• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 1st, 2021


A guy that really loves futa. The dickgirl really ties the whole room together.

More Blog Posts34

  • 420 weeks

    Hey all, TheDudeAbides here.

    So as you know, I'm a painfully slow writer when it comes to writing stuff for public consumption. Because of this, I typically get very frustrated with my process and as such, progress goes even slower.

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    7 comments · 881 views
  • 442 weeks

    Okay, I'd like to do this. There are currently ~4 pending stories that range from semi-written to almost ready to publish right now. I'd like to finish them all. I'll see what I can do. This is now known as Project Cleaners, the stories are not at all related except that they are all drafts.

    Until then, here is my comeback song.

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    10 comments · 579 views
  • 455 weeks
    One of those times where you sign on after like a year or so

    Soooooo I lost all of my previous writing work and because of that I'm going to just cancel the stories I lost. I never made enough progress on them to be pleased with them anyways. Tummy Wubs was probably the furthest I had gotten on all of them and even still, I lost interest in it (a shame, I know).

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    6 comments · 587 views
  • 495 weeks
    Because writing takes forever

    So I have a few ideas for some short stories that I might actually pursue at some point in the future. The only problem is I don't feel in the mood to actually write something. Eh.

    So the stories I have in mind are:

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    4 comments · 547 views
  • 501 weeks
    Short stories are easy

    Short stories are easy. Plus when you write them for someone in a chat it makes it even easier. So easy.

    Thus there's another new story coming up that's short (before you complain: shut up, I'm busy, long stories take a long time).


    1 comments · 467 views

THE WIZARD RETURNED. · 8:21am Jun 21st, 2014



Report TheDudeAbides · 731 views · Story: Good Morning ·
Comments ( 35 )

You know, it's pretty bad when I need to be up in about 6 hours to go to San Francisco for a threesome, and you post the chapter NOW... Like, this is kinda hard... I want to, but I need to save it, you know?


You know, it's pretty bad when I need to be up in about 6 hours to go to San Francisco for a threesome

it's easier when it's all in your imagination
so quit your whining :rainbowkiss:

Hah, that's what you think. Why don't you go ask Alex? His girlfriend wants to have a threesome with him and I. I'm not even going tro play with your stupid ass right now, this is real shit. I've got an open relationship with Alex, and him and I are going to have a threesome with his girlfriend. Go ahead and ash him. I'll wait. No seriously, I don't need to prove anything to you, but I'll wait. If you want to find out, I'll wait.

2223350 Woah
Hold up
Weren't you the one yelling about how you weren't gay or bi a few months ago?
I think you weeeeeere

Actually, I'm getting to San Fran at about 10:48 AM PST, and I don't know when his girlfriend is coming over, so it could be later in the day. All I know is I'm spending the night over there and she's coming over for a "movie". It's what Alex told his mother. Hopefully, I don't get caught because, well... She may or may not be under the age of 18. And I may or may not be 18, so I could get screwed the wrong way and live the rest of my life explaining to communities I move to that I'm a sex offender.


NOW STAY UP!:pinkiehappy:

I'm not gay or Bi in the sense that I seek out guys or want a serious relationship with guys. In all honesty, it's more of a companionship kind of deal. I'm not looking for a guy on guy relationship, but with this particular guy, I'll roll with it. I'm into the girls more myself. So yeah, you want to know the truth? there you go. I'm honestly wondering why my sexuality matter to some little kid in Hawaii who just gets the mods to do whatever he wants because he begs like a 4 year old who just got told, "No little Bobby, you can't have chocolate chip ice cream. Pick something else." You're pathetic, and please leave me alone. Thank you.

2223356 You're a cunt, you know that? Thinking back at all the comments I've seen from you, they're usually about you bragging about some sort of sex with some kind of person, or denying alleged relations with a certain kind of thing. You're a dudebro, and I hate that. All you think about is testosterone and sex and bragging about it to get at the top and constantly letting everyone know that you're getting some and they aren't. Your entire mentality reminds me of a kegger party, and it makes me sick to my stomach. Your comment here illustrates that you have little to no idea what actually goes on in my relationship to the site, so thanks for that. :heart: You can't even type proper sentences to top it all off.

I was fooling around with my original comment, but since you've once again proven your complete inability to display anything resembling a sense of humor, I think it's best I let true colors fly.

So whatever man—enjoy your sex! Go out there and have fun with your dick, mindlessly hammering away because you're a slave to libido and a culture that rewards your briandead type. I hope you drown in a fountain of cum.



