• Member Since 17th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen January 3rd


Hey, it's Morgan. I do art and I'm sometimes not the sweetest. Just ghostin' this site as usual.

Blog Posts

  • 88 weeks
    I wanna be a whiny bitch😔😔😔😔

    Y'all🥺🥺🥺 I've been having suicidal thoughts lately, and I don't know why. 😔😔 Even my Google's catching on. It said "Suicide Prevention Hotline 988" when I was simply searching how many Midol it'd take till I died. 😳😳😳😳

    Comfort me in the comments please, or else I'll die🥺🥺😭

    3 comments · 210 views
  • 103 weeks
    Creepy Downvoters Date Me

    Creepy people who troll and downvote peoples' innocent comments... Please, I want you. Date me, I'd love to see if we have a dynamic or chemistry😩😩 People ignore your anonymous presence, But I don't want to. DM me, I have all the pics you want, I promise. You can have my lips, my heart, my love. And I'm poly, so if they're is more than one of you, I gotchu. 😳😩🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️✨✨

    2 comments · 218 views

I wanna be a whiny bitch😔😔😔😔 · 12:52am Nov 14th, 2022

Y'all🥺🥺🥺 I've been having suicidal thoughts lately, and I don't know why. 😔😔 Even my Google's catching on. It said "Suicide Prevention Hotline 988" when I was simply searching how many Midol it'd take till I died. 😳😳😳😳

Comfort me in the comments please, or else I'll die🥺🥺😭

Report PipPip · 210 views · #suicidal thoughts
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