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  • 25 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 49 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 81 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 88 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Warlords of Draenor · 6:50pm Aug 14th, 2014

The date had been announced! On November the 13th, we will face the Iron Horde on Draenor!

What can I say about this cinamatic? Well, two things:
1) It was awesome! We get to see one of the most important moments in Warcraft's lore (well, a changed version of it, but whatever) and awesome fight against one of the most powerful servants of the Burning Legion!
2) It's the biggest middle finger to Alliance since Cataclysm.

Don't get me wrong, I honestly enjoyed it, but... seriously? The showed us just orc and one demon in the cinematic to new expansion. This is the first time they've done it (unless you consider Scourge's soldiers in the Wrath of the Lich King's cinematic humans, but I consider them to be a reprasantion of the entire Scourge, meaning that they have both Alliance and Horde races there; also, the Lich King used to be Ner'zhul, an orc). I mean, couldn't they squish in a draenei in there, even if for a few second cameo? This cinematic (and the things I had seen in the gameplays of the beta) gave me this odd feeling that the entire expansion will be in majority concentrated on orcs... meaning that this would be the third expansion that concentrates more on the Horde rather than Alliance. And people wonder why I am seemingly pro-Alliance. Because somebody has to! The freaking creators of the game chose to favor one side so clearly that I am surprised they had even bothered with that vote about the motorcycles.

But I remain excited about the upcoming expansion, and continue to hope that Blizzard will do something awesome for the Alliance finally someday. And actually, they did (sorta)! This little video is chapter one of the new short series called "Lords of War". It shows King Varian and Vindicator Maraad... as they talk about orcs. Surprise...

Now... how does this all connects with Rebirth of the Damned, you might ask? Well... [insert evil laugh]

Report Borsuq · 912 views · Story: Rebirth of the Damned ·
Comments ( 24 )

My lore is rusty but here goes.
As I see it there was no Alliance or Horde on Draenor, just Orcs, Draenei, and Burning Legion. Wasn't until the portal opened that the factions on Azeroth Even knew of them. Also since they became conquerors instead of slaves they could have easily grabbed a few Draenei and put them to work building the portal, cause I really can't see Orcs building and crafting the designs on it.
I will imagine that would create many rescue missions (at least in Hellfire).

This expantion looks like is going to be good, still i had to change from alliance to horde to a new realm just to get expelled of core 1 because they found a tank with more ilvl than me after been raiding with them for 5 months, so in conclusion the Horde corrupts what it touches:applecry:

Well, the Lich King was the Orc dude, who then fused with Arthas, then they died and that human guy becomes the. Lich King, or something like that

As long as they redo Hellfire....I hated Hellfire.

I play a Draenei paladin, btw.

EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I've never been so giddy before, that cinematic was BADASS!!!!!

On a related note, the portal looks much bigger than it does in game...

It makes sense that only Orcs were shown here. It is their history that the entire expansion revolves around. Not to mention most of the interesting and/or important historic Warcraft events were about the Horde. The Alliance were basically the antagonists from Warcraft 3 and onward. And I think that is interesting, the ugly monsters being the good guys. The Alliance created their own enemy by being racist assholes who constantly make enemies of everybody who doesn't resemble Humans enough. I get a petty satisfaction whenever the Horde win out in the expansions. The destruction of Theramore Isle was glorious. Oooo, too soon?

Jesus I don't even play Warcraft anymore but I still have Horde pride.

Like I said, they could squas a draenei in there, maybe as prisoners building the portal. All I'm saying is that for the first time Blizzard made a cinematic like this. I still say it was awesome, though.

Most interesting/important history events were about Horde? Eee... you are aware about the War of the Ancients, Arthas, the War against the Nightmare, the draenei?

Ugly monsters being good? Have you met Garrosh?

If the Alliance was all about them being racist assholes, then Terenas would have ordered all the orcs prisoners after the Second War (so, basically, nearly all the orcs on Azeroth) to be slaughtered instead of being put in internent camps. I don't say that Alliance is always right (Garithos, the Purge of Dalaran [which I will address at some point], et cetera... but don't you dare bring Camp Taurajo into this, because I am tired of discussing that one!), but the Horde has a lot much more on the consience. Look how the orcs turned out in WoD without the demon blood! Or look at Sylvanas, who is well on her way to becoming the next Lich King!

