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David Silver

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Autism · 2:00am Dec 2nd, 2023

Turns out, I have it. Just diagnosed. It's good to know, I feel. Glad to know it...

And here I am, sharing it. I will continue writing as usual.

Report David Silver · 385 views ·
Comments ( 54 )

I would,ve been more scared if you didn't had it considering you're an artisan

Boy, you lucky to only get diagnosed now past your childhood days.

I grew up with everyone treating me like trash because I was made publicly autistic.

It seems that if your autistic and in school (and not colledge) then the color of your skin means jack shit; your skin color might as well be black if your autistic.

Just saying you got lucky coming from someone who had to endure being bullied alot growing up because I was autistic.

I am unsure how to take your statement, seeing as I already am black...

Then that would've probably made you a bigger target if you were blacka and had autism.

I'm white with autism and I still got picked on by bullies a lot growing up.

So yeah...consider yourself lucky that you managed to avoid getting bullied during your devolopmental years by being both black & autistic because I doubt your classmates would've been kind to you. I know they weren't for me... :fluttercry:

From one Autist to another: hoof-bump!

"hoof-bumps him without hooves, somehow..."


With the proper attitude, hoofbumps will happen.

That really wasn't much a word growing up. Retard was a hot word.

I was known to have autism and was extremely popular. Hung out with the in crowd, went to the big parties, still run into people I don't know who know my name. Trick is to show you're not afraid to knock people around if they start acting out. Pretty quick you find people respect you.

Welcome to the club pal! Did a lot of things suddenly make way more sense when you found out?

It was more of a, what, confirmation of a suspicion sort of thing?

You always felt you might have it you mean?

I would not say 'always'. It wasn't even really a word when I was a child. But the more I looked, the more I wondered...

Well that went off topic. What I'm trying to say is you should count your lucky stars that you weren't diagnosed sooner then this; as I can only imagine what a black person with autism would have to suffer through during the time they are trying to learn things.

...What? How? I got bullied constantly while I attended school right up until I graduated highschool.

Well I'm glad you've gotten a concrete answer. It's always good to know.

Dude, at my school they did not know I had Asperger's and I was still picked on. Teachers did diddlysquat even when I told them straight who were the ones causing it. My mother got annoyed at the principal and the school bodies, I never got hit though. Just got my things trashed, lost, thrown up the roof, and put large rocks inside my backpack(I did not notice) to the point I carried those to my next class and left those rocks at the door.

One of the memories I cherished the most is when I had 3 large rocks evenly accommodated in my backpack, put my pack at my right shoulder, and just walked with it like that for a minute or two until a guy from another classroom ran past me with my backpack on his hand and suddenly he crashes with a column face first because of the weight of the backpack made him stumble.

Yep, still brings a smile to my face... and then I remember that I also got tied with tape to a lampost, got multiple times some panic/anxiety attacks before I had known what they were, and was left trembling by the sheer emotions I was experiencing back there.
Wanna know the punchline? we had multiple anti-bullying campaigns each year and they did nothing.

Holy hell... now I feel better getting this outta my chest. Here in Mexico, kids are not kids.

Dude, you brought a smile to my face throughout the years. Thank you.

I do what I can. :heart: Here's to years ahead of us.

Different people. Different times. Different places.

holy crap MR Silver. just how many more things are the DR's going to find.

it is time for them to stop looking.

Wishing you the best friend.

I asked them to look, and closing your eyes does not make problems go away.

I am Autistic as well but I learned of this when I was 15 so I'v learned to deal with it.

Congratulations, my fellow autist! Wonderful to see you among our ranks!

Join the club my fellow autistic

this is vary true sir.
i am wondering if this is from your other problem from a few years back?
or something totally new.

Do you mean MS? 99% sure I've always had the autism thing. One doesn't generally 'gain' autism later.

:pinkiehappy: I'm going to make a fist and bump you two with it.

As for you David, that's nice to hear about for you. People online tell me I might have it, but honestly it's a question I really don't what answered. Especially because there isn't really a need for it for me personally.

A proper evaluation would let you know for sure one way or the other.

This is somehow menacing...

Don't worry, we all already knew.

Gasp. They know me! (single tear) My people...

Your people need you...

mainly for esoteric trivia that has no bearing or purpose in everyday life, just like knowing the field-strip procedure for a GM6 Lynx rifle that I will likely never be able to afford, or knowing that the Pontiac Solstice was designed to have the LS1 engine as an option before GM said no because they thought it would compete with the Corvette too much.

yes i was hinting at the MS .. i was not sure if that was common knowledge or not.
and you are correct it is not normally get autism latter in life.

My crude research implies people can get diagnosed later in life, but they don't get it later in life. I always had it.

Welcome to the club. We don't have meetings or bylaws because nobody can agree on any of them, but it's a fun club.

Tism gang rise up

You didn't know? I knew the whole time.

No? Was it that obvious?


Trick is to show you're not afraid to knock people around if they start acting out.

That does explain a fair bit. I had a tendency to throw hands at the drop of hat, needing to be physically restrained roughly once a month until halfway through high school. Most bullies don't pick on people who might actually fight back, and I guess it might have helped that I was 6' tall by the time I mellowed out.

I have a slight autism as well

Welcome to the club, or maybe you've been here a while?

To the site I have been a for a while and my parents already knew about my condition a long time ago so yeah I kind of knew about it for a long time

Were you rated as having autism, or showing traits of? Sorry, just curious.

Well my niece told me that I can still function a little bit better but I still have a slight autism like sometimes I don't interact with some people not much but still talk with them and sometimes I can be very awkward because they're sometimes I don't know what to say sometimes but I can still do stuff on my own I just need some people to explain to me how things works because I'm a little slow

Your niece? Did you get diagnosed?

Yeah when I was a kid which I guess they diagnosed me because I wasn't talking at all when I was 5 years old and yeah my niece is pretty smart she looked it up what kind of diagnos I have because at the time when I was a kid they didn't even know what that means about slight autism or my condition all I knew that I was a slow learning

Fair enough that. Getting a diagnosis was a journey itself. Glad I got it.

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