• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
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  • TStarlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale
    In the decaying metropolis of Detrot, 60 years and one war after Luna's return, Detective Hard Boiled and friends must solve the mystery behind a unicorn's death in a film noir-inspired tale of ponies, hard cider, conspiracy, and murder.
    Chessie · 1.5m words  ·  1,265  47 · 56k views

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  • 148 weeks
    A print run of Starlight Over Detrot?

    So, the Ministry Of Image printing house has a new survey up! Can you guess who is on it?


    I am absurdly excited. I doubt we'll get printed, but it would be amazing if we did! I would love to hold a copy of Starlight Over Detrot in my hands one day.

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    13 comments · 553 views
  • 163 weeks
    So, what's next?

    Starlight Over Detrot is done and now I'm intent on writing something else. I've got the outline for a romance novel. A non-pony romance novel, mind. That being said, I wanna write a few more pony things while I do that. I've got a heap of ideas for an 'Epilogue Part Four' for Starlight which happens a few years after the events of Epilogue Part Three and just sorta ties everything off.

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    2 comments · 813 views
  • 172 weeks

    Okay, so the final main-story chapter of Starlight Over Detrot is *now* in the editorial pipe-line. It's headed to the people who do the good stuff.

    The editors, being the geniuses they are, will likely have it finished VERY soon and I'll pump it out to everybody. Is this the end of Starlight Over Detrot?

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    12 comments · 626 views
  • 181 weeks

    Dear lord, shoot me in the face.

    All the years I've been writing this and I say to myself "Yeah, gonna finish it tonight!" then the characters get to talking. Talking. Just back and forth. GRAH!

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    9 comments · 629 views
  • 184 weeks
    Adorable pic from Cinder Script!

    Hardy finally gets that drink he deserves!

    Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/4xS4gBdCr2]

    Tips to tailstalker@hotmail.com on Paypal.com

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Slow, slow kitty...Re-writes abound. · 8:19pm Feb 5th, 2014

Well, people, your author has been a bad kitty.

Winter is slowly killing me this year, and we're trying our damndest to push through, but the last two days I've found myself almost incapable of writing. I've gotten a few words out each day, but nothing appreciable. After realizing a significant chunk of 43 needed to be re-written and following an attempt to get my sleep cycle back on something human, I've pretty much just slept through the last three days.

Starlight WILL...have its author back and you will have more action, adventure, and weird characters, but there may be a delay on a day or two as I haul my brain back into the breach.

I love you guys. Please, send encouraging beatings.


Comments ( 10 )

I'm trying to think of an applicable parody of Sheldon Cooper's "warm kitty" to convey my thoughts, but my brain is going, "Rhyming? LOL! :rainbowwild:"

That's life. Sleep better.

Beatings? Sorry, I'm just not feeling it today, maybe tomorrow.

Na, 2 day break is fine and only if it was a month break would I be slightly worried.:scootangel:

The beatings will continue until moral improves.

Slow kitty, tired kitty, sleeping through the night
Lazy kitty, beaten kitty, write, write, WRITE.

1800416 ... *bows and concedes defeat*

Starlight WILL...have its author back and you will have more action, adventure, and weird characters, but there may be a delay on a day or two as I haul my brain back into the breach.

Hauling brains into the breach is always good to hear and speaking as someone who also has weird sleep patterns it is nice to be able to do things at normal times when the cycle goes back to normal.

Bad cat - bad cat
Bad Cat - He's bad!
He writes across the nation - the pussycat of sin
Rewrote the last two chapters
that he just typed in.
It needs evaluation and a new begin(ning)
You've got caffiene, your laptop's on, so go type something-
(signed) Bad Cat

normally winteri s my favorite time of year, but i cannot deny this year has gotten on my nerves. i do not know where you guys call home, but where i am we have had near arctic levels of cold. been madness.

rest, recuperate, and let us see what is gonna happen next once you are up and about once more. who knows, maybe the story will violate my sense of udnerstanding of the universe by predicting yet ANOTHER factor to be itnroduced in the show itself.

1800416 that little song always realllllly unneved me. i always imagine some serial killer chanting it or something. shudders.

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