• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Blue Cultist

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Update on my eye · 3:45pm July 2nd

After a whole slew of eye exams that I never knew existed (such as taking photos of the underside of my eyelids) I was put back on the strong meds I was on at the start of this, and on steroid drops. 4 drops of steroids a day for a week to combat the swelling.

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Relapse · 2:15am June 26th

So a few days ago I noticed my eye was hurting a bit. my sinuses had been acting up and they tend to make everything else in my face hurt. no big deal, I thought. Now its red, burning, and a rash is spreading out from it. So guess what, my shingles has returned.

No holes in my vision, but I'm already upping my meds and steroids to try to knock it down, and tomorrow I call my doctor to get an appointment to get more pillz.

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New chapter incoming · 5:23am May 23rd

New chapter finished. Its going to be short compared to previous ones but its been long enough between updates. Editing starts tomorrow.

Nothing to really report personally. just been busy IRL. Learning to play traveler 2e for my gaming group's also been slowing me down lately but it looks like a fun system

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Got my hard drive fixed · 2:16am April 2nd

And all my data's been restored. It even costed less than I was originally quoted. Still pricey but I got my data back, and backed up on 3 different USB drives.

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Proof I'm not dead · 6:37am March 27th

So I'm aware I've been dead quiet lately, and I felt the need to touch base. So here's a peek at the next song in the upcoming chapter without any context. My way of giving you something. Its no where near finished, but progress is being made.

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Harddive died · 9:18pm February 16th

Last year when I had my little vacation I noticed my laptop having signs of its approaching death, so I ordered a cheap external hard drive. It was a panic purchase, I am very uneducated on computers aside from their general use, and copied all my data. I since used it as the main storage space to keep microsoft's prying eyes out of my affairs (its the spirit of the thing rather than having anything scandalous, I'm actually quite boring). But so goes the saying "putting all your eggs in one

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Another Update · 12:14am January 7th

So I felt the need to touch base with you all again.

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Yup Shingles · 12:29am Nov 27th, 2023

noticed it yesterday night. My eyeliid aching and red, and I got the start of a rash around my left down to my checkbone. I ran out today for a refill on my huge-ass anti viral pills.

I mean, I got these before I started having any holes in my vision, but I hate that I'm back to stinging, burning eye pain.

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Going back to the ophthalmologist · 5:42pm Nov 25th, 2023

I had hoped the dry-eye I was experiencing was just allergies, or an abrasion, but my eye has begun to become red again. I wake up, and my vision in that eye is so foggy that I can barely see myself in the mirror. after an hour or two its back to normal. It aches as if there's an abrasion, but unlike before it actually waters and isn't dry all the time.

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The slug finally completes a chapter · 4:43am Nov 19th, 2023

Yeah. It happened.

I have it in the hands of a beta reader. if it passes the sniff test I'll upload it ASAP

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