THANK YOU. It has helped immeasurably.
"Mille Fleur... Gigantesco Mano, clutch, spank and STOMP!"
THANK YOU. It has helped immeasurably.
I'm in an impossible situation right now because my family, (me, my mom and my sister) who just spent all of our money to move 8 hours away to a new location must now move all the way back. Move, as in with a moving truck, boxes, and all of our furniture, too. I'm sorry to have to bother anybody with my problems, but this is an emergency. That's the short version.
I'm 21, same answer as last year and the year before that and the year before that, and so on.
I'm still considering writing the new chapter to EBIB and posting it today, but it'll probably be tomorrow. Thanks for reading thus far and thanks also for your patience.
[BTW What do you think of my new avatar?]
My brain doesn't smell Gucci anymore.
"Hey, you," Estee yapped. "You finally posted something new. You were trying to reach the Feature Box, right? Mewed right into the Popular Stories, same as us, and that plagiarist over there."
Art Inspired was cap.
So, I'm continuing it, and I posted a new chapter. I also posted a new story.
Y'all did this, not me.
I also posted this recently. Please be an absolute doll and be sure to give this one a read, too, when you can.
Thank all of you so much!
Been here just as long as I have. If you're able, consider sending support.