Relapse · 2:15am Jun 26th, 2024
So a few days ago I noticed my eye was hurting a bit. my sinuses had been acting up and they tend to make everything else in my face hurt. no big deal, I thought. Now its red, burning, and a rash is spreading out from it. So guess what, my shingles has returned.
No holes in my vision, but I'm already upping my meds and steroids to try to knock it down, and tomorrow I call my doctor to get an appointment to get more pillz.
Sorry again, BC.
Really hope you are able to feel better.
Gotta jump on it hard and fast or i'm gonna lose more sight in my left eye.
And I hope you do so.
I couldn't imagine what you're going through.
Cripes... any more shingles and we'll have to start calling you a rock garden.
Really hope everything works out.
Hopefully you can get rid of this for good.
I know right?
That's my hope. I got an appointment on the 1st. I really thought I had this licked the first time. I reworked my diet, drank huge amounts of water, and abstained from caffeine, alcohol, fried food, and sugary food for 9 months. I had no problems and was just a few weeks away from my last pills and could almost call it beaten, and then it comes roaring back.
I'd like to drink coffee and have a beer once in a while again.