• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2018

Esle Ynopemos

Was that me? Or was it... somepony else?


Golden Harvest is not jealous. Sure, her neighbor Applejack has a life of adventure and glamor, friends who are national heroes and princesses, an appallingly lucrative share in the local fruit market, and firm, toned flanks. And sure, by contrast, Golden Harvest has been stuck with her snout in the same old muddy patch of carrots pretty much every day since she earned her cutie mark, her best friend is a dentist, and her idea for a 'Carrot Juice Season' never really gained much ground for some reason. But Golden Harvest is not jealous.

Not jealous at all.

She just wishes Applejack would stop being so distracting.


Pre-read by Midnight Herald and Communist Bob (no link).

Chapters (8)

Spike, take a note.

Herein is contained a collection of precisely thirty stories, some related, some independent, each taking no more than thirty minutes to write. Their one unifying theme: all of them will be about me, Twilight Sparkle. These stories will cover a broad range of genres and topics, such as comedy, adventure, horror, and yes, even romance. They will be published one per day every day until all thirty stories have been posted. That makes this a month-long endeavor, Spike, so I hope you brought the extra quills.

It is my hope that with this literary experiment, I will be able to prove that... Spike, are you just doodling a picture of yourself wearing armor? Please pay attention, Spike, this is for science!

Part of the Thirty Minute Series. Find Rarity here, Rainbow Dash here, Pinkie Pie here, Fluttershy here and Applejack here.

Chapters (35)

Howdy! Why don't you sit a spell, and let me tell you a story or two. I promise it won't take long, or I'm not an Apple!


A collection of short stories and vignettes about the rootinest, tootinest farm-filly this side of the Everfree. Each entry was written in thirty minutes, and there will be a chapter uploaded every day until there are thirty chapters. I ain't no fancy arithmeticker, but that adds up to a whole month of good ol' down-home tale-tellin'!

This is part of the Thirty Minute series, which also includes Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight. Go check them out as well!

Chapters (32)

Um, this is a story... well, actually, it's a lot of stories, thirty of them, by the time it's done. And they're all going to be about me, Fluttershy.

I find that a little bit scary.

But don't worry, they won't take up a lot of your time. I'm sure you're really busy, so these stories only took thirty minutes each to write. I'm sure you can read them a lot quicker than that. If you want to, that is. It will be updated with a new story every day, so that's a whole month of... me...


This is part of the Thirty Minute series, which also includes Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight. Go check them out as well!

...if that's okay with you.

Chapters (31)

The one thing about Canterlot that really got to Rarity was the rain. Not that the rain itself was terribly onerous—it actually rained less there than it did in most of the surrounding areas, since it took less rain to water the small parks and gardens than it did to keep farmland healthy. But the nature of the rain was so... inorganic. Without exception, every Tuesday and Thursday the weatherponies would begin gathering clouds in the early evening and there would be a light drizzle that lasted from seven thirty on into the night.

Rarity gets caught in the rain and catches a case of homesickness.

Chapters (1)

Short stories and vignettes about the Pink Party Pone, each written in thirty minutes.

Daily updates for thirty days.

A whole month of parties. What more could you possibly ask for?

Part of the Thirty Minute series. Find Rarity here, Rainbow Dash here, Fluttershy here, Applejack here and Twilight here.

Chapters (32)

A compilation of short stories and vignettes about Rainbow Dash, each written in thirty minutes flat!

Will update daily until there are thirty chapters.

Part of the Thirty Minute Series. Find Rarity here, Pinkie Pie here, Fluttershy here, Applejack here and Twilight here.

Chapters (31)

A collection of short stories and vignettes written for Thirty Minute Ponies.

They aren't all in the same continuity, but they all feature everypony's favorite fashionista.

Part of the Thirty Minute Series. Find Rainbow Dash here, Pinkie Pie here, Fluttershy here, Applejack here and Twilight here.


Chapters (32)

A Wendersnaven is a mythical creature. Some say it looks like a bird with two heads and feathers of every color of the rainbow. Others believe it looks like a cat with zebra stripes and sparkling jewels for eyes. There's at least one pony who thinks it looks like a turtle carrying a tiny castle on its back! See, nopony has ever seen a Wendersnaven before, so nopony knows what it looks like.

But with Twilight's help, Fluttershy is going to go find one. Into the rugged Blackhoof Mountains they'll go, in search of the mythical beast. But perhaps they'll find something more among the high rocky peaks.

Many thanks to Loving Tolerance for pre-reading!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was loyal. She would never betray the love of her life.

Applejack was honest. She knew that if she sensed something wrong, she would speak up.

This is a story of the promises we keep, and the ones we break. Of the truths we tell, and the ones we keep silent.

Rated Teen for brief language and some adult themes. Big thanks to Loving Tolerance for giving this a look-over and telling me what works and what doesn't. One of these days, I might even listen to him!

Chapters (1)