• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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Top Ten Favorite Disney Princes · 3:29am Oct 6th, 2014

Oh, yes, it's another one of those. It's been months since I've done this, though my last list was Top Ten Most Attractive Animated Females, which followed after my Top Ten Most Attractive Animated Males. I thought about this list after watching some Disney movies on Friday and decided to make a list of my favorite princes! You can do this, too, but only if you want to. Besides, I need to clear my head after a bunch of writer's block today.

Now, onto the list and the rules I've set for it!
1. Disney Princes ONLY
2. While there are only a couple characters that are ACTUALLY princes, there IS a list of unofficial ones that I find viable.(Clickity Click~)
3. These are my own personal opinions and may not match your own. Keep that in mind as the list goes on~
4. Have fun!

#10. Prince Eric

Ah, the prince who fell in love with a mermaid! Ya see, when the Little Mermaid came out, my cousin and I watched it all the time as kids. We knew every word to every song, we practically memorized the movie, and we both collected Little Mermaid toys. We both had Princess Ariel dolls, but I had gotten a Prince Eric doll as a gift once and it was my favorite toy. I loved that doll, even after it got old and the paint on his hair and face began to fade and made him into a faceless zombie... Wait, where was I going with this?

Oh, right. Anyway, I always just kind of liked Eric. It's hard to explain, but he's just one of my favorites...

#9. Aladdin

OK, I'm going to be completely honest here; Aladdin is one of my favorite Disney movies, though it doesn't have all to do with Aladdin himself... I mean, let's face it, a prince is only as good as his sidekick, am I right?

Genie, you glorious cosmic being, you... I'm gonna miss you.

OK, getting over my sadness, I'm just gonna get to why Aladdin is on the list. Because, despite what you heard the Frozen say, Elsa is not the first Disney character to be considered an outcast.

I know, mindblower.

I like Aladdin because of the fact that he represents the lower class and shows how poverty can sometimes lead to doing things that are considered low, despite what they're being done for. Aladdin did what he could to survive, even if that meant being a street rat or a thief. But, I think the first true glimpse we see into Aladdin's character is when after he goes through a lot of trouble to get a loaf of bread, he ends up giving it to two starving kids, who are probably having a harder time getting by than he is.

Then, who can forget that adorable moment when he describes Jasmine to Genie?

He is precious.

#8. Hercules

Zero-to-Hero Hercules wouldn't be in the right if he wasn't on this list.

Yeah, I know, sorry for not getting it right.

Anyway, I love this movie, despite it's many, many inaccuracies in the mythology department(I type as I resist the urge to go on a full on mythological rant regarding the fact that Hera is not Hercules' mother, his original name is Heracles in Greek and is only Hercules in Roman translation, and who can forget that fact that Hercules had to go through the 12 rounds to make up for his sin in murdering his family and he gained no peace or happy ending like in the movie... I got sidetracked again).

I like Hercules and his struggle in the beginning, when he's learning about how he doesn't have a clue where he belongs, even though he so wants to go the distance. I can relate to that constantly, because sometimes I wonder what I want to do with my life, but I have no idea how to go about doing it.

Sometimes I forget how scrawny he is and that he holds the strength of a god at the same time.

But, after the strife and the struggle, Hercules eventually gets a chance to be a god... Only to turn it down. Why? For one of my favorite Disney princesses, Megara, of course!

So, in the event that I ever get assaulted by a monster from the Underworld and I get saved by some guy, I guess it's safe to say it'll go like this:

I had to fit this GIF in somewhere.

#7. Ling

If he finds a girl to laugh at his chopstick nose trick, he better just go propose quick!

I love Ling and how dorky he is. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all 3 of the Mulan Back Up Gang, but Ling is pretty hilarious and I like him because of how he treats Ting Ting, with whom I share an obnoxious and unfortunate laugh.

When you giggle hard enough, you snort, and then you giggle over the fact that you snorted while giggling and then it just escalates further until it gets out of hand.

Seriously, the thing about me is that if you make me laugh, there is a good chance that you are going to be liked by me instantly. Of course, I don't think I've ever fallen in love with someone for making me laugh hard enough, but maybe I'll get there one day...

So, the reason I like Ling is he started off mean and sarcastic, but then evolved into an understanding, laughable idiot who you just can't hate. OK, moving on to the next one...

You may be #7, but you aren't that lucky, Ling... *Laughs uncontrollably at awful joke*

#6. General Shang

OK, I'm gonna be awful for a moment and you will hate me for this, but I don't care, I have to get it out now...


This is actually a fun choice for me because despite being a total boss at fighting and combat, Shang ends up getting his tail whupped by Mulan a couple times and he doesn't know how to process that, especially after she saves China.

You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty, Shang.

Also, totally not ashamed of this reason, there's this:

We watched this in class once and everyone went "OOOOOOOOOOOH" when this scene happened.

So, allow me to sum this up with the wise words of Grandma:

#5. Quasimodo

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is definitely one of Disney's darker works, though it's not as bad as it could have been. Originally, in the story, poor Quasi was deaf from the bells ringing so closely to him and Esmeralda was raped by Frollo, the creepiest dude ever.

This one is for the writers.

Now, the reason I like Quasi so much is because of how sweet and gentle he is, despite being extremely strong from ringing the bells.

This scene makes very giddy.

But, something that makes me super sad is the fact that Quasi didn't get to be with his princess, but rather, Phoebus did. I actually considered putting Phoebus on here, but I saw that I liked Quasi better than him. Phoebus gets an honorable mention for being a sarcastic, realistic standard for guys, though.

"I was never meant for Heaven's light..."

Pardon me while I sob uncontrollably for Quasi.

