• Member Since 7th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2023


Hello, Leon Davies here, also known as TheLeondude or just Leondude. Animator, voice actor, writer, autistic British egomaniac, Dark Lord of the Sith etc.


Made in commemoration for Star Wars: The Clone Wars... · 10:53pm Feb 21st, 2020

I give you Separatist Fortress:

Don't ask me about the white line and watermark. You'd have to pay to get rid of the watermark and the white line is just how my laptop processes Source FilmMaker.

If season 7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars didn't start today, I will be very annoyed.


A lovely announcement · 12:04am Feb 14th, 2020

And no, it's not because I found a Valentine's date or anything because I am still single but not ready to mingle. No, I'm on about this:

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January progress report · 7:24pm Feb 3rd, 2020

As you already know, my New Year's resolution was to get my arse in gear. And what better way of doing that by making a work schedule for myself? So today, I have decided to analyze how much progress I have managed to do last month. So, without further ado...

TAWOTA - Completed one test animation

SBDKG! - Completed one page

Source FilmMaker projects - some progress on the FPSET adaptation but may need to put it on hold to work on Separatist Fortress

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Report Leondude · 93 views ·

Captain Goodking anniversary · 12:13am Jan 13th, 2020

Because why not? It's the first story (or rather stories) I made on this site.

And yes, Goodking's costume is inspired by Booster Gold.


FiMFiction account anniversary · 12:08am Jan 7th, 2020

As Jesus once said to his disciples, what is up, my followers? Actually, I don’t think he ever said that but he would have probably said something like that if they were to have a friendly get together or something like that. Anyway, there are two decisions in my life that have improved it substantially. Number one is, and I severely doubt God appreciates this one, using Source FilmMaker to act out certain fantasies of mine (and if any of you have read Psychic Simian Insanity, you know exactly

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New Year's Resolution: Get my arse in gear · 12:17am Jan 1st, 2020

For the record, as of this writing, I haven't had a drink (probably won't today) and therefore completely sober. Somebody shoot me.


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Christmas gifts for my followers · 12:08am Dec 25th, 2019

Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas! Though, do you wanna know what I don’t get? I don’t get why people say Santa Claus is real even though he apparently isn’t. Some say it’s to preserve the magic of childhood but, in all fairness, I think that’s bullshit. If you want to keep that magic, why not continue telling them until they die of old age (or any other causes of death)? One would argue it’s to make sure kids are well-behaved but, since lying is a sin, that is incredibly hypocritical on the part of

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Hey, it's my birthday! · 1:04pm Nov 25th, 2019

And I ain't gonna pick up the phone,
Hey, it's my birthday
Y'all should just leave me alone
It's my birthday
It's my birthday
I ain't picking up the phone on my birthday, hey
It's my birthday
It's my birthday,
I ain't picking up the phone on my birthday today

(realizes he's using a phone to type this)

Oh. Never mind. :twilightsmile:


MLP: An AI-Written Odyssey · 2:14pm Nov 22nd, 2019

As you probably noticed, the story got revoked (which is a shame because it was doing so well in spite of the barely coherent insanity). But for those that liked the story and want to read it as many times as you like, here it is in blog form:

It was another day in Equestria when Twilight Sparkle was still having an awful time with the fact that Rainbow Dash was not in Ponyville with her.

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KEYBLADE! · 4:53pm Oct 31st, 2019

NOTE: Feel free to listen to this for atmospheric purposes:

Now that I have your attention, I do believe I have a dilemma on my hands. It all started when I met this guy:

Then a chain of events happened like this:

And now, I look like this:

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