• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Blue Cultist

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

More Blog Posts193

  • Tuesday
    New lenses

    Had to get new ones since the old were... not good. I got headaches, and it messed with my perspective so badly i couldn't drive.

    The new ones are better. I can kinda read if I crank up the screen size by 150% and I can drive with them. Good for far distance sight but my right eye does all the work when I read. Text however has a strong double image, which sucks.

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    2 comments · 39 views
  • 4 weeks
    Got my new glasses

    Just picked up my new glasses since I realized I couldn't read with my left eye anymore. These are far more powerful than my last pair, and my god I don't think I've had such a strong reaction to new specs. From the moment I put them on, to now hours later it feels like I'm in a funhouse. I know its going to take time for my brain to adjust to these but its actually a pretty disorienting. It

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    6 comments · 59 views
  • 4 weeks
    I don't think my eye is getting better.

    So its been over a year since I had that infection that messed up my left eye, and i don't think its getting better.

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    9 comments · 85 views
  • 6 weeks
    Wishing everyone a merry christmas!

    Had to replace my keyboard due to a frayed wire, but things are progressing. As predicted, as I edit the chapter its fast becoming another 'what was I thinking?' moment as some portions don't add to the story and are getting rewritten or dumped entirely.

    But on a happier note, I'm wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. Hopefully it'll be better than the last one.

    3 comments · 51 views
  • 8 weeks
    Update on the next chapter

    Okay, so I managed to connect the 3 big portions of the chapter I wrote but I need to reread it to make sure it makes sense. Thankfully i seem to edit faster than write these days. I hope to get you guys a new chapter soon. Even if its shorter than what I hope, I want to get my readers something before next week.

    3 comments · 63 views

Got my hard drive fixed · 2:16am Apr 2nd, 2024

And all my data's been restored. It even costed less than I was originally quoted. Still pricey but I got my data back, and backed up on 3 different USB drives.

On a side note, I returned to my optician who made my glasses. I told her I still had double vision with my left eye, hoping there was some error in their measurements or the lenses themselves but when I was tested the results were the same. The scarring in the left eye's still there, and likely won't improve for 6 months to a year. if at that. Its hard to read with just that eye (with the glasses, without its impossible), my right eye does all the work, and it constantly feels like there's a scab on my eye somewhere. But, I go nowhere to go but up from here. finger's crossed.

Report Blue Cultist · 160 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Glad that your data situation was fixed, and hope your health gets better, too.
It's always great to hear from you, man.:pinkiehappy:
This better not be an April Fool's prank...
Nah, I'm just kidding.

nah, I'm not that cruel.
If I was going to do an april fool's joke, it'd have been in the morning.

Some good news, some mediocre news...

I known how much one-eyed doublevision sucks (source: got it in both my eyes, mostly compensated by my glasses, and my brain tries filtering out the rest, but still there are times it looks like the same text is written twice on top itself, only shifted a tiny bit each time.)

Keeping my fingers crossed that it will improve soon for you :)

Good to hear you have dealt with the issue easily.
Hopefully things continue to get better!

As someone who had one eye do the majority of the work, I hope your other eye heals fast because just 1 eye doing the work can strain it and make you lose eyesight and cause constant headaches.

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