• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2023

Comet Burst

The man without a plan.

More Blog Posts56

  • 289 weeks
    An Intricate Response

    Dear FIMFic,

    It’s been a while, hasn’t it? If you’re still around, I’m thinking you’ve probably gotten wind of a rather controversial topic posted by MrNumbers regarding the state of FimFiction’s story landscape. While I normally don’t do this sort of thing, An Intricate Disguise wrote a rather thought provoking response to it.

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    2 comments · 1,891 views
  • 318 weeks
    Jurassic World tonight

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, it’s here. A movie I’ve been waiting anxiously for and secretly hoping it might not happen.

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    8 comments · 641 views
  • 327 weeks
    5 Long Years

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, I just realized it's been 5 years and 18 days since I wrote the final chapter to The Golden Armor. A lot of things have happened since then, but I can't really believe it. Things have changed so much in those years, but you all still are there and some may even still be waiting for more of it.

    I guess maybe it's time I did something about that.

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    14 comments · 1,031 views
  • 360 weeks
    I have a question for all of you

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, I've recently been trying to write new chapters to All That Glitters and Across The Universe, but a problem has kept coming up. Whenever I sit down to write, I get blocked by an idea buzzing around in my head. Some of you did enjoy my failed contest entry, From One Unicorn to Another, and I've suddenly had new ideas to further that story thread.

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    9 comments · 708 views
  • 365 weeks
    Dunkirk: the gem of WW2 movies

    Dear FIMFic,

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    20 comments · 780 views

I have a question for all of you · 2:25am Sep 1st, 2017

Dear FIMFic,

So, I've recently been trying to write new chapters to All That Glitters and Across The Universe, but a problem has kept coming up. Whenever I sit down to write, I get blocked by an idea buzzing around in my head. Some of you did enjoy my failed contest entry, From One Unicorn to Another, and I've suddenly had new ideas to further that story thread.

That's not to say it would strictly be about Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever, though.

The idea currently pestering me is Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, which would itself be followed by Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie. Now I also know some people didn't like my portrayal of Princess Platinum, which was a shame to me, but I did enjoy writing her and want to extend that to Commander Hurricane and Chancellor Puddinghead, showing a peculiar side of them that history probably wouldn't remember of them.

After all that, my question is this: Would you all be interested in reading an anthology of how I think the original Hearth's Warming began?

The stories centered solely around the duos would be oneshots of their own, but after each major character is introduced, there would definitely be a longer multi-chapter fic about the summit and what transpired after. I've already written part of the Commander Hurricane story, but I would love to know if you guys are interested before I take it further.


Report Comet Burst · 708 views · Story: From One Unicorn to Another ·
Comments ( 9 )

In a word, yes.

I second the motion.

In two words, Yes, Yes. :pinkiehappy:

In three words... well, you know where this is going :raritywink:

My answer is a definite yes :pinkiehappy:

Fire away.

yes. just um... be careful about starting too many new ideas you might not be able to finish lol.

sound awesome:pinkiehappy:
can't wait!

Not against the idea, but I've been waiting on new chapters for Across the Universe to drop.

Eager to see what happens with Celestia and her new found beau :trollestia:

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