• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Blue Cultist

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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  • 3 weeks
    New chapter incoming

    New chapter finished. Its going to be short compared to previous ones but its been long enough between updates. Editing starts tomorrow.

    Nothing to really report personally. just been busy IRL. Learning to play traveler 2e for my gaming group's also been slowing me down lately but it looks like a fun system

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  • 10 weeks
    Got my hard drive fixed

    And all my data's been restored. It even costed less than I was originally quoted. Still pricey but I got my data back, and backed up on 3 different USB drives.

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  • 11 weeks
    Proof I'm not dead

    So I'm aware I've been dead quiet lately, and I felt the need to touch base. So here's a peek at the next song in the upcoming chapter without any context. My way of giving you something. Its no where near finished, but progress is being made.

    7 comments · 95 views
  • 17 weeks
    Harddive died

    Last year when I had my little vacation I noticed my laptop having signs of its approaching death, so I ordered a cheap external hard drive. It was a panic purchase, I am very uneducated on computers aside from their general use, and copied all my data. I since used it as the main storage space to keep microsoft's prying eyes out of my affairs (its the spirit of the thing rather than having

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  • 23 weeks
    Another Update

    So I felt the need to touch base with you all again.

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Happy holidays and more music plz · 6:07am Dec 27th, 2014

I hope everyone had a great time celebrating whatever you prefer to celebrate. I got two gifts I'm really pleased with: The Ravenloft 3.5 book for dungeons and dragons, I plan on having our new campaign setting there since I really like the grimdark setting of it. I also got minecraft for my PC so I have even more of a reason to procrastinate, but i won't let that stop me from writing. Speaking of, I'm working on my christmas chapter of Lost and Blind, but I need some help.

The next Chapter of Lord Barleycorn needs a song, and... I'm running out of happy, upbeat songs that fit the tone of the fic. I need something uplifting along the same vein of The Ark - It Takes A Fool To Remain Sane .

Victoria's Secret - Sonata Artica is the last song I know that COULD fit in somewhere, but I like to have options. Anyone have any suggestions? =3

Report Blue Cultist · 350 views · Story: The Tale of Lord Barleycorn ·
Comments ( 17 )

Ooh, you lucky shit! Is it the one set before or after the ravenpocalypse?

2681410 After, which is sad because I would love to have had my players meet Lord Soth. Of course, knowing my players, I know one of them will try to kill Lord Strahd regardless. Might as well just hand them a new character sheet the second they announce their first attack. XD

Simon and Garfunkel, "Homeward Bound"- it's about a travelling musician who wishes he was going home rather than wherever he's off to next. It's kind of sad, but it serves to make the refrain more upbeat with the longing.

Queen, "Good Company" - Because Queen. It's about making friends... or at least how you should.

2681413 I officially call shenanigans on the whole thing, honestly. They took away 90% of the appeal!

Yo, find a medic. I came down with such a painful cough I feel like I got temple punched every time I cough. ... .. and I'm nowhere anywhere NEAR a cold climate. Or ya know. Reincarnate me when I'm dead. Whatever you find more worthy of your efforts!

Also on that note, I'm trying to figure out a bit of a character arc for one of my players, if you'd like to shoot me a PM and I'm not dead yet.

Some good songs, maybe one of them turn out useful for you:

Pikardijska Tercia - Hej, sokoly

Running Wild - Ballad of William Kidd

Isaac Shepard - Before Dawn

George Formby - Banjo Boy

Katzenjammer - Play My Darling Play

Alexandr O'Karpov - Cranberry Vine
(sorry, hadn't found Youtube version for this one, so here's sound only)

(sorry, hadn't found Youtube version for this one, so here's sound only)
Racoon Brothers - Chicken wings

2681497 I never read the earlier books, I was introduced to DnD in 3rd ed, so I never touched an ADnD book. 'Gotta play with what I got. (and I can't get my group to even look at a new game book. so it's 3rd or pathfinder or nothing. >< )

2681920 Honestly, I don't blame them on that one. Fourth leaves a bad taste in my mouth (look what they did to fucking Planescape!) and fifth... Just no.

Never found anyone to play it with, but I've still got my 2nd edition AD&D books.

2681933 I can't agree more about 4 and 5. 4 was more like WoW than the WoW table top game. XD
I've got CoC books (6th ed), Gurps, Hackmaster, and warhammer 40k books. Not one of my group wants to give them a go. The best I was able to do was a few games of a DnD modern game that I ran like shadowrun, and they hated that because they didn't plan things out and things went bad quick.

2682004 Damn, that sucks. I'm in a 3.5 game (the campaign's been going on for about 6 years), a weekly CoC game that I'm running, and I've spent about 60 hours over the last few months specially designing a CoC campaign to play with my usual 3.5 group: We call it Scooby Doothulhu.

I've also got the Warhammer Fantasy books.

Honestly, that sucks. It's so fucking frustrating to get stuck with people who refuse to try anything new.

2682092 In that shadowpath-ish game, I did everything to accommodate them, and peak their interest. I used famous evil megacorps. like Umbrella, Black Mesa, and Shinra, and eventually the Cthulhu mythos was going to show up and step on the city. Yeah, imagine Umbrella getting their hands on a Star Spawn or Hojo of Shinra making deals with the Mi-Go. But nope. They quit before that could get going because they thought I was cheating when the rival 'runners with cyber eyes shot the lights out in the dark warehouse and shot the shit out of them.

Our DnD campaign is falling apart because of three things:
1 player keeps coming to the game with new characters, they always leave and a new one shows up because he's 'looking for a character he can stick with.' Problem: I can't plan for him at all.
1 player bought a bar with his loot and has been farming money with it, then didn't want to go adventuring. I had the church of bane steal it from him while he was out of town to motivate him to get it back, but he doesn't seem to care.
And then there's our worst player. I can't plan a thing for him because he demands attention and does nothing with it, makes bad decisions, and dies a lot. (No shit, he accidentally set a child on fire one night, got a wanted poster in town, and he took it, went to the the sheriff and admitted he did it, but seemed so stunned that was going to be hung for it and acted like I was picking on him.)

Ravenloft is going to be my revenge and my attempt to get them to shape up as PCs. I'm a nice DM, but if you piss me off or ruin my story I get you back somehow.

2682211 Jesus fucking Christ. There's useless, and then there's THAT.

Personally, I can recommend any track of Lindsey Stirling and Vanessa Mae
And here are some other interesting tracks
I hope that something will help :twilightsmile:

2682211 Also, cthulhupunk is some of the best shit ever, but it has the best effects on the folks already familiar with Shadowrun, and even then, only when you don't tell them they're playing it.

Sure, they'll be down for investigating this shit. They get paid, right? But then they start seeing weird shit. At first, they just think 'oh, the corporations are experimenting with new stuff, mutants and shit.'

But then shit gets WEIRD. Weirder than they're used to, and it throws them off.

That's the precise purpose of that game. That time of unease and discomfort, when things are going strangely and the rules, as they know them, aren't applying. That time, however brief, that the players are legitimately uncomfortable and unsettled, because they're running into things that simply should not be; not just in character but out of character.

THAT'S how you run Cthulhupunk.

Iiiiif your players aren't retarded like yours.

2682277 Lindsey Stirling definitely seems to be in the running. =3

2682303 Cthulhupunk is something I would... well, not die but close to play with some talented players. Players that don't just devolve into joking and bitching every 12 minutes.

2682388 I know the feeling.

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