. I was all upset about being dumped and kept being stupidly down on myself. But, I then realised something. The girl who dropped me was even more miserable sometimes than I was. I didn't wanna be like that all the time, so I eventually just looked myself in the mirror and realised I was better than the way I was feeling. I had a lot to offer the outside world, and I was ready to get out there and do it.

So what did I do?

I started exercising a lot, grew my hair out a bit, started hitting up dance parties like I used to, and started applying myself to a bunch of different jobs that I used to feel unqualified for.

Basically, I worked on bettering myself inside and out. And how did it turn out?

I lost about ten pounds of fat weight and replaced it with muscle, I got a management job at a restaurant right next door, and I've found I'm a hecka lot happier than I was before. Plus, I was able to get my internet back, and I immediately jumped into writing my pony fics again. Ah...I missed my pony fics.

Even without internet, I was able to watch all of seasons 1-3 in my time away, because I have them all saved to my hard drive. I also gorged myself on the EqG and Rainbow Rocks soundtracks, because I absolutely love those movies. (I'll post a personal review of Rainbow Rocks later)

Now, I guess what I'm really trying to say is:

I never really left, but I'm coming back full swing! Now, it's a new year, with a new FamousLastWords. Now's as good a time as any to update my bio photo, so here's the new 2015 Famous:

(One does not mess with a Spike dogtag.)

Now, onto updates!! I've already updated 101 and Downhill, so Crystal Affair is coming up next! :pinkiehappy: So, you know what that means...

Crystal Affair is far and away my most controversial and polarizing story. Reading the comments is literally half the fun of writing it. :rainbowlaugh: Anyway, I've got most of the new chapter done, I've just gotta get with Tidal sometime to go over any changes or ideas he wants to add.

Anyway, that's all for now. I've gotta go to work tonight, and it's my final week of management training, so the pressure is on. :rainbowdetermined2:

See you around the site, peoples!

Report FamousLastWords · 714 views · Story: Crystal Affair ·
Comments ( 33 )

Yaaaay, you're back!

Don't ever leave again! :(


Are you German? You look German.

Welcome back...if only I can bounce back up

So you think getting a girl to dump you on your birthday is bad, try what my dad fucking did to my mom. He broke up with her on Valentines Day. :rainbowlaugh: In all seriousness, they are still quite good friends and still see each other. But to break up with divorce papers on fucking Valentines Day is a new low in my book. Sorry about the break up, I know what that's like ..... well sorta... I wasn't really all that good to be honest. No wonder she did it....

There have been so many good Spike Stories.... but why isn't there one for Sunset Shimmer yet? Rainbow Rocks actually made you like her, so why isn't there a Shimmer Spike yet? :rainbowhuh:

2706899 Because I haven't written one yet, and I seem to be the only one who writes Spike x Side Character stuff :rainbowlaugh:

Getting broken up with on V-Day has gotta suck. Kinda ruins the moment.


2706860 Are you serious? Because I need a German :scootangel:

2706910 I have German bloodline and heritage, but I live in America.


2706911 Can you speak it?

2706922 Unfortunately, no. I learned the alphabet, but that's it. :fluttershysad: The only languages I can speak are English and Spanish.


2706930 Dammit. :fluttercry: Thwarted yet again.

so where did you get that Spike dogtag

2706940 I got it in a little mlp fun pack at walmart. They would come with some stickers, and random character dogtag and a tatoo. I got an applejack, spike and a couple other characters. :pinkiehappy:

2706943 cool I don't normally go to Walmart but I do have a Spike plushly

2706943 do you have a Spike plushly by any change

2706975 I think I do know where you could find one a do you have a comic book store near you

2706984 Yeah, but they just have a bunch of mane 6 plushies

2706988 well my comic book store just had 6 mane plushes too but one day they had a Spike plushly and I had to get it so just try to look again maybe you well find it

2706988 by the way is the comic book store near you called Comic City?

2706988 by the way is the comic book store near you called Comic City?

2707027 It's called Vintage Stock.

2707027 But we also have a Build-a-Bear Workshop over here where I can actually customize my own Spike plushie. I may do that next payday.

2707038 ohh Built a Bear I have never been there please tell if you can have Spike wear a Tyrion costume because if that's possible then I be very happy, did you see A Game of Thrones anyways?

I got a tag like that except it's a Wonderbolt one.

You and I... Have had a very similar past 3 months. I'm glad you're back, buddy. I missed you, and I hope that the 100 bucks I sent you way back when helped you a bit through this tough time in your life. *hugs*


but why isn't there one for Sunset Shimmer yet?

Because I haven't written one yet


Do you want to do a collab?
I've become quite adept at writing Sunny after all. :raritywink:

isn't cheap internet like £5 a month lol

never mess with the dog tag.

2707590 You know it! I have a newfound love of Sunset Shimmer after watching Rainbow Rocks. I'd love to collab.

Also, that hundred bucks literally paid for my all-important meds whilst I was out of work. That was completely amazing. Thanks again.

2709219 *hugs* No problem, man. Helping is what I do.

Let's set up a time to sit down on G+ and plan this story out? It's gotta' be awesome! :yay: How could it not be with Sunny and Spike as the main characters? :raritywink:

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