• Member Since 12th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen July 7th

chris the cynic

Someone who doesn't know how to describe herself, is always struggling with debilitating depression, and won't stop hanging onto the hope that happy endings are possible.


I have attempted to place canonical Equestrian history in chronological order. · 6:33pm Sep 18th, 2019

This is not the order I think things should go in. It's the order, to the best of my ability to determine it, that things must go in (regardless of whether or not I like it.) It functions on simple pairwise determinations of the form "Ok, X needs to have happened before Y."

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The state of CHS and such in No longer Necessary · 7:33pm Sep 13th, 2019

The technical term for the viewpoint used in No longer Necessary is "third person limited" of the "deep" sort. How you combine those words depends on precisely whose version of the terminology you're using. I first encountered the term as "third person limited, deep penetration" but I have feeling that would get some puerile giggles, others call it "deep third person limited", or even "third person deep" without the

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Things are going better . . . and worse. But mostly better. · 11:04pm Sep 4th, 2019

Given that the entire time I've been here I've been in a massive depressive slump that's been killing my creativity, anyone can be forgiven for not picking up on this, but here's the thing: I tend to write novel length things. Well, I tend to try to write novel length things, and then something sets off my depression, the bottom drops out from under me, and all is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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Where I think the other Sunset Shimmer is, the short version. · 7:12pm Apr 12th, 2019

Anyone who tried to read through my previous post on the topic likely noticed what an absolute mess it was. At the time I wasn't in the sort of mental state that allowed for either the control to not go all over the place, or the editing needed to turn an "all over the place" result into something that was readable.

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If there's only one Sunset Shimmer, this is why I think that is (Also: if there are two, where I think the other is) · 4:06pm Feb 7th, 2019

This isn't my preferred answer to the question "Where is the other Sunset Shimmer?" but it has the virtue of being straightforward and working with what we know about how the worlds do and don't parallel each other.

Unnecessary Deep Background:

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Regularly Scheduled "I'm not dead yet" Announcement · 11:25pm Jan 12th, 2019

Astute readers will note that there is no schedule, regular or otherwise.

My depression has been super duper extra bad for six to eight months. Or is it seven to nine months? That shows when it comes to updates. On the plus side, calling something as serious as debilitating depression "super duper" anything makes things feel a bit lighter.

So, let's take a moment to talk about some things.

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I'm still alive and so are my stories · 6:34pm Aug 11th, 2018

I felt like checking in even though there's not actually anything new to say. Here goes:

The most common question I get asked these days is whether or not this or that fic is dead. No. Nope, it's not. That, however, isn't quite as good news as it might at first seem to be.

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If you write, you probably write depressed characters without even realizing it. Please think about that. · 4:06am Jul 17th, 2018

Because everyone wanted another post about mental illness.

I don't really want to turn into that person, but it's been a long year and a half (well, year and five months, to the day) and a long [unknown period greater than half my life] before that, so let's do this.

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On the lack of updates, and on depression, and on hopelessness, and on all that · 10:56pm Jun 24th, 2018

[This will be extremely long and rambling.]
[You have been warned.]
[Oh, also: profanity]

It would be nice to believe that the reason that I care about the treatment of people with mental illness is because I'm a good person with a big heart and . . . so forth. I'd like to it's something like that instead of something inherently selfish. But there is a potential reason that's inherently selfish.

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More on mental illness and "Forgotten Friendship" · 9:39pm Mar 18th, 2018

First off, I've been having technical problems. Sorry for all resultant delays. (They are still ongoing.)

Second, some people thought that I was unfair in my characterization of the human six in Forgotten Friendship vis-à-vis their treatment of Sunset after forgetting pretty much everything she'd done of note since the end of the first movie. Not all of that conversation took right here and in public, so some people might be wondering what in Tartarus I'm talking about.

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