• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I like reading and writing sinister and macabre stories because I find them deeply cathartic. If you do, as well, then you're in the right place.


Ahriman Station · 4:32am Aug 23rd, 2022

I was feeling very bored and in the mood to experiment, so I fired up Inkscape and vectored Ahriman Station.

The source image is an SVG, so the exported images can be any size. I can zoom way in on these 80-meter Vigilance-class patrol boats and re-export it at any arbitrary DPI.

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Revanchism Art #06 · 9:08am Jul 1st, 2022

Another by 1Jaz. My favorite artist has fallen on hard times. He happens to be from Russia (like a lot of top-notch CG artists), and the very unfortunate situation in Ukraine has led to Paypal cutting off services to private citizens in Russia. He was recently able to start doing commissions again, though.


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Revanchism Art #05 · 4:52pm Oct 22nd, 2021

Your entire species is being genocided. Your long-lost boyfriend turned out to be a piece of shit. You've killed more people with your giant mech than the next ten ponies put together and have a permanent thousand-yard stare as a result. You've had your very soul cursed by an ancient Outer God. You're such a mess, you would damn near eat ass for a bottle of gin and a pack of smokes.

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Revanchism Art #04 · 10:04am Jan 8th, 2021

When Desert Storm first encountered Mardissa Granthis, she wasn't particularly friendly.

I commissioned 1Jaz for this one. His mechanical details are top-notch!


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Songs I listen to while writing and stuff · 6:20am Oct 5th, 2020

There are some tunes that have inspired me while writing Revanchism. Out of boredom, I figured I'd share my playlist.

GNO-SYS 2020 Playlist

This would also be a fairly good soundtrack for 2020, I'd say. It's just the right blend of hopeful and macabre.

Report GNO-SYS · 386 views · #music

Revanchism Soundtrack - Commodore Layer Cake · 5:29pm Jan 18th, 2020

This one's been on the back burner for quite some time, but since I've been on vacation the past couple weeks, I finally worked up the energy to finish it. As a bonus, you get to see what a Dragoon's armor actually looks like.

Credit goes to 1Jaz for the amazing art I commissioned from him! Absolutely stunning as always.

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Revanchism Soundtrack - Seneschal Arka-Povis · 6:25am Jan 11th, 2020

I do amateur composition stuff, so I figured, why not make a soundtrack for Revanchism?

I had this theme for the big baddies from my fanfic kicking around in my head, and I couldn't get it out of my damn noggin, so I had to load up my DAW and actually make it into a track.

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I’m a Patreon Subscriber now, yaaay! · 1:23pm Jul 14th, 2019

I’ve got to say, FIMFiction is a damn impressive site. I’ve fiddled around with setting up LAMP stacks and deploying PHP web apps and all sorts of things, and a site like this? The back-end code is the heart and soul. And what does FIMFiction offer to authors? A WYSIWYG editor that lets you seamlessly save work straight to the database at the touch of a button, like draft-saving in a forum, a blog system, a customizable user profile with tiles you can shift around, user groups with their own

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Pet Peeve #001 - On the matter of humming. · 5:51am Jul 8th, 2019

This might not be worthy of a blog. Okay, well, it might be. I just wanted everyone to know my displeasure with a certain... thing I've seen cropping up in people's writing.

Jason hummed. "Well, I guess things couldn't possibly get any worse."


"Hmm, well, I guess things couldn't possibly get any worse," Jason said.

Which one of those two sentences do you think flows better?

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Just how wealthy are they? · 8:36pm Jun 13th, 2019

Twilight Sparkle. You know her family’s got to be loaded. They live in Canterlot and are now officially a noble family, for crying out loud. She doesn’t live very opulently. Her castle is as threadbare as they come, she doesn’t wear fancy finery or jewelry or anything, but you just know that Twilight can pull a big honking sack of bits out of her derrière at any time, and if she couldn’t, you know Celestia would help her out. It’s weird.

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