• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I'm just here to write.


  • Registered: Dec 17th, 2011

Stories ( 24 )

Top Stories

  • TJust Dodge!
    Lyra thinks Discord is an idiot for not thinking to dodge when the Elements of Harmony were about to strike him. Discord thinks this is the perfect opportunity for a game.
    DannyJ · 9.3k words  ·  2,450  27 · 33k views
  • TRest in Chaos
    How would a being like Discord want to be remembered after he's gone? Well, if you're curious, he did actually write a will. To the surprise of nobody, its contents are bizarre and mildly disturbing.
    DannyJ · 1.5k words  ·  1,980  23 · 26k views
  • TWorld of Traitors
    Imprisoned in Tartarus once more, Tirek tries to rationalise what he did.
    DannyJ · 1k words  ·  205  3 · 4.7k views
  • TWhen Suddenly a Manticore...
    So what is the deal with all these humans who go to the Everfree Forest and fight manticores anyway? Well sit down, kids, and let grandpa tell you the whole story.
    DannyJ · 6.6k words  ·  354  9 · 5.2k views