• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2023

Comet Burst

The man without a plan.

More Blog Posts56

  • 283 weeks
    An Intricate Response

    Dear FIMFic,

    It’s been a while, hasn’t it? If you’re still around, I’m thinking you’ve probably gotten wind of a rather controversial topic posted by MrNumbers regarding the state of FimFiction’s story landscape. While I normally don’t do this sort of thing, An Intricate Disguise wrote a rather thought provoking response to it.

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  • 312 weeks
    Jurassic World tonight

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, it’s here. A movie I’ve been waiting anxiously for and secretly hoping it might not happen.

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  • 321 weeks
    5 Long Years

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, I just realized it's been 5 years and 18 days since I wrote the final chapter to The Golden Armor. A lot of things have happened since then, but I can't really believe it. Things have changed so much in those years, but you all still are there and some may even still be waiting for more of it.

    I guess maybe it's time I did something about that.

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  • 354 weeks
    I have a question for all of you

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, I've recently been trying to write new chapters to All That Glitters and Across The Universe, but a problem has kept coming up. Whenever I sit down to write, I get blocked by an idea buzzing around in my head. Some of you did enjoy my failed contest entry, From One Unicorn to Another, and I've suddenly had new ideas to further that story thread.

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  • 359 weeks
    Dunkirk: the gem of WW2 movies

    Dear FIMFic,

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A big hug to you all (as well as a question) · 12:08am Aug 27th, 2013

Dear readers of The Golden Armor,

Thank you. Thank you all for reading my story.

I don't think I properly did that, but I wanted to say it. I feel honored that you all took my little hackfic and read it, giving me your opinions and honoring me with your favorites. I am truly stunned every single time I go back to look at it, noticing the likes, favorites and comments. When I see them, my little subconscious entity known as Angel squeals in delight, telling me to shout "I love you all!" while Comet stares dumbfounded and Valyrie smirks, knowing it was a job well done.

So, with the mushy stuff out of the way, I want to ask you: Are you happy with The Golden Armor's ending?

I said I was working on revising the ending, and I have, but I slowly realized it isn't about the Doctor's interruption as much as me just writing because I felt like it. I have a new ending ready, to be sure, but I feel like changing it will destroy what made my fic unique. It didn't follow the rules to begin with, reshaping the bat ponies and jettisoning the average guard into an uncomfortable situation, and refused to follow the standardized course all the way through. While it was a cop-out, I feel the ending reflects what I originally set out to do: write a story I liked, regardless of what others wanted. I told my story and, while I did want it to end after I thought it had gone on long enough, I was happy with it.

I know I spend time griping about my ending and do nothing about it, but I never asked what you all thought. So, tell me, please, what you think. It would mean the world to me if you did.

As a late seven month anniversary of The Golden Armor's first chapter, thank you all again!


Report Comet Burst · 496 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

I liked the ending, personally. Of course, The Doctor may make me biased...

But I think that changing the ending would change the story as a whole at least a little bit, correct? I like the story how it is, and I don't think you should change it ^-^

Also, YAY HUGS:pinkiecrazy:

I find the ending is good the way it is. You should take more confidence in your work, the fact that you feel as if the ending should be different shows your creativity. If you really want to revise the ending so much then maybe you should release it as a bonus chapter.

Its not the ending i was expecting, though it was good it wasn't spectacular. However leave it as it is. Strait romance with a happy resolving of the love rivals situation works leaving an overall happy feeling all around. Also it sets up the sequel. You could have done allot of other ending but I think changing it would change the heart of the fic.

I think the ending was fine, it was a nice big battle with all our heroes having their moment to shine and time to reflect on their emotions, and then having good things come to them :twilightsmile:

Plus it segues into the sequel nicely which is fantastic too by the way.

Keep up the good work man, and have more confidence in yourself, your stories are great :pinkiehappy:

I recall enjoying the ending. Maybe include it just as an alternate ending but I don't think it needs to be changed. It may not have had the most spectacular ending it was still a very good story.

The way I remember it, the ending fit. I personally liked the way you set it up.

Yeah, I guess I'll be the first to say that the ending was... disappointing. It was pretty much a textbook example of deus ex machina, and there's a reason it's considered bad writing.