I genuinely thought that they would be together, what with how Quasi heard her singing "God Help The Outcasts" and her defending him back in the Festival of Fools. But, even though they didn't end up together, Quasi didn't stop being a good friend and he defended her when Frollo tried to make an attempt on her life, the same for Phoebus, as well. And, who can forget this scene from the ending?

This made me so sad and happy at the same time, because I think this is one of the first times someone outside of Esmeralda put their hands on him in a way that didn't hurt him.

#4. Eugene AKA Flynn Rider

Eugene is basically just like a friend who has never seen or heard about Disney or their songs, so he's constantly confused about why people are singing or how things like magic work.

And who can forget the great, hilarious situations he gets himself into?

But, if I were to really get to why I like him so much, it would have to do with his character development. At the beginning of the story, all he cared about was getting his tiara back from Rapunzel. But, afterwards, he ended up softening up and he even fell in love with Rapunzel, so much so that he was willing to give his life for her to be safe.


Who am I kidding, he loves her.

#3. Emperor Kuzco

If you thought I wasn't going to mention him, YOU WERE SORELY MISTAKEN.

OK, this guy is basically me in so many ways. Because, while I think I would at least attempt not to abuse my power, I would probably do what Kuzco does. Except for the llama part, of course.

Oh, but you're still precious!

Do the llama dance, a thing I totally didn't do all the time as a kid.

So, while this movie doesn't match the story it's based off of, I still think it is super hilarious and wonderfully written and animated. Besides, who can forget this epic, iconic moment from the film?

The one time the main character had to clarify that he was in fact the main character.

#2. Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King

I am beyond in love with this skully little fella. I absolutely adore this character, all the way from his design to his character. If you notice the way he carries himself, it resembles that of an energetic spider, which appeals to me for some reason, despite me being absolutely petrified of creepy crawlies. His character is just so wonderful and complex, what with his internal battle for continuing his job as the Pumpkin King and his want for freedom from it as well. I think the greatest moment for his character was when he was lamenting over what he did to Christmas after getting shot down from the sky. In his darkest moments, when he was feeling sorry for himself, he suddenly remembered why he was doing what he was doing and proclaimed, "And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King-- Wait, that's right! I am the Pumpkin King!" Then, he finally jumps into the battle to save Christmas and old Sandy Claws!

Don't screw with the Pumpkin King.

#1. Simba

Yep, that's right, the king is here! Now, I cannot BEGIN to tell you why I love this movie so much, save for the oh-so heartbreaking scene that leads up to Simba's running away.


Here's the thing that really screws me up, alright: I don't think Simba ever truly experienced the consequences of death up until that point. We all have those moments where we think of death as a simple, harmless thing, not truly understanding what it means. But, seeing his father, someone who told him about life and how it constantly went around in a continuous circle, actually die, with no revival or any chance of reversibility, really must have hit Simba harder than anything ever before.

And the most screwed up thing? He thought it was his fault. Scar, who was behind the whole thing, told him that if his father hadn't come there to save him, he never would have gotten trampled by the stampede. And Simba believed him, so much so that he ended up running away so he wouldn't have to face what he did.

Simba, after escaping capture and torture by the hyenas, passed out in a deserted area, where he met Timon and Pumba, who served as guides for Hakuna Mattata, "no worries for the rest of your days".

But, when Nala found him--

And Simba got his tail whupped.

--she told him about everything going on in the Pridelands, he saw what he had to do and made the decision to come back home, with a little help from Rafiki. Afterwards, he then gets into one of the most intense, epic fights of my childhood.

Scar's death was pretty hardcore, don't you think?

Then, finally, as the flames were put out by the rain as Simba took his rightful place as king, Simba and his pride joined together in what would be the most symbolic and powerful scene in cinematic history.


Report Harmony Charmer · 1,495 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

so many gifs....

Some of those weren't Princes though. That's cheating.


While there are only a couple characters that are ACTUALLY princes, there IS a list of unofficial ones that I find viable.(Clickity Click~)

Friendly reminder.

2510484 oozes, I didn't see that bit. A thousand apologies

NOT PHILIP?!?!?!?! NO mention of the prince who brought Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty/Princess of Dreams, back to life with a single kiss?!?!?!?! :twilightangry2:

Oh yes I didn't tell you. I made a Genie tribute story! Its heartwarming and fun (for at least two chapters) I was hoping to get your opinion of it. ONE THING THO! If you don't know what Kingdom Hearts is, ignore this entire comment. :pinkiecrazy:


These are my own personal opinions and may not match your own. Keep that in mind as the list goes on~

I put this at the beginning of the blog, you can't expect everything to coincide with your opinions. :twilightsmile:


And no, I do not hate you for that. Quite the opposite, in fact. :pinkiehappy:

I also have a sudden urge to hop over to YouTube to listen to a select few other songs...
Here's what popped into my head while reading this blog (numbers correspond to your list):

10. Under the Sea (side note: What else?)
9. One Jump Ahead (side note: I almost went with the obvious choice here... :fluttercry:)
8. One Last Hope (side note: What? I liked the training montage.)
7. A Girl Worth Fighting For (side note: Ling was the one who got this song going in the first place.)
6. May I please redirect your attention to the beginning of this comment? :moustache:
5. Topsy Turvy (side note: The jester/puppeteer/narrator is my favorite character. Apparently, his name is Clopin Trouillefou.)
4. I've Got a Dream (side note: Frying pans never fail. :derpytongue2:)
3. Perfect World (side note: *clicks fingers* Theme Song guy!)
2. This is Halloween (side note: You can find several slightly different Pony Music Videos for this song, but I'm sure you already knew that...)
1. Hakuna Matata (side note: What a wonderful phrase. :twilightsmile:)

Fun fact about Jack Skellington: His singing voice is provided by Danny Elfman who also composed the soundtrack for the movie Jack appears in.

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