• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

More Blog Posts264

  • 2 weeks
    The Painful Silence of Writing

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    The Powerpuff Crusaders and the Love Day Episode

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  • 7 weeks
    "Rainbow Trendin' Dash": The Global Situation on LGBTQ+ Rights

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  • 8 weeks
    "Calendar Chaos" is Now My Most Viewed Story!

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Achievement Unlocked: "Cute Mountain Climbers" · 8:44pm May 2nd

Well, it finally happened: I got all three The Sister Sidestep fics onto Equestria Daily. Huzzah! 🎉

Now to figure out what to send next. :applejackconfused:

Impossible Numbers, out!

Comments ( 11 )

Wohoo, congrats! 🌟


Thank you. :scootangel:

Darn, that would have worked better if there were positive-looking Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom emoticons. :applecry::unsuresweetie: Poor girls.

🌟 Speaking of emoticons, I just found that star one you used! Neat!

Ghost Mike #3 · May 2nd · · 1 ·

Also means you can put the looping sequel tags of the three stories back on too! :raritywink:

But yeah, your shortlist of eligible fics to submit for EqD featuring is down to a trickle now, isn't it? Single-digits, I think. Bit of a pickle for your goal of regular featuring there, innit? :fluttershyouch:


Also means you can put the looping sequel tags of the three stories back on too! :raritywink:

Having considered it, I think I'll keep the sequel tags off permanently. Apart from setting an unfair precedent against the proofreaders ("What do you mean I can't have my sequel posted separately!? Impossible Numbers did!"), it strikes me as feeling too "Trojan Horse" dishonest to go against their sequel policy after the triple acceptance. Besides, those fics got all the traffic they're gonna get.

But yeah, your shortlist of eligible fics to submit for EqD featuring is down to a trickle now, isn't it? Single-digits, I think. Bit of a pickle for your goal of regular featuring there, innit? :fluttershyouch:

Ten candidates left, to be precise. I got time yet, so who knows? Might get lucky before the list runs out.

Congratulations on the achievement! :yay:


Ta very much, mate! 🤠

Pascoite #7 · May 2nd · · 1 ·

Our policy on sequels is that they can be solo posted if they stand alone well enough that you wouldn't have to read the previous material to understand it. It's already a given that they stand alone well since they got approved, so we don't care if you set them as sequels.


Ah, I didn't know that. Bang goes my argument's starting premise, in that case.

Although I think I'll leave them anyway, if only because I don't feel there's much advantage to the sequel tags. Plus, I is a bit lazy. :ajsleepy:

(Also, thanks for the feedback on the latest email I got from EqD: least, I'm assuming that was you).

Any and all recognition of your work is well deserved.


:scootangel: Thank you! Wow, I'm getting more stars in this blog than I'd expected going in. :rainbowlaugh:


:twilightsmile: That's kind of you to say so. :twilightoops: Just wish I was making more of it, but so it goes...

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