• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Shadow of Death

Just some Fanfic fan that perpetually has his stories in the planning stages (I swear I'll start writing them some day, honest!).


The Bawdy Pegasus Farmhand - Parody Story · 1:12pm Apr 19th, 2016

AKA: The Lusty Pegasus Changeling

What do you get when you take The Elder Scroll's "The Lusty Argonian Maid" story and mash it together with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? If you guessed this little project, then well, yuuuupp!

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New Module - Audiobooks · 3:11pm Mar 9th, 2016

I've made a new module for my profile page, below the eBooks module. This new one as you might suspect, features Audiobooks. It was done in part to help Illya Leonov get his own started (if he does decide to do so), and part because I will, eventually, someday, have completed the reading I've started for A Voice Among the Strangers. I doubt I'll finish that this year. I barely started, and that was as of last

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No, I've Not Abandoned Ye Few Potential Readers - About S6 · 7:06pm Mar 5th, 2016

So, the first batch of Season Six will be airing this month, this is sooner than expected. Well, on one hand this is good news (MOAR PONIES, SOONER!), it might cause issues to arise in my existing story ideas.

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It has been over a month, WHERE IS IT? · 10:22am Sep 27th, 2015

Yeah, still coming. The flood of ideas is pretty much a trickle now, occasionally I get an idea for a scene or some minor thing but that's about it at this point. Honestly, I get more ideas for companion stories or whole new stories nowadays.

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Yep, I'm getting there! · 10:16pm Aug 14th, 2015

No, I haven't abandoned the story. I'm just starting to collate all the ideas into one place, then start chapter outlines. My ideas are spread between a text file, notebook, and note app on my phone. I need to consolidate and organize my ideas by chapter, fix inconsistencies and the like.

Again, I will mention that I am retconning Equestria Girls. Not because I hate it or anything, but because:

#1 - It will cause issues with my story, which I'd deal with except for...

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The pros and cons of show length and progress on the new story outline · 11:16am Jul 28th, 2015

Hello everypony (anypony is probably a better choice of word though XD)

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On Writing and eBook Production · 10:03pm Jul 25th, 2015

Well, I've gotten into reading Fanfics recently. I've read more in the last few months than my entire life previously.

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Oh noez, S3E13 Kinda Made my Fic redundant · 9:48pm Feb 19th, 2013

Oh well, although my Fanfic came first (if incomplete), the season finale for Season 3 kinda made my fic redundant, which is rather unfortunate really. Now I've got even less of a reason to finish it *sighs*

I'm even more doubtful I'll ever get around to it now.

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Ah, I should probably get on with the story... · 9:21pm Aug 1st, 2012

Well, I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but I've only had one night off periods since posting the first two and well, writing a chapter with "You have work tomorrow!" looming over my head makes me erm, lazy I guess.

I'll be going away from weekend to mid next-week. I rather doubt I'll write anything before then, since I have work Thursday and Friday. I DO have tonight off, but like I said...Single nights off...

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Well, I've started writing my first fanfic! · 12:52pm Jul 23rd, 2012

I've currently got three chapters up for my first fanfic ever, A Different Perspective, which is a body switching story.

Do try to be gentle about it. The only things I've written bore this were some short stories done for high school, which was years ago XD

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