• Member Since 4th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


hi im sawyer and i do my little pony dubs for fun :D

Comments ( 29 )
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Thanks for Favoriting Discord's Rules! :yay:

Comment posted by brittanypegasister2008 deleted Jun 10th, 2023

And a pleasant: Fancy seeing you here!

Ah, waiting for more...
*thunder cracks in the skies above*

Well I'd better write some more of what could sometimes be called jokes then.

*Stealth teleports awaaaay*

(Thanks for the favourite)

Ty for the fave!

Oh wow, thanks for Favoriting Angel Bunny, The Sad Demon, too! I'm glad you enjoyed some of my earlier work. :yay:

Thanks for Favoriting King Sombra Hates Kinderquestria! :trollestia:


Adorable walking dictionary! Lol!

Giant God bless ma’am! God loves you, now and forever.

Thanks for the watch and the fave! :pinkiehappy:


h m m m... maybe Sweetie Belle. Because she’s an adorable walking dictionary. :trollestia:

Thanks for guessing my mini quiz hidden in the story, and I can’t even imagine Spitfire with a triangle nose, or an F- shaped Misty Fly. Or Soarin in a white skirt and having a long neck. (Maybe holding a pink cellphone)

Edit: what if Ferb fell in love with one of the CMCs? If so, which one and why?

Thank you for the favorite on Your Faithful Disciple.

Thank you for the faves :yay:

  • Viewing 15 - 29 of 29
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