• Member Since 16th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2017

Pizzema Forte

You never know where the green beans are going to land.

More Blog Posts117

  • 346 weeks
    Because of the Occasional Email... (I'm sorry.)

    I know it's been some time since I've posted anything on this site. After getting caught up in a job and school, I hardly had a second to myself. Unfortunately, that left me with no time to write. I eventually left the fandom (I haven't seen MLP In a long while, but I do occasionally watch a new episode to so how things are going.) If I ever find inspiration to write again (based off the show,) I

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    1 comments · 514 views
  • 459 weeks
    Raising Rainbow is Dead

    Yes, I know, I know. It's been nearly a year since I last updated the story. However, my entire "Hiatus" I kept saying I'd bring more chapters. I kept lying about the day I'd continue, but it never did- and never will- come.

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    17 comments · 1,003 views
  • 470 weeks
    But It's Not Sex...

    At long last, I'm off for summer and have all the free time in the world to hunt for jobs, write, and practice violin. I'm only a couple weeks into my glorious break, and my sister's already trying to hook me up so I won't be as lonely as I've been the past few summers...

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    11 comments · 444 views
  • 472 weeks
    Could I Possibly Get Someone to Proofread My Paper?

    Alright, so, for AP World History Final Exams, we had to choose one modern conflict to write about, along with countries histories, what lead up to the conflict, and use of visual representation to help describe our conflict. I chose to write about the current conflict happening between Russia and Ukraine. I didn't know a lot about it, but I've spent all day doing research about it and putting a

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    4 comments · 424 views
  • 474 weeks
    I Don't Know Whose Feelings Matter More...


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I'll Probably be Taking a Break From Writing... · 1:35am Nov 7th, 2014

Honestly, I've had a very hard evening to deal with. My family had an outrages late fee on their rent (because my freaking "dad" can't pay child support on time) and now they're looking at mobile home parks and whatnot, trying to find a new place to live. There's a lot of stress going around. My stepdad even says he wants to leave the county. I'd have to leave my arts school, and go to a different high school that didn't offer as many electives. With the short time we're discussing moving, I may even have to miss Candlelight (A performance out school dose annually at Epcot at Disney World). I've wanted to go since the beginning of last year, and I finally have everything to go this year... I just hope everything works out in my favor.

Oh, and on top of all the stress I've been dealing with, my stepdad has been being a greedy bitch. I want to stay in my music program, and my sister wants to stay in her cooking program so we can be successful, and he's saying stuff like "I don't give a fuck if you ever got a job or not", and trying to make us sound like the bad guys for not wanting to move.

My mom's pretty stressed, too. She's trying to keep us within the county so my sister and I can still be happy, and I'm trying to remain positive.

Lately, I also need to worry about my academics, music, practice, and everything else my school throws at me. It's been very hard, and with everything going on, I don't think I have time to worry about writing. There's a lot I'd love to write, but I just can't find the time. Honestly, I think I need to take a break and get the rest of my life organized. Maybe when I have everything settled down, I'll continue, but right now it's too hard. Please understand.

For people who are following Raising Rainbow at the time, I can safely say I'm still continuing the story. When I get my life in order, I'll start working on it again. I know my chapters have been coming out later and later lately, and I feel guilty about it. This, however, will probably be the longest wait so far. I just need to settle down. I have a lot of stuff planned for the story (and yes, for those asking, I'll be cutting down on the Moonstruck for the next several chapters) and its too much to simply disregard of. Please understand I'm going through a hard time, and I need to get my life in order. This is just too much.

If anyone wants to talk to me, I'll still be online to check in. I don't know how long my hiatus will last, and I hope you all understand and show me patience. I'm willing to talk to people, edit short stories, and will still be taking commissions (although I seriously don't have time for it, if someone offered me money to write, I'd go for it). Please wish me the best of luck and hope everything works out for me. When I come back into writing, it'll probably be announced with a new story, chapter, or maybe a blog. I don't know. Just please have patience with me. I promise I'll return to writing soon. Thanks for the support and love.

-Pizzema Forte

Also, I've been a member of this website for nearly a year. I suppose that's something to celebrate....

Report Pizzema Forte · 351 views · Story: Raising Rainbow ·
Comments ( 7 )

Whatever happens, we're all here to support you. I understand that life is not always kind to writing, and that sometimes it makes it impossible. If it means i have to wait a while for that next chapter of Raising Rainbow, so be it.

So with that said, good luck. Don't be too hard on your stepdad, though. He is likely feeling the strain a lot more than you are, and if he gets angry at you and says hurtful things, don't take them to heart. Stress can make even the nicest people turn hateful at times, so just please cut him some slack. You being disappointed with him isn't going to make it any easier. He is trying hard to provide for you after all.

I can't even make a stupid and pointless comment now. So i will be meaningful for a change. We all love you Pizzy, and we wish you well and hope to see that you get back in good standing. Hell, I might even buy a commission just to help you out.

Hope my rambling meant something to you.


That really sucks, I'm so sorry. I can't say I know what your going through, but it's obviously very hard.
Missing Candlelight, that's bad. It's a great show and they only accept the best, so going is always an honor.
If you need to talk or vent or anything feel free to PM me. Not saying I will be all the useful but I can listen and provide honest feedback.

I truly feel for you and give you my most heartfelt wishes that everything turns up heads for you and your family. I also want to state on all of our behalves (because i'm sure everyone else here agrees with me) that we can and will wait patiently for you, because YOU are important and YOU deserve what is best for you. so we shall wait and send you our best wishes.

I'm going to say the same thing that I told loyal (more or less anyways I can very bad with words sometimes so here it goes). On this site, in this fandom even, we are all friends, in some cases borderline family even. We are all there for each other no matter what comes our way. We give each other moral support, we help each other through all the rough patches that life throws at us, we even lend an ear when someone just needs to vent. But in the end we are all close and will remain that way through thick and thin. Those that don't agree, well then they don't hold the true spirit of MLP:FIM. We will be here should you ever need someone, even if its just to vent. Continue to hold on to hope and if you feel it wavering, even just a little, someone here is sure to help to rekindle it.

If it comes down to it and you have to move out of the country, you are very welcome to Sweden. I myself would be at the airport to welcome you.

But let's hope it does not come to that.

Good luck.

jxj #6 · Nov 8th, 2014 · · ·

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time, I hope things get better for you soon. School can be tough, but it'll get better. Things start easing up a bit junior and senior year (at least where i went). I know this is kind of weird, but if you need help in math or science, feel free to pm me, i'm really good those areas. Don't feel guilty about not updating frequently, we all know that Raising Rainbow isn't the most important thing in your life and that other stuff comes first. I hope things get better for you.

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Awe, thank you guys all so much for the love and support. At the moment, I'm feeling a lot better. We found a small duplex near my bus stop (maybe 3 or so blocks). We plan to move in on Monday (11/10) and I'll get to go to Candlelight. I however, I'll still be taking a short writing break so I can catch up on grades and prepare for upcoming concerts. Thank you all so much for your love and support. You all mean the world to me, and I can't wait to have more time so I can write more for you guys. Please be patient. I'll be back soon. :twilightsmile::heart:

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