• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

More Blog Posts264

  • 2 weeks
    The Painful Silence of Writing

    One problem that seems ineradicably fundamental to writing, or at least to the kind I'm attempting: frustratingly fiddly, and yet it has to be kept a secret.

    This is going to be a bit of an effusive confession, I'm afraid. Hopefully, I'll be in a better mood next time, but today...

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    7 comments · 147 views
  • 4 weeks

    This random product among hundreds mentioned on-site relates not at all totally to My Little Pony fanfiction and has a better chance of annoying someone on YouTube was designed by top market research analysts for your needs.

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  • 5 weeks
    The Powerpuff Crusaders and the Love Day Episode

    It's not exactly a mind-blowing statement to claim that Friendship is Magic shares some Powerpuff Girls DNA (e.g. Blossom and Twilight are both powerful, socially responsible bookworm-type leaders). But "Hearts and Hooves Day" and "Keen on Keane" are, like, eerie déjà vu levels of similar.

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  • 7 weeks
    "Rainbow Trendin' Dash": The Global Situation on LGBTQ+ Rights

    Since I generally prefer a global account to a narrower focus on a topic, let's give it a go! Graphs and links ahoy! In broad strokes, then; where in the world would a pro-LGBTQ+ citizen least want to stand?

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  • 8 weeks
    "Calendar Chaos" is Now My Most Viewed Story!

    Pardon my narcissism, but... Currently sitting at 3,571 views, it's recently surpassed the old record-holder (Cutie Mark Espionage Agency at 3,565*), meaning 2018 stands above my 2011-2012 output.

    And can I just say, "Well, it's about time!"?

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    4 comments · 93 views

"Calendar Chaos" is Now My Most Viewed Story! · 2:16pm May 26th

Pardon my narcissism, but... Currently sitting at 3,571 views, it's recently surpassed the old record-holder (Cutie Mark Espionage Agency at 3,565*), meaning 2018 stands above my 2011-2012 output.

And can I just say, "Well, it's about time!"?

* N.B. Because of the wonky way views are counted on FIMFiction through some different criterion, Calendar Chaos technically surpassed the other fic a few days earlier. I checked this way. That said, the actual number shown was lower, and since it looks daft to claim a record's been broken when the number shown is so very clearly lower, I'm only reporting it now that the number I actually see is unambiguous and far more evident.

Blog Number 260: "The Subtle Art of Chaos" Edition

More and more these days, I'm coming to the conclusion that chaos is not so much an absence of rules as a surfeit of them. I mean, the universe can basically be summed up as "the four fundamental interactions duke it out over matter and energy". After all, you get no fight with no combatants, but plenty of distributed punches, kicks, and chair-smacks among the many. Then again, that's probably why my more ambitious writing projects (and my output generally) tend to be... chaotic.

Anyway, back to the fic record thing.

True, it's mostly a symbolic, out-of-my-hands victory, very true. Nonetheless, I feel so much better thinking that this represents the New overshadowing the Old. I do not like my juvenilia years at all. I uncritically didn't know what I was doing back then, and it shooooooows. :raritydespair:

In the meantime, over teatime: self-wrestling to get more content out? It continues apace. Curse chaos and all that jazz, but this has not been a good year so far, and I'm hoping tomorrow's Bank Holiday will give me some time to get some things smoothed over. Meaning new fics are gonna be waiting a fair while at this rate.

Anyway, just wanted to stick a pin on something psychologically important to me for the time being. We'll see how the close of the month goes next.


That's all for now. Impossible Numbers, out.

Report Impossible Numbers · 93 views · Story: Calendar Chaos ·
Comments ( 4 )

Neato to hear! It's easy to get hung up on newer fics surpassing older ones in stats, as it validates our personal beliefs that we've improves over time. Lord knows I've been victim to such obsessing! :twilightsheepish:

In any case, what with that old fic having so few comments and likes, relative to the newer one, at least you knew it had been passed out in lifetime engagement ages and ages ago. That's not nothing! :pinkiehappy:


It's easy to get hung up on newer fics surpassing older ones in stats, as it validates our personal beliefs that we've improves over time. Lord knows I've been victim to such obsessing! :twilightsheepish:

It's a bit misleading, aye, since a fic from 2011 simply has had far more time to accrue numbers than a fic from 2018. But you know, any port in a storm.

