• Member Since 17th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Sunday


Constantly distracted by shenanigans. Empowered by comments/messages. Exists as something between utter trash and the alicorn of comedy.


Quick question · 4:57pm Mar 24th, 2019

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been taking so long on updates (it was a long week at work and I needed sleep) but now... it's finally time for the Trade exchange arc in potion shop. Given the length of the story so far, it's time to consider marking it complete and starting a direct sequel/continuation so the original doesn't seem too long for new readers.

Thoughts? Should I keep potion shop as one long story, or should I just continue in (working title) Potions, Inc.?

Report Ashfur · 257 views ·

Sorry I'm taking so long! · 6:30am Mar 6th, 2019

Tl;Dr: New chapter for Half Past Ten on Thursday, amd then every other day until it's finished if I can. Please be patient!

Uh... okay, I'll just come out and say it.


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The commission that isn't a commission · 10:37pm Mar 1st, 2019

Hey! Guess what.

I'm bored out of my skull! And I refuse to have that.

So, because I feel the need to flex my writing muscles, who wants to give me an idea and have me write it for the low, low price of free? I may refuse, particularly as I am not really skilled in... mature work, but that's how it is. Gimmie ideas!


BIG changes, and a celebration · 6:17am Feb 21st, 2019

100. One hundred of you crazies are following me right now in a totally non-creepy fashion. Actually, as I write this, 112. Don't you all have anything better to do? Better stories by better authors to read?

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A decision for you to make · 8:03pm Feb 6th, 2019

Hey readers! Guess what? No, nothing bad. I just want your opinions!

So, Nick got turned into a pony. And it seems more people like 'Nickel Ingot' than I expected. So, instead of just ending the prank, I think I ought to leave the conclusion of it up to you all, sonce my editors amd I can't agree.

Option 1: Potion wears off as normal, but Nick gets an unlimited supply for later use.

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Report Ashfur · 426 views · #Question

Signal boost: Rally the troops · 1:12am Feb 3rd, 2019

Hey, everyone! If you don't live under a dang rock on this site, you more likely than not have heard of An Intricate Disguise and what he's been going through lately. If you haven't, you can read it Here and an update on the situation

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Used the old flash pony maker to create Arca and friends! · 3:29pm Jan 30th, 2019

It's exactly what it sounds like. I was bored, so I booted up the old flash pony creator to bring Arcane and company to life! It's not like I can afford to commission every single character.

So, I shoved them all in a google drive, but since fimfic doesn't like it when I use pictures (still not sure why I can't embed photos), we'll do this with links.

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Ask the characters · 4:30pm Jan 28th, 2019

"Hey, the writer's bored at work again! Lets break the fouth wall, Nick! Non-canonically, of course."
"Sounds like a plan, Arca! If any of you have any questions you want to ask us, or any of the story characters Ashfur writes, please, feel free! He's bored and could use the company."


If I were to write this as a story, would you read it? · 6:20pm Jan 27th, 2019

A human saves Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker when they possess Tia & Luna and their plans backfire. As a result, both are in love with him. But then the sisters regain control and go back to their lives none the wiser. It ends up a Jekyl and Hyde style scenario, and to make things worse?
Celestia is already Married, and Luna hates him for some past faux pas.

Report Ashfur · 334 views · #Story idea

Have I mentioned I love you guys? · 8:42pm Jan 17th, 2019

Because I do. I don't think I could ask for a more active and supportive fanbase. You chat with me in the comments, a few of you have messages me, I got recognized on the fimfic discord, you give me ideas, and I was floored when you all legitimately started theorizing on The Potion Shop! (Some of you are right, btw. Not saying who, or what theory, but I've seen predictions of things even my editor doesn't know yet.) I never even dreamed my stories would reach this point!

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