If you get petty satisfaction whenever Horde wins out, then you must have had a ride over the last two. I mean, Cataclysm as a whole was one big middle finger to Alliance. Then in Mists of Pandaria, in patch 5.1 Horde got awesome questline with almost every leader of the Horde making an appearance and talking with you, rescuing blood elves from Dalaran while what had Alliance got? Killing of the elves in Dalaran and their dragonhawks... and a monkey king. WTF?!

Faction pride aside, saying that the destruction of Theramore was glorious is like saying in real life the same about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The difference between Theramore and Hiroshima is that Hiroshima was in real life, and Theramore was just filled with virtual filthy Alliance scum.


I am really excited for the new expansion! A year of no new content is rough :/. I am with you there with the giant middle finger to the alliance Borsuq! The alliance needs more time in the sun. Even though I currently play primarily horde (because my friends were going to play horde and wanted me to play horde with them), I am always alliance at heart. My Draenei shaman and Night Elf hunter will always be the characters that let me explore Azeroth with child like wonder.
I think with this expansion Blizzard should definitely explore more of the alliance overcoming the bigotry and prejudice that has become inherent with all the races (especially the night elves after reading War Crimes). I would also like Blizzard to characterize Jaina a lot better. I did not at all enjoy wrathful Jaina. My issue was that the change in Jaina's characterization was really sudden and almost knee jerk. This is compared to the pre-Mists/Warcraft 3 Jaina where she is very contemplative and wise.
Finally if Blizzard is going to go back in time like this they need to give Arthas a better send off or wrap up his really crappy ending. The way Blizzard tells the players in the last 2 minutes of Wrath of the Lich King that Arthas wasn't 100% evil and that the Scourge always needs a Lich King was so last minute / deus ex machina. There was next to no foreshadowing to anything that happened in the last few minutes of the Lich King fight. There may have been a few hints dropped in during the Halls of Reflection dungeon but it was not engaging. I think the reason why I like Rebirth of the Damned so much is that Rebirth of the Damned explores Arthas' character more and answers more questions I had at the end of Wrath of the Lich King. At the end of Wrath of the Lich King I had more questions that I did answers.


Gul'dan: I thought MoP ruined WoW forever

Garrosh: Times change.

2370835 You can never stop being a brother of the Horde

Ok im pro alliance and I thought this was freaking awesome

Side note: hey borsug do you think in the next or any expansion they will actualy expand the alliance worgen story they gave them or give them a important role interesting start in cata and it dint get a payoff to busy with the pandas too finish it and I ask this because in wod there giving orcs and (possibly) dranei special treatment

Oh god this is why I hate alt universes there's too many possibilities and it makes my head implode! I mean hell if the orcs never drink the demon blood what's to stop some alliance guy from going back years ahead of that and stopping Arthas from taking up Frostmourne and becoming the Lich King? Hell it could be Jaina that goes back and stops him and then *insert rekindled romance*, or maybe he kills her reasoning that since she was in his way (he was kinda too far gone already (right before he took frostmourne) in my opinion anyway) she was trying to stop him from saving his people (which he killed already in stratholme to save the rest of the kingdom (kill a few save a million type of deal)...go figure).
So many freaking ways they can go with this it's driving me insane already! :pinkiecrazy:

2371346 I guess not. Geez, when will Blizzard let the players be on the bad guys side for once. The entire time I was playing through WoTLK I wanted to be on Arthas' side. I'd love to join the Orcish Horde and rid the world of the Alliance. But instead we will probably have to "band together" with them to fight off the Orcs.

Though this begs the question, why do we care that this alternate universe gets it's timeline changed? It doesn't effect OUR world in any way, so it really doesn't seem like it would matter at all.

"But... this was to be our destiny."

"Things change."

