• Member Since 12th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen July 7th

chris the cynic

Someone who doesn't know how to describe herself, is always struggling with debilitating depression, and won't stop hanging onto the hope that happy endings are possible.


On "Forgotten Friendship" · 1:34am Feb 20th, 2018

It's been too long with the most recent message being notice of my concussion. Especially given that I've recovered. (Less quickly than I would have liked, but it's over now.)

That said, this is basically just one of those, "I needed to get all this crap out of my head," rants.

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I gave myself another concussion. · 3:01pm Dec 19th, 2017

What happened:

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First FIM stuff at my Patreon, which exists · 1:30am Dec 14th, 2017

So when I made a Patreon account I promised that I'd give access to things that weren't ready to be posted elsewhere or might never be posted elsewhere and, at any rate, things that would appear there before the rest of the world.

The post itself is easy to point you to, the explanation is more difficult. The post.

So, here's the deal:

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Thoughts about the future · 11:33pm Oct 27th, 2017

I have at least another chapter before I get to the first scene I wrote for the story, but part of my mind is on the ending and as I examine the tangled mass of changed causality that A New Path Forward follows it becomes more and more clear that it's eventually going to end up in a place where I'll probably need synonyms for "apocalypse"*, and I don't mean that in the original revelationesque sense of the word.

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Just an update about . . . stuff · 12:19am Oct 1st, 2017

The pace at which people update here is just . . . I can't even. When someone writes a whole story before releasing a single chapter then, sure, I can see how that story would go up quickly. But when someone's posting as they go, pausing to proofread and such, even at my best I'd never be making content at the speeds I've been seeing.

I'm not at my best.

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The shape of things to come · 4:38pm Aug 22nd, 2017

So, here's the deal: my mind tends to shoot in hundreds of directions at once and sometimes, just sometimes, that allows me to create a story. It usually means that I update slowly because at any given time I have a dozen projects going on.

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