In any case, what with that old fic having so few comments and likes, relative to the newer one, at least you knew it had been passed out in lifetime engagement ages and ages ago. That's not nothing! :pinkiehappy:

Engagement is one reason why I write and publish. Nothing quite like a good comment or criticism to sink one's teeth into. :twilightsmile:

Actually, it's kinda interesting to see what makes the cut, so briefly, from a sample of 134 fics:

51 of mine currently have over 1,000 views, of which...

  • 23 between 1,000 and 1,500 views (28 above)
  • 12 between 1,500 and 2,000 views (16 above)
  • 9 between 2,000 and 2,500 views (7 above)
  • 3 between 2,500 and 3,000 views (4 above)
  • 2 between 3,000 and 3,500 views (2 above)
  • 2 between 3,500 and 4,000 views (0 above)

More specifically, the actual ranking of fics with 1k+ views (from lowest to highest) based on the About page is:

  1. Sunset in the Otherworld (2017): 1,010
  2. Work and Play (2016): 1,031
  3. The Last of Lapis Lazuli (2013, incomplete): 1,044
  4. Her Song of Jubilation (2017): 1,047
  5. The Adventure of the Five Apple Cores (2013): 1,051
  6. Quenchless Fire (2018): 1,055
  7. Transient (2017): 1,133
  8. Petalback (2017, incomplete): 1,139
  9. Practical Nightmares Only (2016): 1,152
  10. Mothering, Someday (2020): 1,152
  11. Jungle Tricks (2012): 1,176
  12. In a Hole in the Ground... (2019): 1,183
  13. Lapidify: To See and Die (2016): 1,202
  14. The Scootaloo Switcheroo (2019): 1,246
  15. The Campaign for Extra Trixie, and other unlikely experiments (2012): 1,256
  16. Dare To Be Awesome (2012): 1,259
  17. Adventure Belongs in a Book (2018): 1,275
  18. Tavern Tactics (2019): 1,282
  19. Unworthy of the Sun (2017): 1,363
  20. Redstreak Jack: Orchards of Time (2012, incomplete): 1,374
  21. Growing Your Own Legacy (2018): 1,381
  22. Somnambula and the Demon of Dreams (2018): 1,474
  23. Pinkamena Diane Pie (2013): 1,493
  24. Horse Apple Turnover (2012): 1,522
  25. Now The Wind Has Changed Forever (2018): 1,593
  26. Friends of the Ponies (2017): 1,632
  27. Jailhouse Rock (2018): 1,635
  28. Baking for Humble Pie (2011, incomplete): 1,638
  29. Flitter's Night (2012): 1,651
  30. Laurels (2013, incomplete): 1,670
  31. Goldilocks and the Three Months Spent in Young Offender's Prison (2019): 1,696
  32. One Apple Short (In Which Twilight Learns Never To Underestimate An Apple Tree) (2012): 1,760
  33. Stinging The Trail (2017): 1,776
  34. As Winter Dies, So Spring Is Born (2017): 1,804
  35. When Space Met Time (2018): 1,903
  36. Splash Dash (2016): 2,086
  37. The Sister Sidestep: Apple Bloom (2020): 2,174
  38. Before the Rot Sets In (2019): 2,277
  39. Eldritch Fun Times (2018): 2,287
  40. Beyond the Herd (2020): 2,329
  41. The Sister Sidestep: Sweetie Belle (2020): 2,355
  42. Griffon a Load of Bull (2012): 2,421
  43. The Sister Sidestep: Scootaloo (2020): 2,495
  44. All of a Fluttershy (2011): 2,498
  45. Limestone Pie Meets Petunia Paleo (2018): 2,588
  46. Rise of the Solar Wind (2016): 2,721
  47. Beautiful Lives (2017): 2,900
  48. Romancing the Sun (2019): 3,050
  49. Through the Eyes of the Hurricane (2012): 3,275
  50. Cutie Mark Espionage Agency (2011, incomplete): 3,566
  51. Calendar Chaos (2018): 3,571

Overall, a pretty wide spread across my peak years (late 2011 to mid 2013, and early 2016 to late 2020), with 2012, 2017, and 2018 dominating with 9-10 fics each (obviously, 2018 has the 10, the other two have 9 each). None of those three are surprising, as the former one (that's 2012) was basically early and peak pony time, while the latter two (that's 2017 and 2018) coincide with my most productive publishing years, so there are simply more candidates to boost relative to other years.

Still, neato. :twistnerd:

iisaw #3 · May 26th · · ·

Woo-hoo! :pinkiehappy:


:trollestia: I'll let Miss Pie take this one:

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