• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Non-Pony Content Anyone? · 3:21pm Oct 17th, 2021

Ok, so I finally got around to posting some of my non-pony stuff.

"B...but Leech," someone doubtlessly mutters, "does this mean you're going to stop writing pony?"

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About that G5 thing... · 11:33pm Oct 2nd, 2021

I ain't here to stir the pot or start controversy, but I wanted to give my two cents on the G5 movie.
Y'all may not know it, but I'm a veteran of the long war pony game since G1. Trust me, I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, so I figured I'd give my hot take on the newest iteration of pastel equines.

The G5 movie exceeded my expectations, introduced a number of interesting characters, and was a fun, entertaining movie.

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Commission info and random-ass bullshit · 11:09pm Jul 10th, 2021

Ok, so, since I've never really made any sort of public acknowledgement about comms, lemme put a bit of the info here

I work a 40+ hr a week job, so commissions are just a lucrative hobby for me - that said, here are the details (as of 07/21)

$20 per 1k words
Max of 5-6k words per commission (you can comm individual chapters of a larger story, but I won't do them all at once)
Once a deal has been struck, I have 1 month to finish the commission

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Report Some Leech · 1,216 views ·

Just a quick thing · 8:42pm Jul 3rd, 2021

To preempt any speculation about the description I put on today's story, I'm not going anywhere.

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Lemme ask y'all something... · 11:19pm Jun 26th, 2021

So I figured I'd get some feedback from all y'all

I know I write all sorts of dubious content, being at differing levels of contentiousness, but I wanted to get some feedback from you lot.
So, with that in mind, I wanna ask two questions:

1) What kinda stuff do y'all like to see from me? Fetishes, characters, situations, tonal stuff, you name it

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Report Some Leech · 1,171 views ·

The MEATY Post ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) · 9:30pm Jun 12th, 2021

Alright, first thing's first, this might include some ramblings and life experience shit. If you wanna read it, cool, I hope you learn from a few mistakes I've made and maybe save yourself some trouble - if not, it's no skin off my back.

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Q and A stuff from the last big post · 6:52pm Jun 12th, 2021

Ok, so, let's start off with some of the questions y'all hit me with

> How can I become immortal?
Damned if I know. Not to get existential, but I view the end of the road as the last and biggest adventure any of us can take - granted, I have no fucking idea what happens after you kick the bucket, but it should be interesting!

> Insert various questions about my writing technique here

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Report Some Leech · 497 views ·

Real Quick Thing · 12:10am Jun 12th, 2021

Ok, so, I just wanted to promote something real quick. (Yes, I'm still planning to make a meaty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) blog post tomorrow - keep your pants on)

So I wrote two stories for the Five-Legged Mares art pack.
If you like feral futa stuff, this would be the pack for you.

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Something a Little Different · 10:00pm Jun 5th, 2021

This afternoon, while I was chipping away on my newest testament to depravity, I had a thought. So I've been doing this writing thing for a hot minute, cranking out a story a week for years now, but I've never really did much blogging - as such, I figured I'd change that by getting input from y'all - bearing that in mind, I had two questions:

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Just a Friendly Reminder · 9:50pm May 22nd, 2021

I know 2020 was a rough year for damn near everyone, and 2021 ain't shaping up to be that much better, but I wanted to tell you all something - hang in there, it'll be ok.

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