Hah, that's what you think. Why don't you go ask Alex? His girlfriend wants to have a threesome with him and I.

Fuckin' high five! Go get it!


Dude, I hope you're a chick, bro...otherwise, well, that's a devil's threesome.


*ahem* I'd just like to point out how hypocritical I believe the Christian church, and any other churches involving the Bible, is. First off, you guys believe gays are absolutely horrific and demonic. that's not a bad thing to believe, don't get get me wrong. Believe whatever you'd like. However, the fact still stands that 98% of Christians and Catholics will impose and use their religion as an excuse only when it's convenient and in their favor. Why do I say this? Because you just said that lesbians are okay, but not homosexuals, which by definition, includes lesbians. You contradicted yourself in the only hope to impose religion on me. Now step aside while I move forward to make the world a better place. Do what you want, I'm going to avoid contradicting myself.


I ain't religous, nigga, "devil's threesome" is just a colloquialism.

I'm not homophobic and I fully support you getting your butt pounded, I was just making a joke.

2223368 >memecenter
enjoy your cancer
furthermore, you posting a shitty reaction image proves you've been backed into a corner and cannot refute how you contribute to the erosion of intelligent society

and your entire comment to DWK can be summed up with a simple

*tips fedora*

Oh, well, I mean, it sounded like a religious thing, so... Sorry about that. For the record, I do the pounding. I'm not one for taking anything up there.

Please leave me alone kid, I don't want to talk to you.

2223378 Can't bothering finishing the fights you start? You haven't even attempted anything to explain yourself other than "I'm fucking this underage girl with her boyfriend leave me alone you pathetic sexless virgin WOO SEX I FUCKING LOVE TO NAIL PEOPLE BEGHJGJH"

You gloat and brag about your inclusion in one of the most harmful parts of american society, you pansy out of arguments when you know you can't win, you post irreverent memes that aren't even accurate to the fucking image you're using, and you have a hair trigger to jump at someone based on false presumptions and a giant atheism/churchhate boner.

You are deplorable.

Cool, now leave me alone. :pinkiehappy:


You're already heavily closeted, hate Catholic doctrine, bash gays and are a pedophile. Take the next step!


First off, you guys believe gays are absolutely horrific and demonic.

Already wrong. Everything else ignored on the grounds that the original statement is incorrect and nullifies the following argument.

2223387 You can't run from the truth, Equestrium, and one day you'll implode with the rest of your sad, sorry life.

Kid, leave me alone, please? I don't want to have to bring some mods into this.


I honestly can't tell who's the bigger faggot here
Why don't you both kiss and render my speculation moot

2223394 I shouldn't have to fear the mods, remember? You're the one who told me I get them to do whatever I want. :heart:
Going back on things you've said seem to be a running theme here.

Calling me "kid" doesn't demean me anymore than calling me "dude" or "guy" does. I think you're just trying to reassure yourself that just because you're older than me, that somehow makes you better.

Enjoy banging your underage chick and her boyfriend.

2223399 You must have missed how not gay he is.

2223401 Nah, brah. He totes says 'no homo' before the guy fucks him, that makes it not gay.


I would like to stick my erect penis in between your butt cheeks.

No homo.


2223405 I want to toss every type of salad you have
in your anus
extra homo :heart:

2223415 he knows what i like


I wish you would just get banned already because you are a gigantic faggot.

Ladies please, you're both fagets. Especially you 2223338


2223357 See -----> 2223368 bout sums it up.
But dude you should really realize that nobody gives a fuck about what you do over the internet, especially on a site filled with lecherous pedophiles and hairy degenerates. If you want to rebel against the backward religious institutions you were brought up in why not go brag about it in church or on homophobic forums. It'll be funny.

Also we're all very jelly, especially regidar. Have some fucking consideration for the unwarranted vindictiveness of lonely and bitter neckbeards who don't even have any friends. You monster

2223357 GodDAMN, Regi...

"Wow, 31 comments on the blog post? Interesting, I wonder what's being discussed about the newest chapter and TheDude's return-"


What I also don't understand is how people like him, like Equestrium, are so utterly and completely consumed by sex. It's all they do. Hammer. Hammer. Hammer. All day long, and do nothing else but sit on their fat, neckbearded asses and just fuck like rabbits.

And it makes me afraid because I use to be like that! God I was a fucking moron!

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