Not sure if your fine with the release date, but your thoughts on the expansion with the upcoming 10th anniversary gig around the corner a mere 10 days after? Think blizz goofed like they did with Brewfest come MoP? Or will they learn from the mistake and as many have wished, extend the LFR MC 40 man raid by a few extra weeks?

I swear we're going to have to rescue goddamned Corki from Horde camps all over the place..


I sure hope they will. In the game, after Garrosh is defeated in Siege of Orgrimmar, Varian mentioned that they plan to take back Gilneas.

Because they invade Azeroth, they build the Dark Portal on their Draenor and somehow connect it into ours on Azeroth. Basically, we have a repeat of the First War... which the Horde won. There is also the matter of striking them before they become an even bigger threat. Think about it: three wars (caunting the one on Draenor with draenei before the opening of the Dark Portal), destruction of their homeworld, and about 10 years of interment camps... and there were still enough orcs to create a nation - Durotan. Just how many orcs there had to be 35 years ago? Many. In the book "Rise of the Horde" it was said that the major advantage of the orcs over draenei were their numbers. That they vastly outnumber them. And the current population of draenei, both unchanged and Broken, is about 15% of their numbers back then. So... imagine that the Alliance and the Horde give Garrosh time to arm every single orc.
The better question is: why the hell they are building the Dark Portal when they are still fighting the draenei? In the original timeline, they build the Dark Portal years after the destruction of Shattrah City, and they did so because the orcs were starving, their land becoming corrupted due to the use of the fel magics. I mean, I understand that Garrosh wants to take his revenage on everybody on Azeroth, but... that is such a bad strategic move... I know that Garrosh thinks the orcs can do anything, even though we had kicked his brown butt the last time we saw him, but if that is the case, he needs a reality check.

2371774 I'm not sure what to think about it, to be honest. 10 days seems rather short to hit 100 lvl, but we will have to wait and see, I suppose. I am just excited that they are going to redo it Molten Core. For a few weeks I've been going there weekly on one of my characters in hopes of getting the legendary items from there. It really grew on me.

2371831 To be honest, I hope they will do something like that. I know from the videos of the beta that the Horde gets a nice reference to one of their quests.

2372110 I thought I read somewhere that Garrosh got sent to an entirely different timeline that wouldn't effect us. Because in reality if Garrosh changed history in the Original world, it would have already happened in the present. Meaning Garrosh would of likely never even been born because of his changes, which would create a paradox because he needs to exist to change history to begin with, so he wouldn't actually change history anymore because he never changed it so he now exists again.

Or something.


2370112 In all fairness you wouldn't exactly expect the orcs to have advanced weapons like the "Iron star" and with Garrosh taking the information he needs for said constructs, it also makes perfect sense that they have the means to make the dark portal.


Finally if Blizzard is going to go back in time like this they need to give Arthas a better send off or wrap up his really crappy ending. The way Blizzard tells the players in the last 2 minutes of Wrath of the Lich King that Arthas wasn't 100% evil and that the Scourge always needs a Lich King was so last minute / deus ex machina. There was next to no foreshadowing to anything that happened in the last few minutes of the Lich King fight. There may have been a few hints dropped in during the Halls of Reflection dungeon but it was not engaging. ... At the end of Wrath of the Lich King I had more questions that I did answers.

Agreed. There was a quest lcecrown where Arthas' Humanity was cut off as his heart and abandon, where it was later found and brought to confront Arthas by Tirion with a few others and went over the idea if he can be redeemed when taunted. It was then destroyed in front of him where Tirion sees there was no possibility to redeem the fallen prince, which left him very wounded. If his humanity was destroyed then, how did the "Fall of the Lich King" patch of WotLK made any sense, especially at the few moments before his death he still had some good?

It didn't make much sense and I begin to doubt their writing and story design if it doesn't seem to be consistent or make much sense. It doesn't help when you look at how Cataclysm ended in the Dragon Soul raid with the Dragon Aspects great purpose in life by the Titans was to stop Deathwing, one of their own members who (for all we know) could had his purpose to do either/or as villain or not. Even more as how some of the characters changed throughout recent expansion.

2371524 You me both I'd love to be part of the Orcish Horde and destroy the Aliance! For the Horde!

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