But I wonder if the cure is worse than the disease? To fix it, you'd really need to go all the way back to act one and start changing things around, subtly steering the entire story to a pre-planned ending.

But after all that re-writing, it wouldn't be the same story.

So maybe you do want to go back and re-do the whole thing, but maybe it would be even better to just let it be and move on. If anyone asks, note that the ending wasn't your best work or some such.

I'll leave it to you, and note that I will fully support any choice you make, and am more than willing to help if you need it.

I need to meet you in real life. I seriously do.:twilightsmile:

I felt it relied to much on the doctor's point that save Comet's job if anything something should add by one of the other character's to cement that it wasn't Comet's fault and he should keep his job.

you could change the ending but wheres the fun in that? why not just add the the alt ending as another chapter or better yet you could post a link to the alt ending and hold a vote for which is better.
p.s. go for the vote opinion:pinkiehappy:

I don't know how you think Comet and Angel would act. I don't how you would make everyone act towards a situation. I don't know what mental leaps you make while writing, saying "Hey, this gives me a good idea! Comet would totally do this in this situation and that's interesting!" I could say, "I think it would be a good idea for you to do this." And then what? I don't know what you'd plan next. I know what I think of them, but what I think of them and what you know of them are two completely different things. I don't know for sure if I would like what you did next.

But I'd probably would, since that's the whole reason I'm reading your story. I like your mind. I like your characters. I like your story. I like what you make. I like the mental leaps you make that surprises me. Most importantly, I like not knowing, and then reading the world someone else had made. What you made.

You wanna rewrite the ending? Sure, It would be sad to see the original go. But I'm here because I like to read your stories. As long as your confidant in your ideas, and are happy with the choices you've made, then I don't care either way.
No one knows what's best for your story better than you do. In the end, what you feel you should do with it is the most important opinion of them all. That's the one that should have the most weight. Believe in yourself.

AND NOW TO MAKE A TOTAL 180 AND SAY I felt the doctor was a bit of an ass pull.
Doesn't change the fact I like your story just fine, it's one of my favorites. As I said, I feel you should do what you think is best for that story. Looking forward to whatever you do.

1311422 Took the words right out of my mouth

I felt that Doctor Whooves was just there to be that pony who comes in for a second, saves somepony and leaves.
(Oh wait...)

I didn't like how he came in so suddenly like that because he wasn't relevant to the story at all. I feel if you're going to make an ending, do it with the characters you have already and don't throw in a new character at random. I was a little pissed when you did that. (Even though The Doctor is my second most favorite pony ( :derpytongue2: is the first: (If you added her I would have said differently (Not really))))

But in all seriousness, I would like to see you add a new chapter labeled "Alternate Ending" or something like that so you can keep the old ending and we can read the new, because if the new ending does seem worse somehow (I do have my doubts about it being worse) then you can get rid of the new ending and keep the old one and vice versa.

HOWEVER! If the ending is really good and I absolutely LOVE IT with :heart:'s X5, but the ending doesn't fit into the sequel, don't use the new one. People will notice if they read the sequel and start ranting and raving in the comments section.

But this is just my opinion. Others may not agree with me. Just do what you want! :twilightsmile:

The ending itself was pretty good, except for Dr. Whooves. It was a Deus Ex Machina... but it didn't really overshadow all the rest that happened. I suppose when one takes a look at it an analyzes it, Dr. Whooves' involvement pretty much saved everyone. So.... eh?

When I read it back then, it wasn't that it was a DEM that irked me, it was Dr. Whooves himself. I don't really care for the character because I don't really care for Dr. Who. Other than that it was good. Conflict was resolved and Comet didn't change his character by killing Gorgon. Him telling her to "just go" with a threat was what he would do, going along with how you developed his character.

Aside from snogging sisters full on the mouth, I thought the ending was fantastic. It set up part two quite nicely, allowing the passage of time to expand the setting and let the romantic pairings develop "off-screen."

It also left Gorgon to come back and return as an unexpected ally or redouble her efforts to steal Comet.

Eagerly awaiting each update,
~ Nick der Weiss

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