• Member Since 15th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 20th, 2012


I'm just a tomboy who loves MLP FiM and loves to write and draw awesome stuff! I SUPPORT THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC AND SOARIN'/DASH!!!

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Found 2 stories in 294ms

Total Words: 4,265
Estimated Reading: 17 minutes


It's just a normal, boring, cloudy day in the town of Ponyville. AJ is hanging out with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy is at the spa with Rarity, and Pinkie, once again, is annoying Twilight Sparkle. But when their Elements are put to the test, something extremely unexpected happens that could change Equestria forever. No, I didn't make make the cover art. Nianara or deviantart did! Go check it out!

Chapters (2)

When the New Lunar Republic and the Solar Empire go to war, many lives will be lost, and who will rise out of the ashes?
The Elements are forced to take sides and fight against each other for the fate of Equestria.

Please do not write hate comments, this is my first fic... Constructive criticism would be appreciated!

Chapters (3)