• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2018

Esle Ynopemos

Was that me? Or was it... somepony else?

More Blog Posts47

  • 478 weeks
    How suck/not-suck is this cover art?

    Hey folks. Next story is coming along, despite the kinks Season 5 is throwing in its path (Seriously, Babs Seed got her cutie mark? Off screen? For hairdressing? There's no way I could've planned for that). Chapter 1 is close, and I'll post it once I have Chapter 2 ready for editing so there hopefully won't be too long a break between updates.

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  • 483 weeks
    Table for a guest, plus call for editors

    Have you heard about Kitsune Risu's new project? No? Have you heard of Kitsune Risu? You should. He's one of the most underrated authors on this site. Roughly one third of my library of Criminally Underrated Stories were penned by this guy.

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    3 comments · 521 views
  • 487 weeks
    Bitter Harvest mini-prequel of sorts

    Some of you already know, but I have been hosting weekly writing prompts over at Thirty Minute Ponies. Each prompt is always posted with a mini-fic alongside it, sort of as an example, but mostly to keep myself writing alongside the participants.

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  • 494 weeks
    Contest results, and an apology

    This is embarrassingly and inexcusably late, and still half-assed and incomplete, but...

    The It's My Birthday and I'll Ship Ponies If I Want To contest is over! Like, more than a month ago! Timing!

    I am really sorry about this. You folks who put effort forward to make something nice deserve better than this.

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  • 508 weeks
    It's my birthday. Gimme stuff.

    I get to re-use something I've already drawn!

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Wender-whatzit, now? · 6:16am Jan 28th, 2013

Different writers have different writing processes, and they have different parts of these writing processes that they are better or worse at than others.

I am terrible at editing my work. It is almost literally painful for me to let go of even the smallest scrap of my original draft for a story, no matter how poorly that scrap fits within the story as a whole. Not everyone is like this. I have seen my spouse rewrite a story, scrap all of it, rewrite it again, and repeat this dozens of times to get the desired effect out of it. Meanwhile, I cling to my first draft, grudgingly changing one word at a time only at my pre-reader's stern insistence, wincing with every press of the delete key as though the letters on the document were staring at me, silently judging me for my betrayal of them.

I tell you this in order to explain why I was so excited about being nearly done with The Wendersnaven three or four weeks ago, and only now am I ready to post it. Editing it was like pulling teeth, except usually when you're pulling teeth you don't have the temptation to minimize the tooth-pulling window and go play video games instead. So that's why the last ten percent of this moderately short (under 8k words) story has taken up about fifty percent of the total time spent working on it.

But the good news is, I'm done with it. I'll wait until tomorrow to put it in the queue (since I've learned a lesson about timing the queue so that it doesn't slip on and off the front page at 4 in the morning), but the story is finished and ready to be posted. Tomorrow, probably early afternoon, depending on your timezone, you are welcome to feast your eyes on the fluffiest heap of Twishy it has ever been my pleasure to put into words.

Depending on my capacity to grit my teeth and put it through the same wringer, chapter four of A Teatime Visit may also get posted tomorrow, as well. I would really like it if that could happen. That would be great. I just need to go back and make it actually funny instead of a travesty that the other three chapters look upon in shame. No pressure!

Lastly, I know I have mentioned it before, but it bears repeating: you should all join Apple Pie. It's tiny group so far, but things are going to pick up for it very soon. As group founder, I am going to be making an effort to make sure it is more than just another shipping group. There is going to be games, fanart, contests, recipes, and all sorts of things. If you like fun, or if you have heard of fun once or twice and are curious what it's about, come along and join us. The most delicious ship awaits.

Report Esle Ynopemos · 326 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I think I follow your spouse's style of MASS WORD GENOCIDE... It sure hurts sometimes, but I always just think... what will make the STORY better in the end?

Besides, if it's any consolation to you, you can always cannibalize - that is, use parts you've written before in other parts or sections with minor changes. That way it's not ever 'lost'.... just re-appropriated. =)

But I'd say, never be afraid to highlight humongous chunks of something and hit that delete key. Only through that will we be one with the writing. Remember: YOU control the words. The words do not control you. :twistnerd::twistnerd::twistnerd::twistnerd:

By the way, The only good Apple Pie is the kind that Rarity leaves AJ with.


That's right.

A hot, delicious fresh one.

What... what did you think I was saying? =\


:duck: Oh, Applejack, darling, I baked you this pie in congratulations for the frankly ludicrous amounts of lewd sexy-times you are having with Pinkie Pie!

:ajsmug: Aw gee, Rarity, thanks! :applejackunsure: Hang on, you're sure that you baked it an' not yer sister, right?

:duck: Well, since it isn't charred black and contained in a cup, yes, I'm fairly certain Sweetie did not bake it. She isn't allowed near the stove anymore.

:unsuresweetie: What?

:pinkiehappy: Applejaaack, come back to beeed!

:ajsmug: Hold yer horses, I'm comin'.

:pinkiegasp: That's what I said!

:raritywink: I'll leave you two to your devices. Ta ta!

Foul Temptress.

I cannot.... I can't help it. I apologize. No matter how much I try I can't see Pinkie Paired with Anypony. =(

I can only think of the confetti and weep. ;_;

Does pinkie have a soft, serious side? Or does she fire party favours from her groin? =( IT... IT CONFUSES ME.

I think we're much alike in this respect; I have a terrible track record when it comes to editing. I detest doing it, and I have a history of under-editing based on feedback. I'm working on it and trying to get better at it, but too often a story will get feedback, have me edit based on that feedback, and then have readers comment on the exact same thing. Blargh.

That said? TwiShy adventure shipping holy batman yes.

Reading this as soon as I can.

762569 It makes me feel a bit better to know that I'm not the only one that has trouble with this. I'm certain I drive poor Loving Tolerance crazy with my stubbornness.

I hope you enjoy the story when you get to it!

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