• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2020


A broke(n) artist and writer.


Extremely Important Announcement... · 2:50pm Dec 31st, 2019

I'm just going to keep this as simple as possible. After January 2nd, I will be on an indefinite hiatus to deal with some personal demons. I'm not sure exactly how long this will last but rest assured, I do plan to be back whenever I'm done.

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Coming Soon... · 10:42am Dec 4th, 2019

For those wondering, I'm still here and I'm still writing stories. Just with work, art commissions, and the holiday season, the stories have slowed to a crawl. But fear not, Saturday will be the release of the next chapter of Home For The Holidays. So get ready for more magical baby hijinks later this week.

Report pabrony · 607 views ·

Kinda Strange... · 9:44pm Nov 23rd, 2019

Tonight at midnight EST, I'll be on twitch streaming Life Is Strange. I'll be doing a "Max Is A B*tch" stream, which is all the choices that make Max seem like an ass. Check it out at www.twitch.tv/pabrony83


Dear Google... · 12:49am Nov 4th, 2019

When placing random ads before videos on YouTube, please keep in mind that an ad is NOT five minutes long. An ad is normally fifteen seconds to two minutes at the most.

Thank you.

Report pabrony · 635 views · #Rant

Oh, Yeah... · 2:57pm Nov 2nd, 2019

I also forgot to mention in my last post that the newest installment of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles is now up and ready for the viewing. Enjoy.

THome For The Holidays
Sunset and Twi head to Equestria with the twins.
pabrony · 4.9k words  ·  45  4 · 1.8k views
Report pabrony · 331 views ·

It's Short... · 2:11pm Nov 2nd, 2019

...but it counts. Cause And Distress finally has gotten an update after nearly a year and a half. Hopefully, y'all will enjoy it.

ECause And Distress
What happens when the stress of being Celestia's student finally catches up with Twilight?
pabrony · 5.4k words  ·  33  5 · 1.2k views

In other news, the reason I've not been blogging and/or posting stories/updates as much recently is that I've been busy with doing artwork. If y'all are interested, here's a few samples of what I've done.

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Report pabrony · 241 views · #Update #shameless plug

Yes... · 4:48am Oct 19th, 2019

...I'm still around. I've just been busy doing drawings on Adobe Photoshop Sketch.

But in case anypony is wondering what's next from me here on fimfiction, I'm working on an update for Cause And Distress. Yes, I remembered that that story still exists and I'm planning to add to it. So keep your eyes peeled.

Report pabrony · 192 views ·

Everypony Probably... · 2:22pm Sep 28th, 2019

...has seen this:

...on YouTube or Discovery Family.

So my question is, what's everypony's plans for that night? Party with friends, chill with family or maybe something else?

Me personally, I'll be ordering pizza and making popcorn with the wife and kids and watching it on tv.



HELP!!! · 5:15pm Sep 27th, 2019

Well, kinda. Anyone who is a member of the group, Art For Fanfiction, has probably seen this:

One of the comments said:

P.S. a part of me now wants to see the 5 other mane 6

To which I replied, "challenge accepted".

With that said, I'm wondering which military branch would be the best fit for each of the other Mane 7

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Report pabrony · 335 views ·

Yet Another... · 2:42pm Sep 27th, 2019

...update on how I'm doing. Y'all are probably getting tired of me posting about my old, broken down, decrepit body so unless something changes this will be my last update on my physical wellbeing.

For those unfamiliar with what I'm talking about, check out this blog here.

Anywho...my wrist is still bugging me slightly but I think the repetitive motions at work have something to do with that.

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Report pabrony · 188 views ·