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Found 5 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 224,608
Estimated Reading: 14 hours


For the longest time, Celestia had spent Hearth's Warming Eve the same way.


Well, at least until a certain purple filly comes along.

Chapters (1)

After several jumps go wrong, Anon lands himself, er, herself into another land of colorful equines. This time stuck for an entire year before being able to continue on her quest of returning home.

Question remains, will Anon want to?

Proofread and edited by PseudoBob Delightus and Discombobulated Soul

Starts shortly before season one. More character tags will be added as they become relevant.
Includes a grumpy former human.
Dark tag for flashbacks.
Violence tag for flashbacks, mentions of past violence and the second chapter and tenth chapter
Will there be cake?
Maybe includes cake.

Chapters (25)

Young Twilight Sparkle has an important question for her most important princess. Princess delivers and receives more then expected in turn.

Chapters (1)

The great Archotechs, bored with the machinations of the universe, found a new source of amusement.
Tossed into the lion's pit, Twilight Sparkle will have to put every lesson she learned to use. The Rimworlds are dangerous places, this even more so than the others. Can one clever pony survive unbroken in such a place? Thru the onslaught of the cruel game master Winston Waves?

Luckily, she isn't alone, and as they say:
Friendship is magic, even on the Rim.

* A MLP/Rimworld crossover
*Take's place just before episode 25 of season 2 (A Canterlot Wedding)
*Gore tag because it's rimworld and people lose limb's there like it's going out of style.
*Profanity because I have a potty mouth.
*Beware of hats.

Chapters (18)