I'm sorry. · 3:36am Jan 20th, 2014
It appears that I've made a liar out of myself, I was late in posting my next chapter and I wish to say sorry to my few followers for such an act.
Some things have come up and I'll be slowing down, (not like I really started), and releasing half as much. Meanin that I promise a chapter three by next week.
Thank you for listening, and thank you for following. This was The Resident Maverick, signing off.
I only favorite stories with a well written concept and enjoyable story that results from that. Keep writing plz.
Funny you should ask, while I do know of star ocean, and my YouTube screen name is also Edge Maverick...
I actually came up with the name on my own when creating a persona for myself about four or five years ago now. What a hilarious coincidence. :)
Also, I never played the game because the ending was spoiled for me.
Its funny you started showing up on a ton of stories i have been reading and the first time i saw you i thought i screwed up and made a second account because on youtube Edge Maverick is my screen name that threw me off for a minute but let me ask did your name come from star ocean the last hope or just a random combination of names?
897078 lol ive only been 2 years
A TTGL fan? Um... I'de say about... 4-5 years now, around there. Wow, untill you just said it, I hadn't even realized it had been that long.